Vibrations have lessened and stopped over time?

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Over time, the vibrations that were common at the onset of projection have lessened to a point that they are very subtle. In the early days they were coarse and heavy and jarring. Now it's a smooth transition into the out of body state. I recall Robert Monroe speaking about this in one of his books but I'm not sure which. Has anyone else had this experience?
Escaping Velocity. Not just eternity, but infinity.


I think that's the consensus of most people that they lessen over time as your body acclimates.


If my Inner being really wants to get my attention I can still get what I call "the 747 vibrations" ( due to them feeling as though I am strapped to the under side of a 747, lol ).


Quote from: omcasey on March 28, 2022, 20:06:56
If my Inner being really wants to get my attention I can still get what I call "the 747 vibrations" ( due to them feeling as though I am strapped to the under side of a 747, lol ).
I agree with Casey here. Yes, over time, the vibrations have basically, almost totally diminished. But, if they are deemed necessary to really jolt my conscious awareness into gear, they still can be and are still utilized by whomever, "inner Being" or "Other", that finds it important to initiate them.
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla