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Have experienced various times in my life the following (last night most recent):

Will wake up at around 3 to 4 o´clock in the morning and, eyes still closed, can focus on the following scene.  On the dark background stands out a rectangle (about 3/4 of field of view) which acts as a screen where is displayed a cartoon type of fun action movie. The figures and objects are all unknown to me but can ascertain well defined shapes of what could be bushes, buildings or animal/creature beings. Action is very fast and only  lasts 2 or 3 seconds and changes to a new different flick. In colour. Difficult to maintain in focus requires will and let go.  Oscillates as if the frequency would fade if I dont stay on top of it. Fading looses colour which I regain (dominating colour first) by tunning in.

Last night was able also to open eyes and with open eyes in mid light, see the cartoon on a plane parallel and superimposed to room roof. Could also go back afterwards to closed eyes viewing, So on various times,  gaining and loosing control of the event.

What is it ?  ETs  sharing funny movie ? LOL. Mind control device to keep your brain distracted and busy on silly stuff ? Anybody else has this?   Please let me know your comments.  3/7/2016


Hi Ramala. These scenarios you experience are normal and usual to anyone who practice phasing (astral projection). I myself observe them each time I try to phase. They appear when your brain is pretty close to the sleep state but is still awake. I think this is the basic mechanism of dreams, and if you want to be a part of theses scenarios you have to let go. Like you said, it will get more vivid as you keep watching them while drifting towards sleep. If you manage to keep enough awareness while letting go, you will be in those scenes and they'll becomme your reality. This is what people define as a phasing experience. Those scenarios can be anything you can't even imagine, and as you keep experiencing them you will be surprised at how your brain can create things out of its own will, without you interfering with it. You're really close to having an OBE so see for yourself what works best for you and don't worry, there's nothing wrong with what you see.