The Voice of Silence, I have a question.

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Quo Animo

I've read posts on this forum and on your website about a trance state that you always go into before projecting. What is the method that you use to enter this state?

David Warner

Quo Animo,

I really don't use any special techniques to enter the trance state. I basically fall asleep for 10-20 minutes and my mind awakens while the physical body is sleep. When I am able to return and wake into the trance state, this is where I execute my method of rolling and spinning to project.

Most of the time while in the trance to confirm I am actually present, I will feel and call fourth the vibrations by feel and imagination. The vibes will then slowly fade in to waves of energy head to toe. Once I'm at that comfort level, the projection is easy to accomplish.

Hope this helps!

I am also planning soon to do some video recording in my pool to demostrate the roll and spin technique.


InvisibleLight - Book Release 12.12.2012


Haha, so I bet we'll see what synchronized swimming is all about.

David Warner

hah.. yeah, thought about that too..

actaully, all the methods and techniques out there require some sort of visulazation and feel w/o physical interaction. if the person who is trying to project is having troubles, they can use these methods in the pool. capture the feelings, exercise and practicality of the technique applying it to the trance state.

by using the pool, rolling around, spinning in circles, floating from the bottom to top with eyes closed is actual physical practice. you can pick-up on the sensations and feelings then apply later to the trance state.

if it helps people cool...


InvisibleLight - Book Release 12.12.2012


You don't need to apologize, it's a good idea. Spinning is probably the best way to detach easily. I think it would be possible without any kind of trance to bring the somatosensory phantom out of alignment. We just need to faithfully recreate the spinning sensation. It might be like visualization, needs a lot of practice.

I bet the more drastic head to leg spinning would be better for complete desorientation, starting off as if you were swinging back and forth in a swing. I have not yet spontaneously encountered this kind of movement but I feel it's more appropriate for this kind of forced detachment. If one would able to recreate this sensation after laying down it will result in a very strong etheric/RTZ OBE.

Based on my experiences with forced separations I bet the result would be freaky even painful, probably dangerous, too. For example, when I would force separation by sort of turning inside out and rolling aside at the same time I would often feel a strong pull in my abdomen, usually at the left side and slightly above my belly button.

A couple of times I even felt pain in my solar plexus. It has something to do with the early stage of the silver cord formulation be it the stem of displaced etheric flow or the extrusion point of the somatosensory phantom (in this case unsubstantial), or as I suspect, both.

David Warner


No worries here!

I really think if people can use some of these basics and apply later during sleep it will really bring out a lot. Another technique that I used a year ago didn't register of writing it down is:

Running Technique:

When performing exercises, running, repetitive motion of physical acitivity. Start reciting during rhythem breathing " I will astral project some more, I will reach the astral state, I will feel the vibrations tonight, God is with me guiding me, It is fun to astral project".

You can use anykind of anagram that makes sense and rhymes. So if you run for 20-30minutes the repetitive reciting will settle into your subconscious and aid to projection later that night or in the near future.

InvisibleLight - Book Release 12.12.2012


Nice one. You just keep bringing on all these uberkool techniques. I'd better keep up on you in that. So I got this idea.... since I'm not really into running and more like a couch potato... but the credists go to you of course.... so I can easily imagine people using your 1-2-3 technique while popping their cocks diligently: 1, 2, 3, 4... I will astral project today...5, 6, 7...I feel vibrations.

But seriosuly, nice one TVOS. Synchronizing suggestions with rhythmic breathing and movements during periods of whole body activation, should do the job. Another way to be very efficient with suggestions is to separate them with long periods of inner silence. This is often enough for an OBE if your goal is simply to recognize when you're able to roll out.

David Warner

many people have problems recogizning the vibrational / obe state let alone. i think by redundent programming if its running/breathing and swimming exercise it could help. a physical hands on vs. mental is tangible and easier to work with. i know this has helped me in projecting - the stats don't lie.

InvisibleLight - Book Release 12.12.2012
