sustaining projection?

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ive been able to get out many times but only a few times for longer then 5 maybe 10 seconds...i'm able to walk out of my room then suddenly i black out and then im back in my body...any tips for staying out longer?


Perhaps the blacking out is astral blindness, and this startles you which returns you back to your body. Just get more educated on what happens out there in the astral world so you'll be more prepared. The key to staying out longer is enjoying yourself and not getting into too much danger, just don't get startled or killed and you'll be okay. :lol:
Twin Flame Harmonics Ascension Aid


i have done much reading, but how do you get rid of the blindness or the pull back to my body so quickly?


The more visits the greater your relaxation will be with this world. The more relaxed you are the longer you can stay.
Just enjoy the astral world for what it is and be patient.

[N = R* fp ne fl fi fc L]


i've been there quite a bit and actually had a few good ones but most of the time i'm can't get within 15-20 feet of my body b4 losing projection is there a reason for this something im doing wrong?


  First I recomend getting as far away from your body as possible and just not thinking about it. Second, it is important to maintain clarity, focus your thinking. Astral travel is similar to thinking, and you know how hard it can be to maintain a single thought for long without something else popping into your head.



I usually "feel for" a fuzzy feeling around my body. It's very subtle, it feels like very soft cotton... Some kind of energy that is always around you but that you won't notice unless you look for it... The first time I saw it, it was colored; now it's transparent, but I can feel it there.

Whenever you direct your attention to something by looking at it, a part of this energy flows to the object and wraps itself around it.
I don't know if there's actual energy or if it's just a feature of the mind, but it's a great tool to stay in the experience... I call it "anchoring" -- you push strings of this cloud-like energy stuff out of you and wrap it around objects, like to a shelf, a book, a desk lamp... And somehow, just like dropping an anchor will prevent the waves from pulling your boat away, this awareness action makes you stay in the experience longer. The more you anchor, the clearer everything becomes...

I also noticed that we have a lot of this "fuzzy stuff" around us when we're still in-body but in sleep paralysis... Pushing it away makes it very easy to just step out of body, really feels like you're opening the lid of a box that traps you.

If you try it, let me know what happens -- I'd be intereted to know if it works for others too.
OBE counter: Lost track! 35+ since 3/21/2006


ok last night i was able to stay out a good hour and have a good projection...

here are some observations i noticed

1. i dont know why, but the "clearing the mind thing" doesn't work and just puts me to sleep. my mind was absolutely racing on overdrive when the "vibrations" came. i feel like its more of just not moving your body and not thinking about it and staying relaxed.
2. the first time the vibrations came i was scared because i felt a presence next to me, that i couldn't see, heard a loud whirring noise just out of my field of vision and it scared me so i quickly tried to get up although it took me like 20 seconds to break out of it
3.after i got up enough nerve to try it again, i just stayed with the vibrations and didn't even care, i think staying out has to do with getting comfortable with these and not trying to pop out of your body all quick.
4.when i got out i thought i was literally awake but knew i was projecting thats how clear everything was, that i was actually second guessing whether i was awake or not. i conistently had thoughts of "am i awake" and "this is so real" even though i knew i was projecting.
5.i tried to fly several times. i was able to jump pretty high, but unable to sustain flight. i leaped onto my roof to try to get a running start and fell flat on my face, although it didn't hurt :). i did remember thinking a few times "if i'm awake this is going to hurt". im serious....thats how real the whole thing felt.
6.there was a pain in my back, but yet not when i fall off my roof? it was weird.
7.i don't know if i got too close to my body, but i felt sick or drunk for a little while, it was weird.
8.i tried to visit someone, since i couldn't fly i ran down the street and thought of them. it didn't work out, anybody have any tips for this?


I wish I could help, but since I've never actually had a conscious projection I can't much. However, the feeling you got of being sick or drunk was most likely due to you being too close to your body. You just need to move as far away from it as you can, as when it'll try to pull you back into it if you're close.
Twin Flame Harmonics Ascension Aid


Quote1. i dont know why, but the "clearing the mind thing" doesn't work and just puts me to sleep. my mind was absolutely racing on overdrive when the "vibrations" came. i feel like its more of just not moving your body and not thinking about it and staying relaxed.
Yeah, you'll usually have more success at the beginning from simply following your mind into trance, as it unfocuses from the physical and you get sucked into an alternate reality. The only problem is you might not end up out of body but in a subjective dream, in which case you'll have to go through an extra step to destroy the dream and "see reality"; to project "for real."

Quote5.i tried to fly several times. i was able to jump pretty high, but unable to sustain flight. i leaped onto my roof to try to get a running start and fell flat on my face, although it didn't hurt :). i did remember thinking a few times "if i'm awake this is going to hurt". im serious....thats how real the whole thing felt.
Try issuing voice commands, like "float up... float up... float up..."; when we're awake, we're used to having our minds inside us that nobody outside can hear, and our bodies outside which are the only way we can act in and upon our surroundings. In OBEs, we have a tendency to "close" our minds in the same manner as the physical, so even if you know what you want to do, it's really important to push that intention out so that it is carried out and is not just thrown away like a physical thought. Saying it gives it a lot more weight, and somehow it just happens.

Quote6.there was a pain in my back, but yet not when i fall off my roof? it was weird.
Could be pain from your sleeping position... I once had an OBE where a full side of my astral body was paralyzed; when I woke up, I realized I had been cutting blood circulation to my arm, it felt completely dead!

Quote8.i tried to visit someone, since i couldn't fly i ran down the street and thought of them. it didn't work out, anybody have any tips for this?
Voice commands again... You could try walking up to a door and saying "when I walk through this door, I will find myself in [place you want to be]" and the transportation will be done instantaneously
OBE counter: Lost track! 35+ since 3/21/2006


I learnt how to fly in lucid dreams... the first time I jumped off a roof I could only manage to glide down to the road below but what happens is we are so used to gravity that if we doubt our experience our mind will subconciously factor in gravity to make up for the lack of it. Just let go and know beyond and doubt that you can fly, when you jump of the roof let your thoughts catch you.


dude it was so crazy though, so friggin real....


I can relate to Kiwibonga's description of how "anchoring" helps to sustain an OBE.  I actually found this out through my own experiences as well and its worked for me many times to resist the strange tugging sensation of waking up.

When I'm out of body and I get the feeling that I'm losing control of things I simply stop what I'm doing and focus on an object near me.. it could be a wall , a floor tile , a vehicle.. anything.. I simply take a good look at it and mentally remind myself "I'm out of body , I'm out of body" .. As I do this , I try to focus very hard on the texture of the object and the color of it and anything I can see of it.. Shortly after doing this , I feel like I have somehow recharged my astral body enough to stay out longer .. the tugging sensation immediately subsides and allows me to continue exploring for a while until I seem to have to do the little trick again later.

Its so nice to find out that I'm not the only one that uses this trick and I like how you call it "anchoring" Kiwibonga.  It sure feels like the right word for it! :)
Loving yourself first is the most important step you must take before you can truly love someone else.

Feel free to ask me anything. I'll try to offer advice if I can.

Yahoo IM: Spiritual_guy_19
AIM: ScrotomicBomb


Quote from: kiwibonga on September 08, 2007, 15:54:20
I usually "feel for" a fuzzy feeling around my body. It's very subtle, it feels like very soft cotton... Some kind of energy that is always around you but that you won't notice unless you look for it... The first time I saw it, it was colored; now it's transparent, but I can feel it there.

Whenever you direct your attention to something by looking at it, a part of this energy flows to the object and wraps itself around it.
I don't know if there's actual energy or if it's just a feature of the mind, but it's a great tool to stay in the experience... I call it "anchoring" -- you push strings of this cloud-like energy stuff out of you and wrap it around objects, like to a shelf, a book, a desk lamp... And somehow, just like dropping an anchor will prevent the waves from pulling your boat away, this awareness action makes you stay in the experience longer. The more you anchor, the clearer everything becomes...

I also noticed that we have a lot of this "fuzzy stuff" around us when we're still in-body but in sleep paralysis... Pushing it away makes it very easy to just step out of body, really feels like you're opening the lid of a box that traps you.

If you try it, let me know what happens -- I'd be intereted to know if it works for others too.

This brings back memories.. I think I posted on this forum or maybe another about noticing this fuzzy energy, with me it was like tinsel and only came into view as I touched it.  It lead up to my bedroom ceiling then spread across a metre or so and dropped down attaching itself to my physical head on my pillow.   


I'd suggest NEW and trance work. They both help with duration.

Truth exists beyond the dimension of thought.


Theres a risk that prologing out of body could lead you into death with no return, the 3D blind part will probably be very scary, although Ive not experienced it.

My scariest point was sleep paralysis, totally immobile but I was fully conscience and scared of an external prescence. I thought it was alien aduction, but over the years I have accepted it as the first part of travelling to the higher dimensions.

Im not sure what the experience would be past the astral plane. Anyone been there?
How does it feel?
Virtuous Akashic Evangelist


For starters, you can't die leaving your body. I think you've just scared all the newbies off.

Sleep paralysis is not a bad thing. It's being aware in your etheric body while you are physically asleep and stuck in your body. The presence you were scared of was probably just some lower entity in the astral. They will try to scare you but they are completely harmless.


Truth exists beyond the dimension of thought.


Sustaining your time outside of your body wont cause death. Your connected to your body at all times even if you don't see the silver cord. It just means you can last longer in the astral world...

[N = R* fp ne fl fi fc L]


I have to learn this anchoring thing too. Thanks for all that good advice you guys posted!
Sometimes when I feel the lucidity fading I try to
grab something, only to wake up because I moved my real hand.
On other occasions, after I've been roaming for quite a while,
I wake so suddenly and unexpected that there is no time to
take counter-measures to stay in the dream.
Tried spinning once, but it failed.
Maybe it should become a routine to stay constantly anchored to
some dream-items? Use the sense of touch as much as possible?

Seems to be all a matter of the ability to concentrate for a very long time.
Sounds funny, but I noticed that vitamins and minerals seem to play a role in it.
It also helps me to stay alert when I drink green tea or hot chocolate before going to sleep.


Quote from: Mark614
5.i tried to fly several times. i was able to jump pretty high, but unable to sustain flight. i leaped onto my roof to try to get a running start and fell flat on my face, although it didn't hurt . i did remember thinking a few times "if i'm awake this is going to hurt". im serious....thats how real the whole thing felt.

It's all simply a matter of belief.  If you believe you can fly you will.   Any doubt will ground you.

Try to start by making litle jumps off the floor and "sustaining" them.  In other words jump up and try to float for as long as possible.  You will find that you float there for a little while and gently float back down to the ground again.

Incidentally this is an EXCELLENT reality-check to use when testing if you are dreaming or not - ln the physical if you jump in the air you immediately drop back down.  In a dream/lucid dream/astral if you jump in the air you will hover for a while before floating back down.  I use this as my de-facto gold-standard reality check when I want to check if I'm dreaming or not.

Once you get the hang of jumping and floating you will begin to develop the mental "knack" required to float.  What do you "do" to move your physical hand?  No idea eh?  It's just a knack you learned.  It's the same with floating, there's a knack to it.  But you will definitely "feel" the sensation in your mind when you get it right.  But the little jumps will help you.  Once you get comfortable with the little jumps, trying walking or running forward and then jumping and floating along.  You should be able to do this.. just begin by floating along above the ground.

As you get better you'll be able to float higher and quicker.

You also must suspend all beliefs that you will fall and hurt yourself.  A lot of it is your belief system.

Sometimes I jump off tall buildings and allow myself to plummet  to the ground, just for fun.  I KNOW that I can't get hurt and that I will swoop up into the air quite safely before hitting the ground and invariably this is exactly what I do.

I think you'll get the hang of this quite quickly.  But you need to

1. Suspend your disbelief totally
2. Learn that mental "knack" of generating a sort of mental "pushing floaty command"

It's actually similar to moving objects at a distance and making them float around or change shape.  This can be done too, but you have to "believe" it and there's a definite "pushing" feel to it.  Like you're "pushing" with your mind.
The bad news is there's no key to the Universe. The good news is it's not locked. - Swami Beyondananda