This is a Astral Traveling challenge! Who is the winner?

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I am a difficult man not easy te teach me!
But I do really want.

(I wrote a code to a white sheet!
And i take that under the left bed side table in my room.)

I modified it to be easier, I drew a picture and is included in the code, it is above the top of the cupboard. Watch :)

if you can astral travel then you can tell me the code. If you tell me the correct code, I make sure you're able to astral travel and teaching me.

Starts the challenge :)

Im here: E12 Manor Park
If you need more information, (personal or anything) find here the code, do not hesitate to ask. but I can not give you the complete address.

I hope I can find someone who really can see

(I invited you to dinner if you win :)


Hi and welcome to the Pulse.
Your challenge is more suitable for a beginner. The main reason being that anything tied to our physical world is less important than that of the wider reality.
Perhaps you could draw a picture of something unique and photo it. Then put the photo up on site so it can be seen. Place this under the code sheet of paper. Then at least the memory of the pic will stick making it easier to locate. It wouldn't matter where you are located, the uniqueness of the photo would be all thats required. Another method is to seal something into a given location. Although this can be easily infiltrated physically its location could be carefully selected to prevent it.
Nice idea but a little off the beaten track.
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


Every now and then.  :roll: You are from a skeptics club or forum, right?  :wink:

My advice: Ask in a Remote Viewing forum. They are more apt to do this. Astral Projection is more about experiencing the wider reality, not this little restricted physical world we're in here.

As regards validating or gaining evidence, it mostly happens spontaneously and un-asked-for. Here, as always my link for examples (huge list) ...



Thank you for responded, I have tried other forums, but people were not open. Photographers advice a good idea to do it. I'll write when I'm ready :)

I try to registration the other forum with remote viweing. I wonder what will be the feedback. thank you

I'm opening a new Chat Thread, I want to ask you something.


I modified it to be easier, I drew a picture and is included in the code, it is above the top of the cupboard. Watch :)


Just a suggestion:

It could be  even easier to put in here a photo of the place where you put the target to be spotted for the RVer to hone in on it. Just without the object in question. (In this case: the cupboard without the pic/code on it).

We had a similar experiment in another forum a while ago where we did it that way (objects were put, no drawings or codes) with interesting results and one round even had a very close hit, while another one had a direct hit although from another round: the RVer "spotted" an object that the experimenter had planned to put in there in the next round, it might have been telepathy or RV into the future.


I've read several books, on the astral travel, as if it was a ghost that you can see things on the ground. In fact, I heard that someone left behind a letter, astral travel and then went home and brought the letter to you.

What I ask is simple, he can leave his body should you be looking only top of the cupboard. Those who can do it, I think it's an easy thing to do.


After projecting for a number of years now, I am convinced that you don't really enter this plane when you project, rather a 'mental palace' that is your internal representation of reality.
An example, the daydream like depiction of the room your in if you closed your eyes and tried to navigate it in the dark.
This is usually the representation closest to where you went to bed. Logically, its the last place you think you were.

After coaching a handful of people, I can firmly say, that beginnings very very easily mistake this mental depiction for the actual thing. Why not? I mean its everything that one believes and remembers is there. It should be the real world. Seeing how most folk don't do an intensive study, I can reasonably see why the public at large has this misconception about how process works. Moreso, the taboo nature of this subject makes it difficult to talk about this outside niche areas such as the forum we are in right now.

So, as Volgerle said, we don't claim to be able to do that parlor trick you are asking. That's a job for someone claiming to be a 'remote viewer'.
However, I have my doubts about them to. I think they are simply projecting and confusing their ability to control intent and get confused about what's tangible and what's not.

Astral projection is much more like the bubbles floating up in a 7-up can. Focus enough and relax yourself sufficiently. You'll float right to the top.
As Father Guido Sarducci explains:

But, yeah, for real, he's not too far off in my mind. F21 F22 F23 F24 F25...etc. How big is the bubble? How big is the group norms of the BST?



I have tapped a card to my window to see if I can view it, and know the answer before I look. I keep forgetting to look though. Also, I am new to this, but things are missing sometimes when I project. But I don't feel like it's just an altered state of mind. I am not coming down on anyone, and I think it would be cool if someone wanted to try and do what you have proposed, but for me, it's about what I can achieve and learn not how I can prove to other people what my ability is. So, I'm out. I totally couldn't do it anyway... Lol



Quote from: carrie.carnahan on December 25, 2013, 03:42:42
I have tapped a card to my window to see if I can view it, and know the answer before I look. I keep forgetting to look though.
just a tip: ask your Higher Self for help or just to show the card to you (not necessarily in the "Real Time Zone" but just clairvoyantly or however), it worked for me the first time I did it (see here: