still can't "get out"

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Am I going crazy?
Seriously,  am I loosing my mind. Or is this truley attainable?
I've been having SP for years now, and am finally embrassing it.
I feel so close, yet my astral body just won't pop out for some reason.
I feel I have finally saw the light, and the true meaning of our existing onthis planet,
And that this is a real thing, yet a huge part of me is saying I'm nuts, and ill never get out.
Any advice/tips/help or comments would be much appreciated.


Hello friend. I just wanna say that this indeed very much attainable and at the point you find yourself in you're probably very close to actually having a full blown non-physical experience. This can a matter of just shifting your perspective from needing to "get your astral body out" to just simply phase your awareness into a non-physical scenario (which I believe at that state is probably the case) or it can a matter of actually finding another exit technique if that's what works for you.

Hang in there, you're very close. I'm sure someone experienced with SP will work out solution with you very soon.  :-)
Certain things you just gotta know to experience. Certain things you just gotta experience to know.


You can't really 'push' to get to the astral, you can only set up the correct conditions to be 'pulled' into the astral.

Pushing is helpful to learn the 'lay of the land.'
All the most effective methods of phasing tap into passive visualization, or said in another way, setting your focus in the right 'direction'/'mode' to allow the phase to occur.

Trying doing what you usually do, just set aside your expectations, get deep and then just enjoy being there, enjoy being in that state of mind.

Forget about the physical and you'll be in the astral before you know it.  :-D



Quote from: planeride on June 16, 2014, 19:31:57
Am I going crazy?
Seriously,  am I loosing my mind. Or is this truley attainable?
I've been having SP for years now, and am finally embrassing it.
I feel so close, yet my astral body just won't pop out for some reason.
I feel I have finally saw the light, and the true meaning of our existing onthis planet,
And that this is a real thing, yet a huge part of me is saying I'm nuts, and ill never get out.
Any advice/tips/help or comments would be much appreciated.

can you explain what do you feel in the SP?


Thanks all, for your posts and responces. Much appreciated.

To Gilles, whemn I'm in SP. I'm fully paralyzed. Can't move anything but eyes, and can't open them. Yet I see everything in the room. I feel others in the room very distinct. Almost frightning, but I'm learning to embrace it.
I've figured out who these people are now (nother story, ill post later)
Also I can feel my pineal gland vibrating very very heavily.
Also I can control the different octaves it vibrates at.
Sometimes I used to be really really scared, and the only way for me to get out of it was make myself try and snore!
It sounds weird, but it worked and knoxked me out,  and back awake.
But I'm learning to embrace this whole thing now.
My eyes have been opened,  and I feel awake now as of yesterday. I feel I broke through.
I had alittle help with DMT, oh man..


I think the easiest way is to sleep and wake up in the morning.

after 7 hours of sleep, you wake up and sleep again.

during that time, dont try to think HOW TO AP, but rather than JUST SLEEP WITH THE INTENTION OF AP.

There is a big different of it. How to AP make you think how to do this, how to do that, make your mind works.

if you sleep with just the intention of AP, you are not thinking of anything, but just your heart want to AP OR LUCID DREAM

I have proven this, the day I want to AP 100% failed

all my success is just the intention of AP during in the morning.


Quote from: DreambreaX on June 24, 2014, 04:47:44
I think the easiest way is to sleep and wake up in the morning.

after 7 hours of sleep, you wake up and sleep again.

during that time, dont try to think HOW TO AP, but rather than JUST SLEEP WITH THE INTENTION OF AP.

There is a big different of it. How to AP make you think how to do this, how to do that, make your mind works.

if you sleep with just the intention of AP, you are not thinking of anything, but just your heart want to AP OR LUCID DREAM

I have proven this, the day I want to AP 100% failed

all my success is just the intention of AP during in the morning.

I agree with you , almost all of my successful AP was right after i wake up in the morning .


@planeride: I wonder why you can see the room around you in this state. When iam in SP evenythink is black, theres nothing to see.

I agree: its easy to AP in the morning after 7 houres of sleep, but its not the best time for it. yes; its the EASIEST time, but not the BEST. After LONG sleep time, the consciousness is still dreamy and not grounded. This results in less quality AP. You get the best AP quality, after only SHORT sleep times.