The Number 11

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What Tha Phak

Hepheastus, I experience the exact same thing and have always wondered why it happens, in fact while I was reading your post I glanced at the clock, which read 4:33.  If you were to ask some phychologist or scientist I'm sure they will say something like "those numbers are completely arbitrary and the whole idea's reality is all in your head."

Double digit numbers are very important to me, for one thing, I'm really into astrology and numerology and stuff and my "life path" number is 11.  You find your life path number by adding your birth year to your month, then to your day (mine: May 18th, 1986; 1+9+8+6=24, 5+18=23, and 23+24=47, 4+7=11! or 2+3+2+4=11, it all works out the same way).  I was extremely surprised as to how much accuracy reading my life path number report revealed.  But anywayz i was rambling away from the topic....

So as you can see 11 is a special number to me. I also do a good deal studying the cultural beliefs of the ancient egyptians. They're counting system was in units of 11, 22, 33, 44, 55, ect.  I've realized that there must be some kind of scientific significance to these double digit numbers.  So it then became a personal significance.  What i think is... that since my sub-consciousness is so involed in this sort of area, that I kind of shape the reality around me, suiting my sub-consciousness.  You know how spiritual teachers always say stuff like "your reality is but a reflection of your subconsciousness, or super-ego."  Then again I could just be crazy and it IS all arbiturary, and it's just when I notice these random events that they have any meaning to me.  Oh well there ya go have fun :P
(PS.. 11 is the dominant number that i notice, especially at 11:11 or something, but statistically, the odds of getting one of those numbers are the same as getting any other number, despite how supernatural it may seem.......)



Hello Hephaestus! This is amazing!

Back in 1994, I had this very vivid dream. It was night and I was walking up a mountain/hill, sort of. And there was a very strong "feeling" in the air. A feeling that something was about to happen, or arrive, something very important. Then I saw a city down below. And up in the black sky, I saw this huge "11". It looked kinda like it was written or made out of light-bulbs. It was so clear... 11.

Have you ever seen the back-drop, that the rock group Kiss used to have? When "KISS" was spelled out with ligh-bulbs on stage. Well then maybe you get what I mean... It looked kind of something like that. It was around that time, that I started to have precognitive dreams(is that the right word? English is not my native tounge). I would dream about something and then it would happen a day later, or a couple. I still have dreams like that. Often it happens the day after. I also had that thing happening with the clock. Often in the middle of the night I would look at it, and the time would be 2:22. That went on for quite a while.

Another peculiar thing that used to happen "back in the days", 1994-1995, was that if I would be playing cards with my friends, or just fooling around with playing-cards on my own. If i accidentally dropped a card on the floor or something like that, it would almost always be the ace of hearts... I´m not making this up.

This is my first post on this forum. So I will write more in the future, I hope. I started to have waking paralysis back in 1991. And I really didn´t have a slightest clue what was happening to me. I was SO scared. It was so frightening. It´s only in recent years I´m beginning to understand what happened, and still happens. I find myself in the trance state sometimes, and I experience the vibrations. But I´m still to afraid to totally "let go". I always "fight" myself back to my body... Although, I am getting more and more courage. I just feel more comfortable with the thought of projecting early in the morning , when there´s some daylight. It´s just that "these things" happens more often when I go to bed at night.

I think this forum is fantastic. One does not feel so "alone" anymore. Bye, for now. /Flummox


This phenomena as i understand it, are symbols for the change in earths' magnetic grid.
11.11 and 12.12.
It is said it is a kiss from our spiritual family ,when one notices.
I had an obe a couple of weeks ago, when i returned to my body and awoke, the clock said 12.12am.
The information on this is in the Kryon books.  Fascinating up to the moment stuff.


This phenomena runs in my family, only it's with the clock reading 3:33 and for us it's an omen of impending death/danger/disaster.

I found in a high ceremonial magick book my name in numerology equals "11" and I can't remember the significance exactly, only that every number in Hebrew equals a word, and "11" is the Hebrew number for "wings/love"

So, maybe it is your guardian angel blowing you a kiss.


Strangely enough,in a documentry I was watching a few months ago, famous psychic Uri Geller mentioned the exact same phenomonen with the number eleven


Thankyou for your replies, its interesting to see how wide spread this phenomena is even though a lot of people ive spoken to have never had it. Personally like most of you have said I believe it to be a sign of universal change on a major scale, those who are in tune with the 'universe' so to speak are given signs by the cosmos via the 11:11 and similar phenomena - we should all be proud we are able to tune into this phenomena, a sign we're on the right path.

What Tha Phak, I did the numerology thing and I was amazed at what it came out as - no it didnt come out as 11 hehe but it came out as the number 8, the number 8 has been my favourite and lucky number since I was a small child, I dont know why it is, it just always has been. Whenever I look at the number [8] I feel it has a significance to me - maybe my numerology had something to do with it.


Hi, I read this thread few hours ago and thought to myself "Well I've seen numbers 3:33 awful lot lately, but maybe it's just a coincidence, I won't mention it here".

I just looked at the clock and guess what: 13:33. And I don't look at the clock all the time. I don't even wear one.

So maybe there is some significance in this phenomenon...I heard somewhere that there is this law of syncronisity or something operating here. Maybe this is related to that.



I've also noticed this.  Just the other day I awoke to find 9:11 on my clock.  Then later I saw on the microwave clock - 11:11.

I just found out my "life path" number is 55.  Very interesting.

Shawn McCaffrey

I just saw my life path number is also 11. and i have allways wondered why i seem to see the clock at 2:22 or 3:33 or 1:11 or 4:44 its more of a triple thing for me, or maybe i just dont notice the doubles aws much, but in any aspect, sweeeeet


Hi Hephaestus,

I had a similar experience some 25 years ago when I used to work with a UNIVAC 108 computer for 2 years. I very often woke up at 1:08 am acording to my digital clock.
I think this kind of experience has several components:

1. I think LEDs make very clear marks, you can check easily on a subconscious/astral level.I think the subconsciousness scans for meaningful clues all the time, even in sleep.
2. Besides selective attention there is also selective memory involved. Meaningful clues are remembered quite clearly, while others are not.
3. What makes 11:11 special is acording to your individual clues, but it also has a special element of repetition that only 22:22 has as a secondary permutation (no 33:33, 44:44.....).
4.Once you step in to enjoy such an event, your subconscious looks for similar clues, even if they don`t match exactly and shows up with them(just to make you/itself happy).

I`ve studied this phenomena quite a while, both for personal and professional reasons. The more you enjoy, work or intent on this, the more coincidence you will get, but I doubt you will get much knowlege or secrets out of this synchronity.

Bye Helmut.


I just don't remember when I look at my clock and it says 2.37 or 9.53 ...

whats the spiritual meaning behind the fact that when ever Im installing software on my computer and glance at the progress bar it says 69% completed?  maybe i just remember that number and ignore the rest?

peace and love
lief michael


Helmut, I understand the 'scepticism' (if thats the correct word) on the 11:11 and your arguement that we tend to dwell on it so to speak so see it more etc but the fact me and my friend begun getting these occurences at the same time goes against scepticism, for quite a bit of time we were witnessing this 11:11 phenomena before we both even found out we were having the same occurence at the same time. It was a simple conversation whilst down town pubbing, I looked at the time and it said 11:11 so I told my friend about how for quite a while i'd been getting the 11:11 phenomena which is when I found out he had been getting it too and I know he was telling the truth because from the time i've spent with him i've seen him look at the time for no reason and its been 11:11 and he's told me. (before he didnt tell me, he tells me now because we're aware we both get it). not only that but we had strange experiences at the same time regarding astral projecting which he knew nothing about whatsoever.
Sometimes ive double clicked my internet symbol to see how long ive been on (i get cut off after 2 hours) and it's come up with 1:11:11 (that being the first time ive clicked to see whilst ive been online and someone's been on the comp before me and ive been out the room) its just a sudden thought that comes to mind "oh i'll just do this" and wham its there.
A single mediocre coincidence I can accept but two major coincidences like this tends to make me sway towards the 'higher powers' side of things.


Hi Hephaestus,

I am no sceptic at all. I`ve seen too many coincidences that totally freaked me out. Of course higher levels are involved sometimes. But what the heck do you get out of a 1:1 000 000 000 000 chance synchronicity that you don´t already know? It´s the play of the creative universe(generally speaking), but one is only a spectator then. When one joins in to play one usually finds  a lot of low chance coincidence first. There is always the danger to make things up, when you know synchronity is real.
So I just wanted to point out what other factors are involved.
And I was only refering to that number part of your topic, not the OBE part.
Did you consider, that maybe you met your friend on the astral and tought him something that caused his sleep paralysis as he tried to make his unconscious OBE remembered? This explanation makes more sense to me.

Bye Helmut.


Interesting . . . I used to wake up at 2:22 am.  My personal number is 2. [:O]

As to the "it's just your mind noticing it" argument - - - relax everyone, everything we perceive is in our heads. Helmut wasn't trying to put down the experience, just trying to explain it.  In fact, even if someone really DOES try to put down your otherworldly experiences someday by scoffing "it's all in your head," I want you all to smile mysteriously, nod slowly, and say "yes, thank you for the reminder." [;)]

Basically, our focus equals our reality.  It sounds simple, but it is really awesomely cool, and "getting it" and working with it can absolutely transform your life in magical ways.  Repeat patterns DO mean something, because the mind works with symbols, both here and on the Astral.  

A given symbol might be your higher self or a guide sending you a message.  Or an "angel sending you a kiss."  And it's important only if you want it to be.  Really. It's up to you whether or not you want to get wise to them.

Shawn McCaffrey- your name sounds Celtic so it wouldn't surprise me at all if you experienced many things in groups of three or nine (3X3=9).  Three and nine are sacred in Celtic traditions!


Does anyone have an idea of what my dream possibly could mean? I have never ever before that, nor after, dreamt about a number. Not that I can remember anyway... It must mean something. Especially since the dream was so vivid. 11 !?

I´m clueless... /Flummox

What Tha Phak

Nice post, Tisha, I am entirely behind you.  ::glances at clock which reads 3:55:: no joke.  I keep telling myself the chances of getting a double digit number are the same as getting any other number....(scientifically true)   But I can't help but laugh out loud out of mystery when I walk into my room for a long time away several times throughout the day and see this double digit phenomena.  I also tell myself that these numbers have special meaning to me when I see them ONLY because they have personal significance in the first place.  But it really starts to freak me out when I wake up in the middle of the night and the clock reads 4:44 or 5:11, repeatidly, or when I come home from school and see 2:22, or coming home from a friend's house and see 9:11 as my first sight.  These numbers are definately majority in group, as I see them, also no joke.  One of the things that's really ben getting to me right now is that ever since I've been reading up on this post, they have been occuring more frequently... weird!  One thing for sure though.... everything IS in your head! .. and remember that blessing.  W00t the clock now reads 4:20! you know what that means... heh   ::reaches for bong::



Flummox, I'm flummoxed.  Last year I had a dream about a close friend I only know in dreamspace:  a young blond man with a mischievous personality.  He was holding up two fingers two me, and it was supposed to mean something.  It didn't mean "peace," it meant "two."  Or maybe it meant "eleven."  But remember, add the two digits of 11 and you get two.  In numerology this is supposed to be a big deal.

I think the message is you are supposed to start reading up on numerology.  Find out what 11 and 2 mean!  As for me, I'll get around to it when I get around to it.  

In the mean time, I figure, two heads are better than one, bookends and candlesticks look best when there are two, two people in bed are more fun than just one . . . etc.  Nice.



Tisha: Thank you! I will have a look at numerology. I hope it means something positive. [:)]

And by the way. Isn´t it amazing when you meet someone in dreamspace, and you feel really "connected" in some way with that person. You feel real love. Those dreams doesn´t happen alot. But, when they do... I met someone, about a month or two ago, it was such a beautiful reunion.. i cried. But it´s also sad in a way... that one can not meet that person again, by will... Or maybe it´s possible, by training...

Peace /Flummox


"Cried"(is that the correct word?) I meant: i wept(?). or what´s the right word? hmmm....Any way.. tears fell. It´s so frustrating when one can not find the correct words. To be grammatical correct...when one doesn´t know english perfectly


This is indeed a very interesting topic. Though I have not personally experienced any synchronicities regarding 11:11 or 11 there are many people who have. I refer specifically to the Coast To Coast radio show (formerly the Art Bell show). (Art Bell retired in December.)
    I have heard several recent shows where host George Noorey talked about his own extensive experiences with 11:11 (or 1:11). On a few occasions an entire show was devoted to that topic. Caller after caller related personal experiences with reoccuring numbers. The staggering number of people who share this phenomena makes me believe that Something other than coincidence is at work. Unfortunately what that something is has yet to be adequately explained.[?][?]


Has anyone ever experienced this phenomena that ive been experiencing for the past year - everytime I look at the clock it always says 11:11 or 11 minutes past the hour i.e. 4:11 or the first two numbers are the same i.e. 12:12 13:13 21:21 etc?
This phenomena not only happened to me but also started to happen to my friend at the exact same time and is still happening to him but nowhere near as much as me anymore - while it was happening to him he was experiencing dreams where he would be paralysed and an entity would be holding him down or would grab him which I took was the start of a projection since this happens to many when projecting. It all coincided also with my first ever projection, only a few weeks after the projection is when it started with me.
I believe something cosmic was occuring during this time that raised peoples spiritual energy/vibrational level which allowed me to project after months of trying and what caused my friend to unintentionally begin the start of a projection (he new nothing about astral projection so wasnt even trying), the vibrational change was possibly focused around the area we live or it could have been global, I dont know.

Does anyone know anything about this 11:11 thing? what it all means? I came across one website about the 11:11 thing but it seemed a load of rubbish to me so im looking to people away from the website to try and see if theirs a different interpretation.