The Vehram System is truly brilliant!

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David Warner

Hello Don....

Long time no chat.. tried looking you up a few times and emailing but realized that AS was done etc.. Sorry to hear that.

Yeah, I will have to check ut Vehram System.. even though it sounds quite similar to just using a alarm clock, setting at random times waking and falling back into sleep with the strong intentions of mind-body awareness with projecting. Still never a less, what ever works and you are comfy with it - stick with it. Also, remember it will take a lot of energy, patience, trial and error. Keep up the good work dude!

Jub Jub.. long time no chat either.. Been away from the forums for awhile. Been focusing on my book writing, radio interviews, obe experiments etc.. Still having the OBES every week w/o fail so still kicking..

InvisibleLight - Book Release 12.12.2012


Hey everybody,

Been a little while since I had a chance to update on the posts.  I have been busy working on a more detailed animation of the Vehram System.  The new video illustration, which is now posted on youtube, shows the individual spheres of energy, as well as the fueling and separation of the ethereal body.  You can check it out at:

I want to thank all of you who have taken the time to explore this and who continue to offer your support to this very important project.  I see your blogs and am grateful that you share this with others.  Together, we are creating a truly positive change.

For those who may be new to this particular post (or subject matter) I encourage you to explore the Vehram site and learn more about the true source for the vibrational surge.  I notice many questions surrounding this subject, due in no small part to the fact that much information about the source of the vibrations remain a mystery in mainstream outlets.  The Vehram System, however, is the fundamental source of this energy and can be drawn upon any time you are in hypnagogia, or what we commonly refer to as sleep paralysis.

There are of course the many scientific aspects of the Vehram System, including how "radiant energy" behaves, that should be considered.  It is important to understand how identifying these scientific characteristics allows us to independently demonstrate for ourselves that separation does occur.  The independent nature of the Vehram System becomes much more obvious once you have felt the strength of the energy that is generated by this ethereal array.

One thing I would also like to mention is that the behavior of the Vehram System, in terms of how the radiance may increase or decrease, is at the heart of many of the questions surrounding why the vibrations are sometimes present and not at others.  Simply knowing where to pull the vibrational energy from can alleviate the issue altogether.

Hope you enjoy the video and keep searching for answers.  They are out there waiting to be discovered...

Vessen Hopkins,
Author, "Out-of-Body Experiences: the Vehram Energy System"


It works! Trust me. Or dont. But i'm still right.  :lol:


I believe the Vehram system is good but despite many efforts, I still haven't achieved any OBE even not reached the hypnogogic stage.

Did other members have had better progresses ?


 Astral projection is real but there is always an element that wants to abuse and exploit.


Quote from: faxman on October 04, 2009, 12:21:27
I believe the Vehram system is good but despite many efforts, I still haven't achieved any OBE even not reached the hypnogogic stage.

Did other members have had better progresses ?

Hey there,

I had the same problem for a long time. I found that when you´re unable to project, there are mostly
good reasons why you cant. Most people have in this case burried things which would come up when they
project, which could cause traumatic experiences.

So my first advice would be, to clear your emotional layers. Im using Lifeflow (, but
thats a matter of taste.



Quote from: nickspry on October 04, 2009, 14:03:23
This person is talking nonsense. Don't believe this crap . Astral projection is real but there is always an element that wants to abuse and exploit. Don't be taken in by it.

This looks like a useless cat fight for me. You definitly have some problems (with this man),
so better take care of it or you´ll get ill.


Any update with the system ?

please, no flame this time ;)

I haven't worked a lot on it recently but I haven't been able to reach even the hypnagogic state. Actually, even when I practice Frank's phasing method, even after 1 hour, I see no light or whatsoever unfortunately behind my eyelids.

Is it common ? It is bothering as with this problem phasing is out of my reach.


Quote from: Panthau on October 05, 2009, 08:28:21
This looks like a useless cat fight for me. You definitly have some problems (with this man),
Reading back through this thread, I have no idea who that comment was aimed at (it was months ago). It certainly wasn't Vessen Hopkins as I have no problem with his work. I can only imagine I posted this in the wrong thread. I was obviously angry at something someone had said, but on reflection that comment was a bit over the top. Have removed the offending vitriol. Apologies if I offended anyone.


just bought the ebook. ill post my results soon.

Jester 1

I am having some success with this method.  My problem is the vibrations start and I become aware that I need to swallow.  Then I swallow and the vibrations become less.  My body is asleep but I feel aware of my head and mouth.  Anyone have any in site in dealing with this?


Try to use a pillow or change your position in bed. The problem usually occurs when lying down in bed, on the back, without a pillow.

What about your success Jester ?


I bought the pdf and it didn't help at all. 

So far the best results I've had was when I read Astral Dynamics. 

Snow Pellets

This method seems to be very similar to my previous OOBEs that I have had so far this year.  It always occurred with the feeling of getting "heavy" and then being "tugged" past a certain point once the breathing becomes very rhythmic, which I actually notice the body doing once it is entering sleep.

Basically the body seems to transition from random chaotic breathing to a very subdued, rhythmic breathing once sleep approaches.

I bought the book.. going to give it a try.


seems is down anyone have the book?


Quote from: OBEvideoguy on March 18, 2009, 17:40:17
Only by studying the System was I able to generate the enthusiasm to produce results.

And that's the single most relevant comment in this entire thread.

You could replace the 'Vehram system' with anything that gives you the required BELIEF or ENTHUSIASM to produce results.

I am a long time nonphysical explorer, but I'll refrain from commenting further because I know nothing about chakras or the Vehram system.   :-)


Does anyone know where I can purchase the e book? The original link is now linked to some girls blog and after googling I still can't find it.

"Reality is relative to the vibrational density of the observer."


*EDIT PLEASE READ*: Most of you will find you are looking for Out-of-Body Experiences: the Vehram Energy System. Some of what is referred to below regarding Scribd including the rest of this post (which was prior to edit) is another book The Vehram Energy System: Proof of Life After Death

I attempted to help locate the book people were looking for but i mistakenly found another book. Stu pointed out my mistake. Refer here:;msg322467#msg322467

The Author (VessenHopkins) is in the process of setting up a new website at see here:;msg323550#msg323550

Until that site is setup you may be able to contact Vessen at and see if he can get you a copy of the Out-of-Body Experiences: the Vehram Energy System

I had a good search for you but it looks to only be available here:

$9 a look.

strange that is not being used by the author anymore. He seemed fully into his system.

i was using this system when i had my first few OBE's so i do recommend.

You could try contacting the author via
and see what he says. He did have an email ( but i figure since has changed it wouldn't work.


Quote from: newmethod on January 14, 2013, 12:02:43
I had a good search for you but it looks to only be available here:

$9 a look.

I went to this site and had every intent of purchasing the book.  I clicked on the BUY full copy button below the image of the cover and then it asked me if I wanted to sign in using my Facebook account.  I did and then I was able to access and download the book for free.

Just wanted to share that.


Quote from: Stu on January 14, 2013, 15:14:29
I went to this site and had every intent of purchasing the book.  I clicked on the BUY full copy button below the image of the cover and then it asked me if I wanted to sign in using my Facebook account.  I did and then I was able to access and download the book for free.

Just wanted to share that.

When I click buy full version it just goes to the top of the page. And every other link that says download just refreshes the page. >_<


Quote from: Jdeadevil on January 14, 2013, 15:57:05
When I click buy full version it just goes to the top of the page. And every other link that says download just refreshes the page. >_<

I had that same problem when I was using Firefox (version  18.0).  I switched to Internet Explorer 9 and it worked fine.



Because of the Copyright message left at the bottom of the file, I am allowed to re-distribute the file that I was able to download from this site ( 

Here is that license: 
Copyright 2009 Vessen E. Hopkins –  Copies of this guide may be re-distributed only in the exact stand-alone version as found
here, a complete and exact reproduction in pdf format with all graphics and content, including this copyright notice,
and must be made available freely without compensation of any kind.  All Other Rights Reserved!

Please keep in mind that this is not his Ebook, "Out-of-Body Experiences: the Vehram Energy System" which I think most people are looking for.  There are a few good pointers and some history in this file however.  I have tried, without success, to contact Vessen in order to find a site where this other Ebook could be purchased.  If anyone knows where it can be bought, could you let me know?  I would appreciate it.

You can download, "The Vehram Energy System: Proof of Life After Death" from here -


Quote from: Stu on January 16, 2013, 09:12:46
You can download, "The Vehram Energy System: Proof of Life After Death" from here -

Please keep in mind that this is not his Ebook, "Out-of-Body Experiences: the Vehram Energy System" which I think most people are looking for.  

Sorry. My mistake.


All I can find is broken links, are those cheeky Illuminati up to something again? :P