Mystic web classes

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astral man

Hey guys,

Yesterday i enrolled into the mystic web astral projection course, over the net, and i was wondering if any of you ppl had tried it or would have any comments about it. I have already downloaded the first weeks work and it seems pretty good, and all the write ups on the sight say that it is good. Also they have actually meeting places ( in the physical ) where people can attend the courses if they do not want to do it over the net. The places are in Australia, Sydney, Brisbane and Perth, and in America and in Greece, so they must be pretty good. All of the students i think that have done the course have had at least one OBE so i am pretty excited. It goes for nine weeks, and towards the end of the course there is a group thing where they all get together and meet in the astral. Sounds great HUH!!, but i was just wondering your thoughts on the matter.

PS. I also have on order Astral Dynamics so i will surely be projecting soon! :D  :D  :D

Cyas :wink:
"People only see what they are prepared to see."


Yup they are good.
Especially, the materials given in the later courses are very useful.
The Astral course in itself gives a combination of techniques that build on each other to increase your ability and chance of projecting successfully. If you stick with the courses you will later learn how to project directly into the Causal (sixth) dimension.
I'm sure you will find at least some of the information useful on the course, and besides there is no loss since it's free. The key to success though, is consistent practice of the exercises that are provided.
I wouldn't go as far as saying that each student has had one OBE by the end of the course, most people I have come across even in the late courses have not yet achieved astral projection. I think the skill in itself is quite difficult to master, however there is no question that the course is beneficial, as you will learn other techniques such as concentration and visualization too.
Good luck with it.

I want to be in the energy, not with the enemy
A place for my head

astral man

k thanks for your opinion, it is greatly accepted!!

cya  :wink:

oh by the way, did you try the course??

just curious so you did try the course?
"People only see what they are prepared to see."


Yes, I completed the course last year.

I want to be in the energy, not with the enemy
A place for my head


Can you give a link to the course? I want to give it a try, sounds pretty good.


I just took the course that finished in December, it is very good and informative. I never actually practiced the stuff they taught because at the time I was kinda preoccupied with other things in life. But definitly take the course and practice the exercises they give you.
Take care, and good luck to you!

astral man

Bonden go to and click on the online classes link, and fill out the form.

Cya :wink:
"People only see what they are prepared to see."