Spiritual reproduction

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Exactly 1 partner, instead of 0 or more than 1. Condoms. Unwanted pregnancy. Mom and dad. You are thinking too physically.

If its possible to reproduce after death, it would be purely a mental creation.

Some members of astralpulse have posted that they created autonomous thought-forms that have fought negs.


I think it is possible, but the act wouldn't be the same.  I have heard from a friend that he has seen astral wildlife give birth before, so I don't see why it would be imposible for people that have died to do the same.
Thou shall not kill, remember?  What kind of church man are you? - Vash, Trigun

I will destroy Naraku with this Tessiaga! - Inuyasha, Inu-yasha

Truly, if there is evil in this world, it lies within the heart of mankind. - Edward D. Morrison


well, what i read somewhere before was that when you die when your mind goes with your.. etheric body i think it was into the astral realm, you remeber everything from your past lifes and everything, so you would really just be like hmm... that life didnt go well or, taht life was fun, and you cont. to do what you want before you start another or do what u wish 2,

there might be such a thing as spirtual families, but i wouldnt know, it would be something intresting to look into...



You are thinking too physically.

I was being light-hearted. You should try it someday..

they created autonomous thought-forms

True, but that's not quite the same as a fully-autonomous living being, is it?

Mystic Cloud

In shamanism we talk about soul families where we come from.

But yes you are thinking too physical, it is more about creating something yourself than accidently via nature doing it...
If we compare us to infinitely small,
that will make us infinitely big,
but if we compare
ourselves to infinitely
big, it will make us infinitely small.
What is our size again?


astralspinner, how can I know if you are being serious? Its only text.

True, but that's not quite the same as a fully-autonomous living being, is it?

Of course not. A physical living being is much more limited.


I was reading the Hitch-Hiker's guide to the Galaxy, and I came across the bit where Zaphod tries to reassure everybody it's safe by saying that even the ghosts will have settled down and raised families by now.

And that made me think - is it possible for humans to reproduce after death? If you didn't meet your perfect partner until after you'd both died, could you ever start a family in the afterlife?

If so, what's the spiritual version of a condom, for those loving couples that DON'T want an astral pregnancy?

And, for that matter, what about other spirits? All these negs and angels and other weird inhabitants of the astral planes - do they just appear out of nowhere, or are there mummy spirits and daddy spirits? Does everything alive have to start in the Physical, or can life arise without needing a body?

Opinions, please.