Mysticweb Astral course ?

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Hey DOA.

As per my experience when one part of you is split the whole of you is, whether it feels like it or not. I suggest moving like he said, knowing that you are moving nonphysically.

Please post on the Group Effort thread. You can get the same or more feedback, and it will strenghten the group effort which means it will multiply what we each experience and can do individually.

Take care. [:)]


Where is this group effort thread?
And when it comes to feeling only some parts have loosened, there are several persons who has experienced this. People explain how a part is "stuck", mostly the head regian. They have to "rip" it out of the physical. However this does not sound like the thing you are experiencing.
I have a similar thing, as only my finger raises(feels like the physical counterpart, and I can feel it slam back down again). Just today both my legs raised, and every now and then, my body seemed to be taking all sorts of strange positions(like being in a mixmaster I guess[:)]) I did not get a chance to get out, because my dog came bursting into my bed(he really does not want me to leave[;)])


"The journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step."- Lao Tzu


in the question and answer area and in several other spots he mentions trying to get up slowing you may have already split.  On several occasions I have had the distinct feeling that my feet are floating.  Now in his view I have already split but above my legs I feel perfectly normal.  I mean no vibrations nothing.  Can you have your legs out in astral and your head in physcial?  I mean can parts of you split while parts of you dont?  Or does the split occur you are just not aware of it?  
I know I will definatly try to slowly get up next time I feel apart of me has split...