The Astral Pulse

Astral Projection & Out of Body Experiences => Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! => Topic started by: jc84corvette on October 29, 2003, 19:27:36

Title: Salvia Splendens
Post by: jc84corvette on October 29, 2003, 19:27:36
What are Salvia Splendens?
Title: Salvia Splendens
Post by: ralphm on October 29, 2003, 19:38:10
Salvia Divinorum?
Title: Salvia Splendens
Post by: jc84corvette on October 29, 2003, 19:49:44
Hey I just asked that 9 minuets ago![:P]
Title: Salvia Splendens
Post by: JustLikeThePill on October 29, 2003, 20:11:38

its a regular plant you can get at homedpot. i cant get salvia div. and this is the next best thing. i'm learning about legal drugs that are easy to get, like nutmeg and morning glories
Title: Salvia Splendens
Post by: GRRegis on October 29, 2003, 21:05:10
Salvia divinerum is a legal drug.  If you can't get it near you you can always order it from the web.  I've never done it but I was told the 10x extract is the way to go.  Supposedly if done right you are tripping for a half hour then feel really lethargic for about 3 hours after.  I personally prefer mushroom tea.
Title: Salvia Splendens
Post by: Tenacious on October 29, 2003, 21:55:04
LOL- mushroom tea is NOT legal [:)] Never done it, but it looks so much like iced tea that I almsot drank some. Oh well :)  At least I think its not legal... :/
Title: Salvia Splendens
Post by: Logic on October 29, 2003, 22:38:08
Mushrooms are legal as long as their not dried. Salvia Divinorium is great :)
Title: Salvia Splendens
Post by: Blammo300 on October 29, 2003, 22:40:08
Salvia Divinorum is available at many online herb vendors for about $20 a gram.  Sometimes local bong shops will carry it but is 2x the price.  Of course if you want to have a OBE then you want the high extract.  I would recommend 5x - 10x.

When you smoke the Salvia there are certain ways to greatly increase the experience.  You should use a bong and a torch lighter so you can get smoke more quickly. Try to get as much smoke as you can, the more smoke you inhale the stronger the effect.

It is important to note that when smoking a extract you might not be able to take more than 1 hit.  When I first tried Salvia I took one hit and held it in, after about 30 sec I was in another world.  I came to 5 minutes later to discover I had dropped my bong and nasty bong water had spilled all over my carpet.

Salvia usually only lasts for 5-10 minutes and thank god because I dont know if I could stand any longer.  It is the weirdest drug I have tried and the scariest and I have done just about .  I recommend you have a good friend watch over you while you do it so you dont do anything to harm yourself or others.  Which I would not at all be surprised to do in a Salvia state.

If you are trying to have a Out of Body experience while on drugs than this would be the most powerful.  

I am personally through with my drug days. Since drugs work by increasing the flow of a chemical already in your body, you can replicate many effects through deep meditation.

Title: Salvia Splendens
Post by: JustLikeThePill on October 30, 2003, 04:36:06
Salvia Splendens did nothing for me. alot of people said that it DOES work as a extremely week version of vallume, but i guess not.

i would try salvia divinorum if i could get some, but i'm only 13
i'm going to try nutmeg tea next.

mushrooms are legal untill they are dried? that seems kind of stupid...
Title: Salvia Splendens
Post by: Ceriel N on October 30, 2003, 05:06:19
$20 a gram?? [:O]
I bought a can of 20g from a local grocery store for less than 2€.
It's ment as a spice for food (mooses), but it appears to be pretty potent stuff.  Haven't smoked any of it yet, but I'll probably roll it like a cigarette like my friends showed me. Back then I took one hit for about 10 sec (Could not hold it longer. I'm a non-smoker as far as tobacco is concerned.), and that was enough to get me a bit mellow. [:)]
Title: Salvia Splendens
Post by: carolineneedham on October 30, 2003, 05:30:25
As far as I know, and could well be wrong, mushrooms are legal so long as they're not dried in the UK, and apparently Canada.  But I think they are illegal in the US in any form.
Title: Salvia Splendens
Post by: Logic on October 30, 2003, 10:04:27
It depends what kind of salvia you get, pure leaves sell for $5/g, 5x extract $10/g and 10x extract for $25/g.
Title: Salvia Splendens
Post by: GRRegis on October 30, 2003, 16:28:38
Regarding mushrooms, fresh one are only legal in Florida b/c they grow like weeds there.  Most other states they ae illegal
Title: Salvia Splendens
Post by: Kelbel on October 30, 2003, 17:38:35
I've been reading about salvia for about a week now, and am about to buy some online. Apparently it is VERY helpful for not only astral travel, but also seeing into the future and other stuff like that. Shamans usta use the heck outa the stuff. The trip can start to kick in almost immediatly and can last from 10 minutes to an hour. Its legal everywhere except australia, and wont show up on a drug test! You need a sitter to use this drug.
=) Kel
Title: Salvia Splendens
Post by: JustLikeThePill on October 30, 2003, 18:26:17
i might be able to order salvia splendens as a house plant in the future... from the internet. anyone know any online places that sell it that DONT mention it as a drug? i'm still 14

i'm trying nutmeg tonight. i've taken like,a tleast 2 tablespoons. its old nutmeg but freshly grated.

and my friend is giving me a joint monday that i'll save for the weekend. it'll be interesting to try to obe with.
Title: Salvia Splendens
Post by: JustLikeThePill on October 30, 2003, 18:29:11
oh, i heard that Coleus "sp?" is phychadelic, but ti takes like 70 leaves.
Title: Salvia Splendens
Post by: GRRegis on October 30, 2003, 19:54:51
For nutmeg to work you must have fresh nutmeg.  If it was dried it won't make you halucinate.  It's a little harder to get it fresh, but you could probably get it at an organic market.
Title: Salvia Splendens
Post by: jc84corvette on October 30, 2003, 19:57:09
This is a dumb question, but what is nutmeg? What form is it in?
Title: Salvia Splendens
Post by: JustLikeThePill on October 30, 2003, 19:57:47
you mean i gotta get it while its alive? are you SURE?

that will be way hard.. man... crap... i'll still have the weed monday though!! we have some datura in our yard, i've heard witches used to use that. any opinions?
Title: Salvia Splendens
Post by: JustLikeThePill on October 30, 2003, 20:00:47
yeah.. they never specified it had to be alive. they just said not to use pre-grated and to grate your own.

nutmeg is a spice you can get at your store. its like wooden "nut" and it smells really nice! its pretty small and oval in shape.
Title: Salvia Splendens
Post by: jc84corvette on October 30, 2003, 20:02:36
Whats datura
Title: Salvia Splendens
Post by: eleusis2 on November 07, 2003, 10:21:18
1) Only Salvia divinorum is psychoactive. It contains Salvinorin-A and lesser quantities of Salvinorin-B. These active ingredients are not found in other salvia species (Incidentally the sage in sage and onion is a salvia species).

2) You can grow salvia, but the seeds are hardly ever viable. In nature, the salvia 'tips over' and grows roots to reproduce. If you are interested in growing it, you will need a cutting. Also be aware it can take over a year to get a good crop.

3) Be very careful - If you really must use it make sure you have a trusted friend with you and that you are in a comfortable setting. I know somebody who bought some salvia because he wanted to see what a psychadelic was like - smoked it and completely freaked out in frount of his parents.

4) If your looking to OBE salvia isnt exactly reliable and your more likely to have an out of pocket experience (its about £10/3.5g here in the uk). You would be better off going about it the old fashioned way.

I highly suggest you go to and look in the experiences section to see what other people have got from it - ditto any other drugs. Remember with things like mushrooms and morning glory that if it works for you, fine but if it doesnt your stuck with it for 4-6 hours which can be very unpleasant. Not meaning to scare you off, just saying you should be pretty damn careful.

That said, have fun  

-- Eleusis [;)]
Title: Salvia Splendens
Post by: Nomus on November 07, 2003, 14:15:49

Can someone make a list of items/how to obtain them?

So far I only know of Salvia and Nutmeg. Keep it legal.  

Can someone explain how to use nutmeg?
Title: Salvia Splendens
Post by: JustLikeThePill on November 07, 2003, 14:21:49
you can get coleus and morning glory at the nursery (very common) morning glories are a weed here, so theres no tellingexactly which type of morning glory it is just by looking at it.

i haven't tried either.

datura is also called "angels trumpet" its like a tree with huge flowers and leaves, its very pretty. it was an ingrediant in alot of plying ointments used by witches, really neat but incredibly dangerous. i would NEVER EVER try it. we have some outside my house in our garden, auctualy.
Title: Salvia Splendens
Post by: jc84corvette on November 07, 2003, 22:08:31
Remember to take the toxic coating off of those seeds. There poisionus.
Title: Salvia Splendens
Post by: JustLikeThePill on November 07, 2003, 22:10:20
WOAH! how do i do that? thank god u warned me!!!

by the way, do you OWN a corvette, jc84corvette?

corvettes have got to the one of the coolest cars ever! if they had vertically opening doors like Lambo's then they would be perfect!
Title: Salvia Splendens
Post by: jc84corvette on November 07, 2003, 22:19:17
Originally posted by JustLikeThePill

WOAH! how do i do that? thank god u warned me!!!

by the way, do you OWN a corvette, jc84corvette?

corvettes have got to the one of the coolest cars ever! if they had vertically opening doors like Lambo's then they would be perfect!

No, read my profile for my age and you can find the answer out your self. [;)]

I do not know how to remove the toxins, I heard use water or petroleum jelly.
Title: Salvia Splendens
Post by: Logic on November 08, 2003, 00:28:31
Salvia Divinorium is not classified as a psychoactive. Scientists do not understand the exact nature to how any specific substance in the plant reacts to the human body.
Title: Salvia Splendens
Post by: MrIncognito on November 08, 2003, 00:29:17
Hello all,

 For those curious about Salvia Divinorum...Its psychoactive component is Salvinorin A 96% to Salvinorin B 4%. Salvinorin A, by weight, is the most psychoactive drug known to man that is naturally occurring.  There is current legislation attempting to ban the sale and possession of live plants/leaf material, so if you would like to try it, you should act fast.  As far as other Salvia varieties go, there are various Salvias with Psychoactive components, none but S. Divinorum carry the coveted Salvinorin A.  Even the common Garden Sage is psychoactive if smoked, but is known to cause brain damage, and is best left alone.  As far as usage goes, it is best either to chew fresh leaves (commonly referred to as quid), keepimg the juices in your mouth to be absorbed by mucous membranes, or to incinerate the material(strongest way), as rolling it in a joint and smoking it releases minimal amounts of Salvinorin.  I currently have growing two strains of Salvia Divinorum both the Hofmann/Wasson Strain (original) and the Blosser (palatable) strain.  I will have starts soon available (Email me at and we can work something out.) I also will trade. I am currently looking for a start of the Curare vine (Strychnos Toxifera) or may take any other unusual or rare entheogen you may have.  I also have a few Ayahuasca, and will soon have those for sale, if anyone is interested.

PS. This information is for research purposes only.. I do not encourage drug use/misuse in any way.  For anyone considering taking me up on my offer, just remember... Drugs are bad, mmmkay?  Oh, and 18+ please.

            I hope someone finds this information useful,
Title: Salvia Splendens
Post by: Logic on November 08, 2003, 14:22:40
Salvia Divinorium is not psychoactive. Thanks for your input.
Title: Salvia Splendens
Post by: zingos on November 08, 2003, 15:42:53
Salvia Divinorium is not psychoactive. Thanks for your input.

Salvia D. is DEFINETLY psychoactive.
Title: Salvia Splendens
Post by: Logic on November 08, 2003, 17:36:22
sure, even though it definatly is not.
Title: Salvia Splendens
Post by: MrIncognito on November 09, 2003, 02:10:55
Just to clear up the confusion...
 Salvinrorin A . is technically a neoclerodane diterpenoid. Not an alkaloid (maybe this is where your confusion lies Logic)?  It is, undisputedly, a Kappa Opioid receptor agonist.  Not only is Salvinorin A. psychoactive (its only known carrier is in fact Salvia Divinorum), when vaporized and inhaled, doses of about 250 micrograms (that is 250 millionths of a gram) can have threshold effects and doses of 1 milligram (one-thousandth of a gram) can have extreme effects.  This makes it Salvinorin A the MOST potent psychoactive drug naturally occurring known to man. I do not make a habit of presenting information on a subject that I am not well informed on, and I would appreciate not having my posts picked apart, or outright falsified, without good merit.

Now, if you would like an actual backing to my information, here you are....

J. Psychoactive Drugs 1994 Jul;26(3):277-283 Salvia divinorum and the unique diterpene hallucinogen, Salvinorin (divinorin) A. Valdes LJ 3rd.
Siebert DJ. 1994. Salvia divinorum and salvinorin A: new pharmacologic findings. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. June;43(1):53-56.
Valdés III, L.J. et al.  1984. Divinorin A, a psychotropic terpenoid, and divinorin B from the hallucinogenic Mexican mint Salvia divinorum. Journal of Organic Chemistry. 49: 4716-4720.   
Title: Salvia Splendens
Post by: JustLikeThePill on October 29, 2003, 19:03:40
has anyone ever used Salvia Splendens? i'm going to try it tonight, i've researched it and apparently beneficial. i'll tell you guys what happens!