How often do you OBE?

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Hey thats forming quite a nice curve. I bet I could fit an equation to it!

(!!!Formerly known as Inguma!!!)
You are the Alpha and the Omega. You are vaster than the universe and more powerful than a flaring supernova. You are truly incredible!!


Would that be throwing out "rather not say" and putting frequency of OBE inversely proportional to the number of people? It might be easier to use a logarithmic scale. I'm not sure if that might actually give you a straight line. My math skills are not what they once were and with regard to math I have grown lazy.


Looks positively skewed to me. Heh heh.


The poll isnt very efficient, thing is, ive had my first OOBE but been unable to have a second so basically I dont fall into 'still trying for my first' OR 'Occasionally' so which one do I click on?


Hmm...should probably stop 'trying' in that sense, as usually OBEs come to you for a reason until you get used to them, and can perform them instinctually.  I try not to OBE too often, ever since my mentor dreamwalked to me, accidentally waking me up, and taking part of me with her.


"She was barely a teen
hangin' out inbetween
just a part of the scene...

With mercurial smile
and incurable style
she was only a dream..."
- Bad Religion "Sorrow"


When I set my mind to it, I can usually have something similar to an obe within a week of deciding to try. Trying means using affirmations, dream journaling, and seeking the vibratory state; I added some of RB's techniques recently which increases my sensation but not frequency during attempts.

I didn't vote because the answer depends on whether I am seeking an altered state or not.



I would OBE several times a week now than I had before and sometimes twice in one night. Most of my OBE just happens without my being able to control it to happen. I am drained and exhausted during the day lately since I have been having more OBE than I wanted. Sometimes I don't want to have it, but it just happen and I have a hard time trying to keep myself grounded especially when I try to meditate. I just got the book "Astral Dynamics" hoping to find some solutions and improve my OBE.

Love... Ravenwind
Back into the chamber turning, all my soul within me burning,
Soon again I heard a tapping something louder than before..."Tis the wind and nothing more." ...Edgar Allen Poe

Vincit Omnia Veritas