Pillow or no?

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I find it MUCH easier to achieve trance/OOBE without the use of a pillow.  That is just my preference, I get too distracted/uncomfortable and it is one less thing to worry about.  Your body is also in a 'flatter' more natural position, but experiment and see what works for you.


I think it must be very subjective.  A pillow supports my neck and
head at a comfortable level.  I've got one of those buckwheat husk
pillows that forms to my head and neck.  I'm actually less
comfortable without it.

I guess we can surmise what Robert says in AD, "What works,... works."




I also prefer not using pillow, though, I have had only unconscious oobes (during afternoon naps, so I used pillow those times). When I am about to consciously reach the trance state, I don't use pillow, as I experienced, it makes hard to relax my neck.
You create your limits, if you learn projecting with use of a pillow, it could be impossible to project without a pillow

Take care, and have successful obes


Qui-Gon Jinn

As Roger sais, subjective...   I use a thin pillow, without any support for my head I often can feel my heart beats in my head (what if I have two hearts, haven´t thought of that until now...) which are a bit annoying when trying to loose body awareness..  the thing is the best OBE attempt I´ve had, the first I tried actually (isn´t that weird), was when I - don´t know why - had, what do you call it, the thingie you have over you when you sleep?  Anyway, I had the "thingie" you have over you when you sleep all wrapped up in a big round soft "ball" (man I can´t find the words today) on which I had my upper parts of my body rested on, so I was lying/sitting..  so one has to try alot of different positions, what works for one person, may very well not work for another...

  PS. The thingie method doesn´t work better for me now though (I believe, haven´t tried it more than once since, gotta try "the thingie position" tonight once more!!) than lying plain on my back, so I can not recommend it as the "super OBE position", but hey, you are free to try, haven´t copyrighted it or anything´.. yet...
    Be well// Qui-Gon    

- Your focus determines your reality -


Thanks guys for your feedback. I must admit I've been using two pillows, I can still achieve the vibrations on a good day using this but I find myself becoming aware of my body knocking me out of a trance. I think I'll try it with one pillow and no pillows.


I was wondering when I lay down to attempt an OBE, would it be more effective if I used a pillow or is more effective not to use one when entering the trance state?