A few questions for experienced projectors (only).

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When I first got out, control over direction was quite limited, I used physical motions such as flaping arms, instead of will, they where quite short, though they felt they where, it takes long time till you start mastering it.


Each time I got out, I would almost immediately "travel" through the 'void" to some other places.  I never saw myself in my bedroom.
If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?


Hi All,
My first time was when I was 7.  Thoughts were the medium to movement, I thought it and I moved there.  My movements were relaxed as if I knew somehow that I'd done it a million times.  The duration was about 10 minutes and it took place in the RTZ,  while being called by my primary Guide.  I even checked out the other members of family and my own body.

The next experience was at 17 with a Teacher, and like Nagual I went to wherever I needed to be.  It stayed this way until I was 38, when I started practicing every night again.  I played around and explored many places while going to someplace I had to.  All movement was by thought.  Although it is not like we make ourselves think what we want to do...it is more like a sponsoring idea flashes through and I do it.  In the past 6 years I journeyed to many places in many realms,  experimented with Universe boundaries and more.

There is nothing you cannot do if you are open, without pre-conceived ideas about anything and ready to have awe while being aware.   You will gain control of your movements and speed as you experience further.

Just remember, have some fun with it too.

Love Always.[:)]


Funny thing is, my first experience I had been dragged out into 5D [xx(]Didn't like that much. I had little control over movement. I (out of complete desperation mind you) learned to "phase" or "teleport" at that time.

First practiced experience was a bit different, I had to either "fly" with my thoughts or "phase" to places to get anywhere. I felt limited yet free, and that sensation is very hard to describe. I explored longer than I should, and forgot a lot of that first journey.


my first time i was in my room floating above myself but it was all dark and i couldnt see anything but i could "feel" where everything was..its kinda hard to explain in words. i tried to move out of my room but i felt a resistance and i used up all my energy fighting it and got pulled back into my body :(. all of mine first ones were in my room and lasted at the most 10 seconds 0_o
"In a timeless world,
Were shooting stars fall,
There is never dull,
Watch and you shall see,
There is something there,
For all to learn,
Nothing gained has no beauty,
But is it duty"


Hey , my first experience was a year ago when I was 16 and it wasnt pleasant.. I'm not sure what I did to actually get out.. I think I forced with all my might to will my entire body to a standing position without moving it.. but anyway, I saw a huge black orb of something staring at me and my head was at my chest's perspective and the black thing was rolling my body up into a ball .. it was even curling my toes backwards and everything felt so real and uncomfortable. I couldnt scream or anything to break it but ended up back in my body and quite awake with adrenaline pumping.  It was my first OBE because after having several of them  I know now that I got astral sight first and then all that happeneds.

My first few OBEs were a bit difficult to control because I remember one time I did a roll-out technique after getting astral sight.  I saw my room with my eyes closed and mentally willed myself to float to the corner of the room and I ended up sliding off my bed and floating in mid-air along my floor passing through any objects in the way and I couldnt stop floating sideways.  Finally I stopped and was wanting to fly but still felt gravity.. Basically , the exit was mostly mental and then to move after that it was more like it is now  , physical movement.  It seems to be like that even with my projections now.. it takes some kind of mental thought to actually get out and then its more physical once I'm further away from my body. Might be a good tip for ya.. also if you feel yourself being pulled back in , simply stop what you are doing and focus on something that you see.. whether it be a chair , a bottle, a stuffed animal , a doorknob , whatever.. just look at it and study it's features while reassuring yourself that you are becoming more aware and concious.  A chant stating just that might help but all I do is stare at something until the pulling feeling goes away and then continue to have fun ( like doing consecutive backflips in slow motion !!)   I hope this helps :)
Loving yourself first is the most important step you must take before you can truly love someone else.

Feel free to ask me anything. I'll try to offer advice if I can.

Yahoo IM: Spiritual_guy_19
AIM: ScrotomicBomb

Risu no Kairu

OK, there's a reason why this is for experienced projectors only. I don't want anyone who hasn't been out trying to come up with theories or anything. I'm asking for personal experiences.

When you first got out, those first few times, what were they like?

I'm asking, because I want to see if I'm experiencing similar things.

Last few times I've gotten out, they've been short, and I just kind of float around. I have limited control over what I do. It's like I realize I'm out (no feeling of a body, or walking), and if I think of somethign, even just a little, I zoom off to it, the pop back into body. The  speed gets me dizzy. It's like those drop rides at amusement parks.

I'm having trouble describing the experience in words. I'm bad at words. :/
I need a signature that isn't stupid. :/