OBE & Parallel Worlds, Multiple Universes

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Hi,  I just realised I've been reading (and trying to project) about Astral Projection for like 20 years now.

In that time I'VE NEVER EVER seen anything in relation to Parallel Worlds and Astral/OBE.

Can anyone feedback, and point to some material please?  This is suddenly a weird, how it's never mentioned.

Am I correct in assuming it's never been discussed and multiple world travel is impossible?  and we can only travel in this universe? - albiet in any time in it, but just this universe?

I'd be really quite exciting to read about anything where about Parallel worlds is discussed in real experiences or in relation to Astral/OBE Travel.

Naturally, there are parallel worlds -and we live in a multi-dimentional universe, so please assume I subscribe to that, rather than 'It's not real' so how can it be in the Astral and dismiss this.


The only thing I think I can refer you to is from Robert Monroe's first book. There were several times where he claims he went into a world that was very similar to ours, yet had a uniqueness to itself, like the way they traveled and dressed, etc. He found "himself" there and entered "his" body. It's been a long time since I've read it, but it seems I remember him screwing up his "other" life there because he didn't understand that reality.

It could have been an "F2" experience fabricated by his subconscious.

Old Dood

I believe there is parallel worlds.  I believe the 'Time-Line' has been altered/distorted. 

WE caused it with our 'Back-Engineering' experiments.

The Montauk Project: http://www.crystalinks.com/montauk.html

The Philadelphia Experiment: http://www.crystalinks.com/phila.html

The Elegant Universe: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Elegant_Universe

Parallel Universes: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parallel_Universes_%28documentary%29

This is just a few...use your search engine and read.
Time will Tell...


Quote from: Stookie on November 29, 2007, 15:12:38
The only thing I think I can refer you to is from Robert Monroe's first book. There were several times where he claims he went into a world that was very similar to ours, yet had a uniqueness to itself, like the way they traveled and dressed, etc. He found "himself" there and entered "his" body. It's been a long time since I've read it, but it seems I remember him screwing up his "other" life there because he didn't understand that reality.

It could have been an "F2" experience fabricated by his subconscious.

Wow, that sounds really interesting and cool. I'm actually in the middle of reading his first book right now.
Twin Flame Harmonics Ascension Aid



Quote from: Stookie on November 29, 2007, 15:12:38
The only thing I think I can refer you to is from Robert Monroe's first book. There were several times where he claims he went into a world that was very similar to ours, yet had a uniqueness to itself, like the way they traveled and dressed, etc. He found "himself" there and entered "his" body. It's been a long time since I've read it, but it seems I remember him screwing up his "other" life there because he didn't understand that reality.

It could have been an "F2" experience fabricated by his subconscious.

wow, that's incredible that Monroe was aware of multiple universes!

Does anyone have the page numbers from his books?  (I have pdf versions)


Keep in mind that he may not have actually experienced an actual parallel reality. He perceived it to be as such, but it could have been a subconscious creation he took to be real. It was part of his earlier explorations, and he never really brought it up again, so I doubt it's too important. It's the less-than-physical realities he seemed to gravitate towards later on.

I'd give you page numbers but it's been so long and I don't own the book.


My Research has shown the 'seth' material is all about parallel view of reality. It's nice to actually read it's all true.
Every thought spawns a whole new universe etc..!

This has been a truly amazing find for me - has anyone any feedback on the seth material and obe in context of parallel worlds?

Old Dood

Quote from: Magickist on December 01, 2007, 23:03:39
Wow, that sounds really interesting and cool. I'm actually in the middle of reading his first book right now.
You might want to 'follow up' with reading Bruce Moen's books after reading Bob Monroe's.
They are very enlightening as well. He know Robert Monroe while he was here and after he passed on.

Very interesting stuff. I am reading those right now myself. Got them for Christmas...

Here is his Forum: http://www.afterlife-knowledge.com/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.cgi
Named: The 'Conversation Board'.
Time will Tell...


A couple of thoughts about parallel or alternate universes.

They are most commonly experienced by people who go out of their physical bodies during a Near Death Experience. Usually what happens is that some sort of spirit guide gives them an option of whether to return to their physical bodies (and live) or remain in the superphysical realm (and die). This choice will be accompanied by a vision of the person's funeral. This is the parallel/alternate universe where the person experiences what the effects of his/her death will have on their family and friends.
(btw Obviously the person chooses to return and live or otherwise the story would never be told.)

Also Whitley Streiber recently appeared on coast to coast radio with Art Bell and related a fascinating account of travelling to several parallel universes, all in one night. His story can be found on his website
www.unknowncountry.com    (Look for his diary link on the homepage.)



Quote from: Greytraveller on January 09, 2008, 23:16:19
A couple of thoughts about parallel or alternate universes.

They are most commonly experienced by people who go out of their physical bodies during a Near Death Experience. Usually what happens is that some sort of spirit guide gives them an option of whether to return to their physical bodies (and live) or remain in the superphysical realm (and die). This choice will be accompanied by a vision of the person's funeral. This is the parallel/alternate universe where the person experiences what the effects of his/her death will have on their family and friends.
(btw Obviously the person chooses to return and live or otherwise the story would never be told.)

Also Whitley Streiber recently appeared on coast to coast radio with Art Bell and related a fascinating account of travelling to several parallel universes, all in one night. His story can be found on his website
www.unknowncountry.com    (Look for his diary link on the homepage.)


mmm.... talks about  a person he met he calls 'Master of the Key'  which to me sounds like an Elias or Seth type person. - only elias and seth channelled through other people in a trance.

Can anyone expand on this 'master of the key' guy streiber met?


Has anybody else on here heard of the idea that there are many universes and there is suppose to be a copy of us in each one?Also has anybody else heard the idea that our soul is split up among ourself and all our other self's in all the other universes?


Quote from: zorgblar on January 29, 2008, 12:51:14
Has anybody else on here heard of the idea that there are many universes and there is suppose to be a copy of us in each one?Also has anybody else heard the idea that our soul is split up among ourself and all our other self's in all the other universes?

I find that the be true...as so is everything said on this topic. Anything we suggest on this topic of parallel world or alternate universe is most definitely true, thats the beautiful thing about it. At the same time it's all just an illusion, that one day we will have a better understanding of (if you crave it).

Let me try to paint a big picture of how big all the those universes might be, even though it might seem small to others. Imagine everything thing you do like; make a right hand turn on the street or left , or catch a red light instead of going through the yellow. There is a separate world of each of the following but then comes the option of choice (this is something I think might create more parallel worlds). There probably a world where everything happens exactly the same for billions of years on earth, until your moment of choice. Maybe? and even then there are probably worlds we're we just say one word different then the other and somehow alternates our future realities. Probably even more worlds after that..after all it's either you believe in the infinite or the limitations. but it can't hurt to believe in both, or else how would we learn or spiritually progress? I guess thats why were here on earth...I mean how deep does infinite go? is it like love? I think loves infinite..I am fully sure about that, even though I never really felt it strongly in this life. But i believe one day i will..


Many theoretical physicists expouse the idea of alternate or parallel universes. The idea was first proposed by Hugh Everett in 1957. Everett was a quantum physicist trying to tackle (simplify) the vast complexities created by the dual wave-particle nature of sub-atomic particles, like photons. Everett thought that the inability of scientists to simultaneously measure photons and other quantum particles as both an energy wave AND a partivle of matter could be solved be having the subatomic particles co-exist in an alternate/parallel universe. Then it would be possible to measure both particle mass and wave energy at the same time.

However, Everett was far from a metaphysical thinker (he ended up working on nuclear weapons) and most of the theoretical work on parallel universes has been done by the scientists who followed him. The theoretical work that has been done is quite varied and complex. There is too much of it to try to summarize it in this post. However, Stephen Hawking was one of the first people to popularize the idea in his book, "A Brief History of Time". Other scientists like Kerr and Davis have expanded the idea and some have even diagrammed theoretical stargates (Kerr tunnels or Einstein-Rosen bridges) between this universe and parallel universes.

btw to my knowledge not All parallel universes Must have a copy of each of us in them. In fact it could be possible that many parallel universes do not even have an Earth. The varieties are nearly endless.

Personally I buy into the Parallel Universe theory, but only so far. Like all things based on physics (Newtonian or quantum) there are probably certain limitations that must be observed. Of course, at present, nobody knows what those limits are.

Grey 8-)
grey :?
GREY :-o
grEY :roll:


Hi BNofG...

Quote from: BillionNamesofGod on January 07, 2008, 21:12:56
This has been a truly amazing find for me - has anyone any feedback on the seth material and obe in context of parallel worlds?

Ok here's some feedback, just for fun:

I think a good way to grasp the subject of parallel worlds and such (since it's such a tremendous jump from conventional think anyway) is to just go ahead and assume that you and I are Gods - creators of worlds and universes... literally.

And from there, if you can think it, you can create it.

And this is because ultimately it's that simple to create anything and everything.  Just "considered it is so" and it is.

So by the very fact that you have considered the possibility of parallel worlds - you got 'em!  You could assume that on some level you have created them.

Now, can you experience them from this consciousness that you currently consider yourself to be?

Well that's where oobes can help in a big way (I know you know that, I'm just saying...)

So, anyway, you have the opportunity to merge with other selves in parallel or alternate realities, when you shift or phase into other aspects of Self in other dimensions and planes of existence.

On several occasions while out of body or phased into other worlds, I have noticed that I must be merged with another self that's been living there as a "local" of that realty system.  I could tell form various little experiments I've done on this subject.

Like one time I am talking to a girlfriend, and she's asking me if I love her.  "Well of course I love you... and I want to marry you and have children with you."  It just sort of came out my mouth as I am sitting there on sofa with this pretty little thing in some other world, I know not where.  And I was actually saying what I felt at the time.  But at the same time I was aware that i was "out of body" with a primary focus in this physical plane.

On a couple of occasions while in other planes of existence, it occurred to me wonder if I had a "past" there, and memory of it.  So I considered what I did "yesterday", or some in it's past.  And on more than one occasion I remember my "other world" past.

Once I was apparently coming "home" to visit a sweetheart and her family, in a parallel or alternate reality of earth circa turn of the millennium.  She lived in a devastated area of the southwest with her family who owned an outpost there.  At first, though I seemed to recognize everyone I didn't really know who they were.  And then this pretty girl comes over to me and wraps her arms around me and kisses me in front of mom and dad.  Then we go off by ourselves away from the canteen they own and we start talking intimately.  And I swear, I started wondering if THAT place was my primary focus, or if not, should it be.  But definitely, this appeared to be a very real alternate United States, circa 2000. 

Anyway from my experiences I'd go with the parallel or alternate realities definitely do exist.  And when I experience them first hand, what's happening (I suppose) is that I am merging with an other aspect of Self, a ME that's living there "full time" as it were, like I am living here "full time" with the occasional excursion into parallel or alternate realities.... as feedback goes  :-)

I enjoyed "Seth Speaks" a lot (when I read it in 1984).  Then in 1987 I read Monroe's 3 books.  Then also in 1987 starting having oobes (using Monroe's techniques and stuff) - at first anyway).  I tried lots of different techniques and stuff since then and have had some doozies.

Zeitgeist! - Shocking, disturbing, but oh so enlightening!  (Zeit like height - Geist like heist) ...with many meanings, think Spirit of the Times.


Quote from: Lucky on February 16, 2008, 17:17:22

I think a good way to grasp the subject of parallel worlds and such (since it's such a tremendous jump from conventional think anyway) is to just go ahead and assume that you and I are Gods - creators of worlds and universes... literally.

There are some people who believe in this idea and some who don't.But i am one of the people who don't.Sorry.


I used to think of it Lucky's way without believing that we were gods.  Just as living, conscious beings, whatever we imagined had to have been sent into the cosmos and created somewhere. It was a result of us being awakened.

Later on, though, I came to realize that there's either something higher about humanity, or we deceive ourselves frequently, and at the moment, it's a toss-up between the two, in my mind.
The end is nigh: 12/21/2012

11:11: What's it mean to you?

"When you look into the Abyss, the Abyss looks into you." -Nietzsche


Down with the clown 'till I'm dead in the ground.

Feeling eternal, all this pain is an illusion.