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Yes, Welcome to the site - it is fantastic. I am always amazed how much insight and experience the people here have to share. I have been introduced to whole new concepts and ideas that I had never considered. It has been truly expanding.

I have found that reading posts on this sight is so alluring that my tendency is to spend more time doing that than practicing NEW and projection. I am restoring my balance as I believe that it's the energy work more than anything that will ultimately help me most in my ability to project.

Once again - this is in way of saying thank you to everyone out there contributing to what is becoming a wealth of practical information on Astral Projection.



Hi my name is Stefan, I live in Austria and, well after reading Astral Dynamics I found this site here

Anyways, I just wanted to introduce myself ... I'm pretty new to all of this ... hmpf

Some weeks (months?) ago I got especially interested in Lucid Dreams, Astral Projection and Psychic development, and I sure hope I can develop and optimize all those abilities / skills ...

Well, I hope that I can find some support on this forum ...



and when the day arrives
i'll become the sky
and i'll become the sea

and the sea will come to kiss me
for i am going

nothing can stop me now

Edited by - Xehupatl on 13 April 2002  15:09:01
and when the day arrives
i'll become the sky
and i'll become the sea

and the sea will come to kiss me
for i am going

nothing can stop me now