Don't see my body when exited-- AP or LD?

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Hi all,

First post here, needed some serious answers. I'd like to say that I have been practicing Astral Projection for about six or eight months now. I have experienced the many physical symptoms of AP, etc. and have progressively gotten better at exiting. However, I'm not so sure that I am actually having an OBE. See, everything I read strictly emphasizes how in AP, you can see your physical body, there is even a silver cord attaching you. This past week, I finally found the sweet spot to exit (6am-7am). So, you can be sure that every day since I found that, I have been exiting (or trying at least). Anyways, the point is that I feel my body being pulled out, I am aware of everything, am in physical control of when I leave my body, BUT, I can never see my body in the bed when I'm out. ITS NOT THERE. EVER. I feel all the symptoms of AP- vibrations, free falling, sleep p, even conscious exit of the body but when I feel my astral body being pulled to the other side of my bed, separating from my physical body, I get up and look for my physical body, almost as an indicator that I am AP'ing. There is usually nothing there, but the other day, in my astral experience, I had successfully exited and when I looked for my physical body, there was a lit candle in place of it, flickering in the empty darkness. As vivid as in physical life of course. Then I snapped back in. So, am I AP'ing? Is this a lucid dream maybe? I doubt it, I'm experiencing all these astral symptoms of exiting. Any feedback is much appreciated.



Welcome to the Pulse James,

You are already finding out that there is a certain amount of symbolism to the new territory you are exploring. Yes! That definitely sounds like a genuine projection. Now forget the Physical!

What does a lit candle represent to you?
Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde