The Astral Pulse

Astral Projection & Out of Body Experiences => Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! => Topic started by: amed_h on July 18, 2002, 16:25:15

Title: ..
Post by: amed_h on July 18, 2002, 16:25:15
woops.. this was supposed to go in the 'whats all this new age crap' post.. my bad

Title: ..
Post by: Tom on July 18, 2002, 19:03:14
What do you think would happen if there was a big war and this planet became uninhabitable? Over 6 billion humans with no place to go. Life on other worlds, where they are asking about the sudden increase in population and how there could be so many new additions?

Title: ..
Post by: Cylentpanthur on July 18, 2002, 22:34:26
I think the problem with our world is that if there was a war that left in unihabitable, it would leave a LOT of the population dead with it. We just have to hope that man remains sane enough not to let that happen. Lord help us all.

Title: ..
Post by: Tom on July 19, 2002, 09:32:34
That is what I was getting at: If everyone here on earth died, we would all need somewhere else to reincarnate and very quickly. Other places would wonder about how they came to have so many new people.

Title: ..
Post by: Patty on July 19, 2002, 10:10:44
Another possibility or two about souls... To account for numbers ....

Well, of course 95% of the species that have ever lived on the planet are extinct. So some people may have had incarnations as other earth species. (one of my kids smelled like a puppy for the first few months of her life. hee hee, and one night she yipped in her sleep. Don't tell her I said that!)

Also - there is the idea of splitting souls and joining souls in order to form new souls. Sort of the infinite combinations idea. This might also account for numerous people remembering the same past life.

Title: ..
Post by: kakkarot on July 19, 2002, 16:30:04
why is it that people ALWAYS assume that humans are the least developed intelligent species in the universe. what if (assuming there are other races out there) we are the MOST developed? how would that affect your ideas on alien races?


Secret of Secrets
Title: ..
Post by: jilola on July 19, 2002, 16:34:00
And why on earth (hee pun intended) would we have to reincarnate quickly?
How about taking a while to ponder on the life past and the lessons learned before jumping into another life.


Title: ..
Post by: Pearlybear on July 19, 2002, 16:39:05
WOW!! Sure sent my head spinning.....

Have any of you ever oobee'd to another planet or place in space, that would shed some light it possible to go that far?
Title: ..
Post by: Tom on July 20, 2002, 04:49:07
It is still theoretical to me. I read that Robert Bruce said speed is limited to what could feel natural. In space, that could easily exceed the speed of light. On a twisty road near a small town, the limit could be like driving a car. Excessive speed causes something. I think the term was reality fluctuation. The near-physical would be left. Robert Bruce suggested doing this as a way of deliberately leaving the near-physical. Under the right circumstances, even other galaxies could be visited in the short time available for near-physical projection.

Title: ..
Post by: amed_h on July 20, 2002, 10:29:26
if we were to all die tomorrow, it would be foreseen by many not living in our current dimension (theory!).  in fact, i'd liken it to being planned rather than a random event.  i believe that everything happens for a reason, and that we're all just small puzzle pieces creating the big energy picture (God!).

where would we all go if we suddenly died?  if it was sudden and without warning, i wouldnt doubt it if most of us became discarnate souls wandering the planet looking for lost ones not realizing we had passed.  

Tom: in my opinion, if 6 billion of us died, depending on our spiritual development, we'd have numerous options of what to do.  i believe that once we die, we're suddenly living in what we call the 'astral' with full memory recall of all our past lives.  there are MANY planets that are habitable, with different species of life, capable of teaching us necessary lessons for spiritual development.
a sudden increase in population would be viewed as it was on this planet, with the baby boomer generation and the sudden surge in people, no big deal.. just procreation.

about the reality flucuation, i believe in that.  i remember reading somewhere about a filipino guard that had a sudden OBE experience centuries ago.  when he snapped out of it, he found himself in a land he had never seen.  it turns out that he had randomly teleported, through a spontaneous OBE, to mexico, and the people there quickly imprisoned him as a demon or something.  if someone were to become adept at astral projection, to the point that every waking moment is as real as every astral moment, then i believe that kind of traveling would be as simple as thinking 'andromeda galaxy' or 'antarctica'.

Patty: very interesting about your kid smelling like a puppy.  i know its rare, but there are cases every once in awhile about non-human species displaying human-like tendencies.  i think it happens a lot more than usual, for instance, a spirit guide incarnating into a pet of an owner.  also, the many experiences with cats in the astral.  they seem like ideal vehicles if you feel like spending some earth time as a feline.. heh

kakkarot:  well, if we were the most developed, i'd have to imagine that we'd know of all other races and be in communication with every single other extraterrestrial.  i know at this point that life on other planets is merely an assumption, but honestly, once our telescopes are better technologically we will then be able to locate earth size planets.  we can only detect jupiter size ones at the moment.
there are literally thousands of UFO reports all over the world.  if only ONE of those were legit, then it opens up a pandoras box of possibilities.

jilola: i think that we do that everytime.  the hard thing to realize is that once we incarnate, we are removed of all past memories.  its a new beginning for us everytime, even if we spent the equivalent of millions of years in the aftertime before this latest life, as soon as we went utero it would seem like an instant from the last life, with no inbetween.

a lot of this is opinion, as always..

amed :)

Title: ..
Post by: jilola on July 20, 2002, 12:53:35
I don't see why being the most advanced would imply that we'd know about any other species. If the signals to be detected are elow our detection threshold we'd have no knowledge of them. In other words most advanced<>omniscient

As for taking a while to ponder, yes. That's what we do. I was referring to the idea pout forward that we'd have to incarnate quickly. If the astral has no time the we could take as long as necessary to wit until some compatible life form evolves on earth and the incarnate in them bringing the new species to sentience (Assuming of course that soul=>sentience)


Title: ..
Post by: k2sixx on July 20, 2002, 14:36:56
Me - I don't plan on living another life on a world such as this.

Title: ..
Post by: jilola on July 20, 2002, 14:41:40
hee I can relate.  
But let's not confuse living in a world (which we people have so nicely managed to mess up) with living on a world (which is quite an amazing place). I fot one would definitely reincarnate on earth as a world after humankind has been cleared away and is distant memory inthe sediment layer.

2cents (or maybe only a 1.5 this time)

Title: ..
Post by: ralphm on July 20, 2002, 15:52:08
i always thought that douglas adams had it right in the hitchikers guide to the galaxy- the earth would be destroyed because it was in the way of the galactic freeway-a fitting end for us noble beings.

Title: ..
Post by: jilola on July 20, 2002, 16:03:23
And that an answer only makes sense when one knows what the actual question was re 42.
Actually D. Adams's books were a big influence behind me starting the quest of spiritual development. They just shake and rattle everything you take fro granted in the world.


Title: ..
Post by: amed_h on July 18, 2002, 16:23:00
the sudden influx of souls, in regards to your 'eternal soul' question, is only a question if you STILL believe that we're the only intelligent life form on this planet.  if you look at it logically, then you'll have to eventually come to the understanding that there ARE other lifeforms in this vast universe, and yes, we are but children compared to them.

the sudden influx of souls then?  my belief:  people from all around the universe planned their incarnation on this planet for this particular time period.  but why?  i havent the slightest.

some say end of days:  they want the free fireworks show.

others believe that the planet earth is scheduled for a density shift (from third to fourth), and the sudden influx of souls has to do with incarnates wanting to hurry up and learn lessons the hardway.  because, as you know, earth is the planet of sorrows.  there is no other planet with such rampant negativity.

bleh, ill stop here before it gets any longer
