Scientific instruments, and technology in the the astral?

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Quote from: Bedeekin on December 16, 2012, 02:03:21

There is hardly ANY difference between AP and dreaming. You are in the same 'place' for want of a better word... but just experiencing it in a different level of awareness and intent. So you were actually right there.

I used to not want to believe this when I first started AP'ing. After a while though now I can see how... I had a dream once there were two squirrels throwing nuts at me.  :lol: Guess I was just in a really "nutty" place. Tom Campbells vids help me a lot. As much as I dream at night I must be very aware. I just need to learn to become lucid in my dreams.


Quote from: Bedeekin on December 16, 2012, 22:27:22

Why did you post those links?

I realize that maybe you were posting them because they seem to propose evidence for mind-split and some sort of two different states of objectivity. They do. :) But this can also be akin to Parallel processing... in the same way we can daydream while acting out specific actions... like driving to work or doing a task we are used to. We are just accessing the available information... physical and nonphysical. Of which are the two sides of the same coin. It's all the same coin.

I posted them because some people may not know what a mind split OBE is. All I can say it is much different than parallel processing. Some people come here to this forum to learn OBE's to prepare for a conscious death or to have an OBE validation. Those two links may help them in their journey.

I had a mind split OBE where I saw my girlfriend while I was in the real time zone, and she saw me from the physical plane. We both saw each other at the exact same time from two different planes. This lasted for two minutes.


 Why is it so hard to just say we are experiencing a Non Physical Reality? This is like a discussion on Religion and we all know how that ends up. Everyone is saying the right thing, just in the their own way. Why do we always have to get into mindsplits and the difference between OBEs/Lucid Dreams etc?

If you know your physical body is still in bed or the chair that you are having a OBE/Phase session in, then why not just leave it simply as experiencing the NPR. Do you feel smarter when you have to use technical terms? It's much easier for new people and people in general to just classify it as a NPR experience.

All this talk about mindsplits and what it is confuses people. They just want to experience it, then make up their own minds what is happening. When you post and share your story, you can write down exactly what you are experiencing and no one should question that, period. You know what you are seeing and feeling.

When I hear people here on this site saying to me that all my Phasing sessions are just "extended daydreams", but their etheric OBEs are real, I question whether they are really learning anything at all, for that is a statement built on Ego. My experience is as real as anyone elses, just as yours are to you.

We all are experiencing our own thing, in our own way. Nobody can prove 100%, without a shadow of a doubt what is occurring yet. They can just give their own opinions and those are revealed to them via their own experiments and experiences.


It is our own individual experience. And it is real to everyone of us. Our expriences are colored by, for example, beliefs to make the experience make sence to us.


You guys are still talking about the subjective portion of projections. I have always talked about the objective portion. We are not talking about the same thing. I came on this forum hoping to find others that had information that would help further my quest to research the objectivity that is possible with projections. So far three members here have helped me with their theories. I already thanked Catmeow. The other members I would like to thank are Pauli and Volgerle. I wish everyone the best.



Certainly was. A comment on this would have opened a door or two allowing clarity on the obvious misinterpretation of facts. Its not all subjective, clairvoyant dream experiences are very real and the detail is astounding.
You can post something, have a few replies and wait the required time.
The results speak volumes.
A very unfortunate circumstance losing a contributing member. Hopefully reconsideration can be utilised knowing the omitted fact. Yet again one word missing. Such a shame.  :x
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


 This is a shame and Todd will be missed. I hope he reconsiders.

This Forum must cater to everyone to exist. I do see a need for an additional section for indepth Astral Analysis where the technical part of this practice can be talked about. I will bring this up in the Moderator section of this forum and see if we can come to a agreement on this.
We have new members coming here everyday. They are seeking quick answers to their many questions. The last thing we need to do is confuse them further. Many of our new members are teens and are scared. Something profound has happened to them either through a Lucid Dream or a spontaneous OBE event.

Then on the other hand we have the experienced more technical minded people that wish to talk about nuts and bolts of this process. Once in awhile these things do implode due to what we ourselves are perceiving as what is right and what isn't. The Science minds vs the more lackadaisical approach vs the more spiritual side. This is always going to happen. It happens everyday in the "real world". But at least we usually can agree to disagree and move on to the next topic.

I hope we haven't alienated you Catmeow, Volgerie or any other members. You are all valuable contributing members of this site.

Thank You!


Quote from: Lionheart on December 17, 2012, 14:51:17
This is a shame and Todd will be missed. I hope he reconsiders.

what happened to todd ?


todd, this is a great shame, I will certainly miss you tremendously. Please reconsider, and please do not delete your posts. They are very valuable, as is your continued input. Really, it is.
The bad news is there's no key to the Universe. The good news is it's not locked. - Swami Beyondananda


Quote from: catmeow on December 17, 2012, 17:43:21
todd, this is a great shame, I will certainly miss you tremendously. Please reconsider, and please do not delete your posts. They are very valuable, as is your continued input. Really, it is.
He can't delete them.  He has no account anymore.
Even if he was to remake an account with the same name, he still wouldn't be able to delete them.

In any case, Todd made a choice... it was entirely his choice to leave.  I respect that.