The Astral Pulse

Astral Projection & Out of Body Experiences => Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! => Topic started by: mikel105 on November 10, 2012, 19:16:49

Title: Question on Weed and OBE's
Post by: mikel105 on November 10, 2012, 19:16:49
Hey, I was wondering, Sometimes when I get really high off of a bunch of gb's, I feel a floating sensation and if I lie down it feels like i'm falling into myself and gets more and more intense until I usually get up and shake it off. Is this in any way related to OBE's or Astral Projection? And can it help you achieve an OBE?
Title: Re: Question on Weed and OBE's
Post by: Bedeekin on November 10, 2012, 19:28:13
It doesn't help in the slightest... and I feel the smoking of pot leads to about 99% failure of those who smoke it and try to induce OOBEs.

I wonder how many people will come on here and disagree.... hmmm.

I am at risk of making some enemies here... but if anyone does... they are either lying... or deluded.

This sinking feeling is nothing to do with your nonphysical. It is the psychoactive effects of THC.

I used to use cannabis to stop me from having OOBEs (for personal reasons) when I first came to live in London... it works a treat if you hate SP.


So if you want to achieve nonphysical exploration... lay off the weed.
Title: Re: Question on Weed and OBE's
Post by: Xanth on November 11, 2012, 00:13:54
Quote from: Bedeekin on November 10, 2012, 19:28:13
It doesn't help in the slightest... and I feel the smoking of pot leads to about 99% failure of those who smoke it and try to induce OOBEs.

I wonder how many people will come on here and disagree.... hmmm.

I am at risk of making some enemies here... but if anyone does... they are either lying... or deluded.

This sinking feeling is nothing to do with your nonphysical. It is the psychoactive effects of THC.

I used to use cannabis to stop me from having OOBEs (for personal reasons) when I first came to live in London... it works a treat if you hate SP.


So if you want to achieve nonphysical exploration... lay off the weed.
^ I agree wholeheartedly.  :)
Title: Re: Question on Weed and OBE's
Post by: Astralsuzy on November 11, 2012, 02:01:38
The experts will tell you if you want to ap do not take drugs.  If you do manage to get out of your body you will most likely see awful things.  You will probably not be able to control the way you think.  It is very important to have a good frame of mind to ap otherwise awful things can happen.  Apart from whether you can ap or not, taking drugs is not a good idea.  I have seen drug addicts talking on TV and they sound awful.  It messes up the brain and drugs can kill the brain cells. 
Title: Re: Question on Weed and OBE's
Post by: Steel Hawk on November 11, 2012, 03:06:13
Quote from: mikel105 on November 10, 2012, 19:16:49
Hey, I was wondering, Sometimes when I get really high off of a bunch of gb's, I feel a floating sensation and if I lie down it feels like i'm falling into myself and gets more and more intense until I usually get up and shake it off. Is this in any way related to OBE's or Astral Projection? And can it help you achieve an OBE?

I had OBEs long before I used any mind altering drugs. I was also a Stoner for sometime. I have to say that the OBE / Astral Projection feeling is much different. Marijuana can help you to realize things and widen your view of reality, but it's never specifically assisted me with OBEs. I might even be willing to stay that it's prevented it since I never had one while on the green.

However, certain drugs can make it easier to project. =)

I recommend you return your brain/body chemistry to normal and learn to exit without any fun chemicals first, then if you want to experiment go for it.
Title: Re: Question on Weed and OBE's
Post by: Bedeekin on November 11, 2012, 09:07:59
The same can be said for alcohol. Weed and Alcohol seem to be massive consciousness inhibitors. They work the same way in waking life if you think about it. They dampen the direct contact to our subconscious... keeping them at bay... only for the short term. Distractors.

I don't know whether cannabis suppresses memory of a conscious OOBE or whether it just helps with the sleeping process; in so much as it makes you fall unconscious, missing the opportunity to remember.  :-D

I think cannabis has its place though and I'm not an anti nor pro cannabis warrior in any way. I support decriminalisation just for the pure fact it will give the police and taxpayers something more useful to spend their time and resources on. That's another matter.
Title: Re: Question on Weed and OBE's
Post by: Xanth on November 11, 2012, 10:21:08
Any chemical that can make you lose your physical consciousness awareness WHILE you're physically awake... can not help you to project.  You need to be able to remain fully consciously aware during your experiences so you can 1. remember them and 2. make the most of them.  Otherwise you don't have enough control and you'll be fluttering here and there randomly.

Title: Re: Question on Weed and OBE's
Post by: Mindfulness on November 12, 2012, 00:07:12
Marijuana is a hallucinogenic drug and can make you see/hear things that aren't there if you get enough THC in your system.  I've projected before and I smoke weed.  I have had interesting results but they are experiences on their own merit.  I have no idea if they are "real" or "non physical" or just plain old hallucinations.  Its easy to get high, lay down, close my eyes, and the next thing I know I'm using the darkness as my own personal canvas to see all kinds of wonderful things moving around.  It happens much faster and vividly than when I'm completely sober but it doesn't feel the same as projections.  I would imagine you can experience all kinds of things with the drug but I have no idea how "real" or useful they are.

Here is the other thing I always wondered.  How can alcohol or marijuana impact your projection memory?  I thought when I was in the non physical that memories were retained or formed independent of your brain, more or less.  I can see how it would make it hard to project or dream but if you managed to, how would it negatively impact your experience or memory thereof if the substance is affecting your physical brain?  I don't recall every encountering a lot of information about this topic.
Title: Re: Question on Weed and OBE's
Post by: Bedeekin on November 12, 2012, 02:55:44
Cannabis is great for artists because of that fact. I used to use it to come up with cool ideas and for inspiration. The problem is my motivational side sort of went down the pan.

I think they work as depressants. They also suppress the subconscious, which is why many use drink and cannabis to 'forget' or not let certain things come to the surface. 

Title: Re: Question on Weed and OBE's
Post by: AstralCody on November 12, 2012, 10:39:18
I have never done cannabis so I couldn't tell you. I am on 2 anti psychotics and xanax. The only reason I take these is because if I don't I get hour long panic attacks daily. One day I hope to get off them. From being off meds... And on them... It hasn't made a difference in my experiences. However, that being said....  I wish I was medicine free.
Title: Re: Question on Weed and OBE's
Post by: Bordmb on November 12, 2012, 12:17:16
I've been clean for a few months now, and I can say it's actually pretty amazing. I used to smoke an ounce every three or four days for almost a year. (That's what you get when a teenager has a job, no self control, and no bills.)

Anyways, marijuana doesn't aid in projection at all. It will give you interesting sensations that, if you've never truly projected sober, you may interpret as the doorway to the NPR. This is false though. To truly experience and remember your non-physical journeys, you should be as clean and natural as you can be.

I can't convince you to quit smoking weed, but I can tell you that if you do, your quality of life will increase dramatically and within a week or two you will start to notice that you can think more clearly and solve harder problems. I know that won't help though, because it's the same thing my friend told to me while I had a bowl in my hand and I thought, "Why the hell would I not want to be stoned? I think so much more clearly, I guess I'm just different." Hindsight is 20/20 and that was a very stupid time in my life.
Title: Re: Question on Weed and OBE's
Post by: Bedeekin on November 12, 2012, 14:17:30
Quote from: Bordmb on November 12, 2012, 12:17:16
I've been clean for a few months now, and I can say it's actually pretty amazing. I used to smoke an ounce every three or four days for almost a year. (That's what you get when a teenager has a job, no self control, and no bills.)

Anyways, marijuana doesn't aid in projection at all. It will give you interesting sensations that, if you've never truly projected sober, you may interpret as the doorway to the NPR. This is false though. To truly experience and remember your non-physical journeys, you should be as clean and natural as you can be.

I can't convince you to quit smoking weed, but I can tell you that if you do, your quality of life will increase dramatically and within a week or two you will start to notice that you can think more clearly and solve harder problems. I know that won't help though, because it's the same thing my friend told to me while I had a bowl in my hand and I thought, "Why the hell would I not want to be stoned? I think so much more clearly, I guess I'm just different." Hindsight is 20/20 and that was a very stupid time in my life.

Absolutely true.  :-)
Title: Re: Question on Weed and OBE's
Post by: Mindfulness on November 13, 2012, 00:19:00
Quote from: Bordmb on November 12, 2012, 12:17:16
I can't convince you to quit smoking weed, but I can tell you that if you do, your quality of life will increase dramatically and within a week or two you will start to notice that you can think more clearly and solve harder problems. I know that won't help though, because it's the same thing my friend told to me while I had a bowl in my hand and I thought, "Why the hell would I not want to be stoned? I think so much more clearly, I guess I'm just different." Hindsight is 20/20 and that was a very stupid time in my life.

I smoke marijuana for medical reasons now like migraines or insomnia.  I get headaches so bad that nothing else works and the prescription medication the doctor gave me has side effects like sudden blindness, seizures, and death.  It's fun but I rarely do it more than twice a week now.  When I was a teenager I did it much more frequently and was into many different drugs as well as being a heavy drinker for over a decade.

I am much more interested in how drugs can interfere with the adventures in the non physical.  To me, its a big argument against astral projection being something independent of our bodies if a drug that impairs the brain also interferes with the actual experience (not the ability to do it).  It seems that science could use that as evidence portraying astral projection as dreams for exactly this reason.
Title: Re: Question on Weed and OBE's
Post by: Bedeekin on November 13, 2012, 02:27:45
Whatever you experience during an OOBE... whether real or not... it's still interpreted by the brain. If the brain is effected chemically... then the interpretation won't be accurate.
Title: Re: Question on Weed and OBE's
Post by: Bordmb on November 13, 2012, 20:47:06
The only way that I am aware of to consciously tap into your non physical memories is through your brain, or through your non-physical body. Now, that being said, if you are under the influence of a mind altering substance or anything that changes the physiological functions in your brain to unnatural proportions, you're most likely going to cut off any chance of tapping into your non-physical memories because clearing your mind and focusing your will is quite a challenge. If you want to use your non-physical "body" to access the non-physical reality, you need to have a clear head and be able to detach from the physical, or be dead, but I really wouldn't suggest or encourage the latter. :roll:

Marijuana causes instability in the physical, this in turn nails the door to the non-physical reality shut until things are stable enough to use it.

Remember, this is simply my opinion, but I've been there, and I'm glad to have moved past it. (The occasional use of marijuana isn't going to damage anything, but any chronic use will cause instability in your PR and NPR.) I know you only use it for headaches, and I respect that, but your non-physical visits would be better without it, if it were possible for you to project through the headache.
Title: Re: Question on Weed and OBE's
Post by: mon9999 on November 14, 2012, 02:06:40
Title: Re: Question on Weed and OBE's
Post by: Stookie_ on November 14, 2012, 11:48:52
Quote from: mon9999 on November 14, 2012, 02:06:40

It also makes you projectile vomit and cry in a corner while snakes come out all of your orifices. It's not quite a regular AP.
Title: Re: Question on Weed and OBE's
Post by: Bedeekin on November 14, 2012, 12:34:26
Quote from: Stookie_ on November 14, 2012, 11:48:52
It also makes you projectile vomit and cry in a corner while snakes come out all of your orifices. It's not quite a regular AP.


Title: Re: Question on Weed and OBE's
Post by: Lionheart on November 14, 2012, 14:53:29
Quote from: Stookie_ on November 14, 2012, 11:48:52
It also makes you projectile vomit and cry in a corner while snakes come out all of your orifices. It's not quite a regular AP.
Yep, you saw the video too I see! Definitely not something for the weak of stomach or mind!  :wink:
Title: Re: Question on Weed and OBE's
Post by: Anonymouse on November 14, 2012, 16:21:31
Title: Re: Question on Weed and OBE's
Post by: LoLmart on November 16, 2012, 17:19:36
I see a lot of repeating of propaganda in this thread. Marijuana is one of the most medicinal plants on Earth. Research hemp oil for cures and vaping/smoking fo treating and slowing down illnesses. It has never killed brain cells and you don't become a zombie from it. It is however a mind-altering drug that generally tires you down and changes your brainwaves and body/mind connection. From the research I have done and my own experience (I vape 3 times a day), marijuana does not promote lucid dreaming or astral projection and it definitely is counter-productive for lucid dreaming cause you sleep too deep and your mind is not as sharp and awake. If you smoke during the day, you may lucid dream with no problem. I have done it. It might decrease or increase the quality of the lucid dream in some aspects, I don't know really. I have not APed while the influence of the herb because I have only APed during the morning upon awakening. I think that if I smoke in the night I can AP in the morning but I haven't payed much attention to frequencies and crap. So yeah im high. Herb is great for massaging the aura. Feeling=Point of Awareness=Energy movement.
Title: Re: Question on Weed and OBE's
Post by: Bedeekin on November 16, 2012, 20:12:40
Hey.. .I absolutely agree. It is a 'super-plant'... Hemp for its fibres.. .natural oils that could replace most industrial oils.. including for the production of plastics and rubber... anti-carcinogenic... anti inflammatory... effective for the pain relief of glaucoma, arthritis, MS, ME, The list is staggering. It's just a damn shame it doesn't help OOBEs in the same way.  :-D

It's cool you've found a way around it.
Title: Re: Question on Weed and OBE's
Post by: mikel105 on November 18, 2012, 23:59:41
Ah. Well perhaps it's time I stop smoking for a bit. How's it been by the way, Bedeekin? Last I saw of you was at Astral Viewers.
Title: Re: Question on Weed and OBE's
Post by: Bedeekin on November 19, 2012, 02:20:34
Well... about 2000+ of my posts disappeared into the Ether when AVers went down... which happened to coincide with my own personal change in attitude towards my experiences... which has humbled me somewhat. :)
Title: Re: Question on Weed and OBE's
Post by: 2fly4thesky on November 30, 2012, 17:47:20
I smoked kush almost everyday for 6 years straight. I just stopped about 6 months ago. I've been into astral projection for about 2 or 3 years now. I haven't AP'ed while high as it just seemed like it would ultimately be counter-productive, but for about a year and a half every time I smoked I would experienced vibrations and a various array of other OOBE like sensations.

Weed is an entheogen (which is probably a main reason why it may never be legal nationwide). An entheogen ("generating the divine within")[4] is a psychoactive substance used in a religious, shamanic, or spiritual context. Examples of traditional entheogens include: peyote, psilocybin mushrooms, uncured tobacco, cannabis, ayahuasca, Salvia divinorum, Tabernanthe iboga, Ipomoea tricolor, and Amanita muscaria. -

So, yes, it probably can lead to an OOBE, however, like I said, I wouldn't know because I refused to have one while I was high. Whenever I used to meditate or use Hemi-Sync, I would do it in the morning while I was sober, and then start my daily smoking when I was finished. When you smoke, since weed is an entheogen, it opens up your crown chakra, which doesn't close until you come down from the high. A big part of meditation is gaining control of your life, your mind, emotions, and body, and if you can't even dictate when or when not to connect to the higher realms (which happens when you open your crown chakra) then what's the point of smoking and meditating? It becomes counter-productive.

It also sends a huge rush of prana/life-force/whatever into your energetic system. This is what gives you that euphoric, lethargic, relaxed feeling in your physical body. Mentally, marijuana gives you an altered state of consciousness. If you can achieve an altered state of consciousness without marijuana, or any other drug for that matter, then why take it?

When it comes to an altered state of consciousness, Hemi-Sync makes marijuana pointless and seem like child's play. For me, for prana to enter my body, all I have to do is go into Focus 10 and visualize energy entering my feet and palm. I must admit the intake of prana is nothing as close to as when I'm on marijuana, but that amount of prana was not beneficial for me. It was like adding water to a cup that was already full and overflowing. Therefore, you can see smoking weed truly did become counter-productive for me.

Just to put it out there, there's other reasons I stopped but none of the reasons has anything whatsoever to do with morals or anything like that. I have a lot of friends that smoke weed (most of them actually) and I still love weed, and the stoner community, for a various number of reasons. :-D I just don't smoke anymore. Meditation is way more important and beneficial to me and smoking weed and meditating is like mixing water and oil, while they may seem to have similar properties (both liquids/both give altered states of consciousness), they just don't mix well.
Title: Re: Question on Weed and OBE's
Post by: desert-rat on November 30, 2012, 20:09:56
The 2 times I tried it in the early 90s it made me hungry , and paranoid .  I did not try to a.p. If in   my state of Arizona (USA) it   does become legal , I might try if again , just for fun .  desert rat   
Title: Re: Question on Weed and OBE's
Post by: uhsumdumboy on November 30, 2012, 23:16:16
Quote from: Bordmb on November 12, 2012, 12:17:16
I've been clean for a few months now, and I can say it's actually pretty amazing. I used to smoke an ounce every three or four days for almost a year. (That's what you get when a teenager has a job, no self control, and no bills.)

Anyways, marijuana doesn't aid in projection at all. It will give you interesting sensations that, if you've never truly projected sober, you may interpret as the doorway to the NPR. This is false though. To truly experience and remember your non-physical journeys, you should be as clean and natural as you can be.

I can't convince you to quit smoking weed, but I can tell you that if you do, your quality of life will increase dramatically and within a week or two you will start to notice that you can think more clearly and solve harder problems. I know that won't help though, because it's the same thing my friend told to me while I had a bowl in my hand and I thought, "Why the hell would I not want to be stoned? I think so much more clearly, I guess I'm just different." Hindsight is 20/20 and that was a very stupid time in my life.

Your words really hit me, at a time in my life when I needed it. Thank you for granting me this moment of clarity. :D
Title: Re: Question on Weed and OBE's
Post by: David Warner on December 03, 2012, 23:10:40
I have been on both ends of the experiments of taking weed, alcohol and being completely sober...

Being sober is the best and that you will have better control and quality experiences. Now, I have had
some interesting experiences in a pyramid, high and still projected... and definitely interesting..;-)

But ultimately, having a clear mind, sober, focused, and stronger conviction out numbers the drug induced experiences.

You don't need to drugs to aid in projecting... just the patience, desire, and fire!

Title: Re: Question on Weed and OBE's
Post by: LoLmart on December 04, 2012, 09:21:48
Marijuana is great for meditation and for stimulation of every chakra. You can feel all of them throbbing while high. However, marijuana activates an energetic process that has a different purpose than projecting. It's like a different mode, that's why projecting while high is difficult. Marijuana, however, is not for every person. It is a tool and can be used for good or abused as any other tool. Don't blame cannabis for your incompatibility with it. It's a magical plant that can be your best friend if you know how to use it properly. Sometimes, it's best to quit your relationship with it if you see you don't use it properly. My life is SOOO MUCH BETTER with cannabis! I am basically happy all day every day. Have fun, life is a game.
Title: Re: Question on Weed and OBE's
Post by: Stookie_ on December 04, 2012, 12:20:02
Life isn't about being happy 24/7. That's escaping the reality of life, which has it's ups and downs. Succeeding in something that is very hard, while incorporating the willpower to stay on course and not be temped by passing things that only have short-term effects has a satisfaction to it that can't be matched. You become a better and more whole person.
Title: Re: Question on Weed and OBE's
Post by: AstralCody on December 04, 2012, 13:30:54
I really have no say here because I never have done cannabis. Stookie you have a good point though!

It really boils down to what the person gets out of it and why they use it I guess. I (Think) it would alter OBE's simply because it is altering your mental status. Again... I can't say that with a 100% forsure but that's kind of how I see it.

I was going to go on the medical stuff for horrible anxiety but I have willpower and I have been slacking on exercise and a good diet. I am staying away from the marijuana because in 8 years or so when I have more life experience I want to be a police officer. Even if it was legalized by the feds I would be putting myself in danger being an officer and doing marijuana. It just doesn't make sense.

My dad smoked it and told me it made him extremely paranoid. I think everyone is different and the herb reacts with people in different ways. That's why I am going to stay away from it for now. If I can get my anxiety under control by working out, meditation, and some lifestyle changes I am set. I don't need marijuana to be happy is what I am trying to say. With my situation though if it relaxed me... I would spend the rest of my life in my basement taking hits and eating pizzas! I just don't want that.

Anybody who gets a benefit from it though, awesome! Like I said I can't really say whether it would alter an OBE or not but my guess is it would. Like I said simply because it's altering your mental status. Then again, what would I know? Haha.

Title: Re: Question on Weed and OBE's
Post by: LoLmart on December 04, 2012, 15:20:36
Quote from: Stookie_ on December 04, 2012, 12:20:02
Life isn't about being happy 24/7. That's escaping the reality of life, which has it's ups and downs. Succeeding in something that is very hard, while incorporating the willpower to stay on course and not be temped by passing things that only have short-term effects has a satisfaction to it that can't be matched. You become a better and more whole person.

Well, one can be happy most of the time and still be a decent person. One can also just get high all day and not contribute to the world in any way. Just as one can work all day and night and still contribute almost nothing to the world, but rather mostly to themselves and their own family. I think being a good person is a priority number one. If you are a good person and you don't help people in any way you will not be happy. So one can get high every day, be happy and contribute to the world at the same time. Professional success is not as valuable as the lessons you learn and the good deeds you make. Personal success is acquiring substance within your soul because you only take your consciousness with you when you die. The rest is man-made leaderboard.
Title: Re: Question on Weed and OBE's
Post by: Lionheart on December 04, 2012, 15:46:02
Quote from: LoLmart on December 04, 2012, 15:20:36
Well, one can be happy most of the time and still be a decent person. One can also just get high all day and not contribute to the world in any way. Just as one can work all day and night and still contribute almost nothing to the world, but rather mostly to themselves and their own family. I think being a good person is a priority number one. If you are a good person and you don't help people in any way you will not be happy. So one can get high every day, be happy and contribute to the world at the same time. Professional success is not as valuable as the lessons you learn and the good deeds you make. Personal success is acquiring substance within your soul because you only take your consciousness with you when you die. The rest is man-made leaderboard.
This sounds like the justifications of a person who gets high everyday, lol!  :-)
Title: Re: Question on Weed and OBE's
Post by: Bedeekin on December 04, 2012, 15:54:07
I'm not sure I was contributing anything to my own progress... consciously or physically when I smoked weed. I enjoyed it and would find a way to justify it. I just gave it up because it was becoming boring and I was feeling like I was trapping myself inside my own head. My nonphysical explorations were falling by the wayside also.
Title: Re: Question on Weed and OBE's
Post by: LoLmart on December 04, 2012, 16:58:01
We are all different. Some like cheese, some don't. So it's all normal. I am just saying that I am one of those guys who do much better with marijuana than without. My DNA suffers when I am not in the Alpha brainwave state for a good part of the day. It's not that marijuana makes me be more productive. I am saying it is making me a better person and has helped me become more of who I want to be and follow my inspirations. I'm just saying it is all individual and to each his own lol :-D
Title: Re: Question on Weed and OBE's
Post by: Bedeekin on December 04, 2012, 17:49:49
Quote from: LoLmart on December 04, 2012, 16:58:01
We are all different. Some like cheese, some don't. So it's all normal. I am just saying that I am one of those guys who do much better with marijuana than without. My DNA suffers when I am not in the Alpha brainwave state for a good part of the day. It's not that marijuana makes me be more productive. I am saying it is making me a better person and has helped me become more of who I want to be and follow my inspirations. I'm just saying it is all individual and to each his own lol :-D

DITTO!! This was me for 15 years.. :)

although.. "My DNA suffers"... what a pile of crap. Do you actually know what DNA is for? :D

What aspirations is it helping you achieve that you couldn't do without it?
Title: Re: Question on Weed and OBE's
Post by: LoLmart on December 04, 2012, 18:36:27
Well, as Dan Winter proves - DNA is upgrading when you are in a state of bliss. So, yes, literally, my DNA suffers when I am not happy. The same with you. It doesn't mean that I am not happy with weed. It means that I am happIER with weed. You might like eating chocolate or maybe jack off or watch a movie eating popcorns. The DNA always seeks the bliss and you have to build your life around creating bliss. The problem is you might delude yourself you are in a blissful state. So the heart chakra comes into place. The strongest electromagnetic organ in the human body - the heart. The heart sends a "sound" of emotions which braids the DNA (which is good) when you are feeling happy. Therefore life itself tells you it is not professional success that is valued by nature but it is the human spirit that one develops that is valued. If professional success makes you very happy - great, seek it because it is best for you. If not - don't seek it. To each his own. The monks are people who are living in a blissful state and they evolve spiritually extremely fast because of that constant DNA braiding that happens within them. So the message is - do what makes you happy! And it is a definite plus if what makes you happy is a positive thing cause Hitler also did what made him happy :D :-D
Title: Re: Question on Weed and OBE's
Post by: Bedeekin on December 04, 2012, 18:56:03
Sounds like total horse crap if it's Deoxyribonucleic acid we are talking about and not DippyNoodleAss. Braids DNA? what? Next he'll be saying there are quartz crystals inside DNA! :D

But if it makes you happy cool... you really like your pseudo science don't you.

Check this out.. it is so cool... it shows you DNA being braided. It is awesome.

Title: Re: Question on Weed and OBE's
Post by: 2fly4thesky on December 05, 2012, 01:37:52
I think what he's trying to say is that there have been experiments that show that DNA responds to emotional stimuli. For instance, if you're experiencing anger, or any other perceivably negative emotion, the DNA strands may tighten. I don't know how reliable and accurate these sources and tests may be, but it seems to make logical sense to me.
Title: Re: Question on Weed and OBE's
Post by: Bedeekin on December 05, 2012, 02:25:38
Still not buying it. DNA isn't alive and isn't state manipulative. It is a schematic for cell production... a set of instructions... a blueprint. Nothing more nothing less. The fact it can be retrieved after living tissue has decayed should make this apparent.

I've just read Spontaneous Evolution by Bruce Lipton. He's pretty much at the forefront of DNA research and what he has to say about DNA is infinitely more interesting than anything to do with it being happy or sad.

Cells in general respond positively to emotional stimuli without the need for DNA to do anything. DNA isn't mysterious. In fact he has shown that DNA isn't the 'brain' of a cell... but rather it is the wall of a cell that receives information from external stimuli which tells the cell to do this and that. The DNA is literally a backup filing system of sorts.

"Bruce Lipton Ph.D. (831) 454-0606, is a scientist, a Cellular Biologist at Stanford. He was cloning stem cells several decades before this field came to the forefront of science. From this work he made some significant discoveries. He has shown that genetics (DNA) does not control biology in the way it had been supposed. "Environmental signals" are primarily responsible for selecting the genes expressed by an organism."

Please please please... this isn't belief based or opinion based... this is actual cool new-edge thinking science... not 'new-age'. He's the leading edge in genetics and stem cell research. But he takes this science to the realms of what WE are talking about on this forum. He's one of the pioneers of the type of science we have been waiting for. Seriously. :)

So I am not actually disagreeing that 'weed' makes LoLmart happy... it probably promotes the happiness of his cells from signals sent to his cell wall (brain)... it has nothing to do with DNA.
Title: Re: Question on Weed and OBE's
Post by: Lionheart on December 05, 2012, 02:27:38
Quote from: 2fly4thesky on December 05, 2012, 01:37:52
I think what he's trying to say is that there have been experiments that show that DNA responds to emotional stimuli. For instance, if you're experiencing anger, or any other perceivably negative emotion, the DNA strands may tighten. I don't know how reliable and accurate these sources and tests may be, but it seems to make logical sense to me.
I think what he's trying to say is he likes smoking dope, lol!  :-) Plain and simple, he doesn't need all the psuedo science BS!  :wink:
Title: Re: Question on Weed and OBE's
Post by: Bedeekin on December 05, 2012, 02:37:30
This is the thing Lionheart... I'm not personally dissing Cannabis... I gave it up because I was bored of it. I just out grew it.
Title: Re: Question on Weed and OBE's
Post by: Lionheart on December 05, 2012, 02:52:31
Quote from: Bedeekin on December 05, 2012, 02:37:30
This is the thing Lionheart... I'm not personally dissing Cannabis... I gave it up because I was bored of it. I just out grew it.
I know that Bedeekin. I know a good number of people that indulge in this and they come up with some of the most unique reasons to keep doing it. I say to them "there's no need to justify it to me, do it if it makes you happy". I think sometimes their guilt gets the best of them. I personally don't care what other people do, it's their life!  :-)
Like the saying goes " Judge not , lest ye be judged"!  :wink:
Title: Re: Question on Weed and OBE's
Post by: Bedeekin on December 05, 2012, 03:11:17
Absolutely. :)
Title: Re: Question on Weed and OBE's
Post by: LoLmart on December 05, 2012, 06:05:13
Quote from: Bedeekin on December 05, 2012, 02:25:38
Still not buying it. DNA isn't alive and isn't state manipulative. It is a schematic for cell production... a set of instructions... a blueprint. Nothing more nothing less. The fact it can be retrieved after living tissue has decayed should make this apparent.

DNA can be degraded or upgraded. This happens all the time. GMO foods degrade your DNA. Airport body scanners do that too. Radiation does it also. Chernobyl generation anyone? Cows with two heads? Yeah, that sort of stuff... There is a reason a person shouldn't take too many X ray pictures of his body in a year. Whatever. All I was saying was that science, that some people are probably not aware of yet, has proven that blissful emotions braid the DNA, while bad emotions don't braid it (which is not good). This has a lot to do with the way waves move. When you are in a blissful state, the heart sends this electromagnetic impulse throughout your whole body and this signal is harmonic ( it has the Golden Mean within its wave measurements) and this signal makes it possible for all the surrounding electromagnetic waves to converge to one point rather than interfere with each other and cancel each other's movement. So they converge to a point of implosion which creates the braiding. It is science. The science of the Golden Mean. If you are not aware of it, then maybe it's not the best thing to put it in the "Pseudo science" category before you have researched it. I can give you some materials if you are interested, but let's not put labels on things we haven't even checked out. There is so much scientific facts out there that non of us have heard or known but it is silly for us to try to refute them without even knowing the arguments of the thesis. Always staying open-minded is the first sign of enlightenment they say ;).
Title: Re: Question on Weed and OBE's
Post by: Dreamshards on December 05, 2012, 13:06:26
Quote from: LoLmart on December 04, 2012, 16:58:01
We are all different. Some like cheese, some don't.

There are people who don't like cheese?!!!!  :-o