Total belief?

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When you're doing tk, a part of you is touching the thing you're moving, so that part is already out of body. Bodies are very distracting, so you feel your body too.


Perhaps you should stop believing or trying to believe, and just let yourself experience whatever comes along. Today I had a great projection into one of those kaleidescope tunnels. Incredibly beautiful. My imagination couldn't even come close. When you experience, you know longer need to believe or even get involved in the believing process. Keep reading and let projection become part of your normal waking consciousness and relax and let your experience happen for you. Your experiences, whatever you want to call them, are as valid for you as mine are for me, or anyone else's.


Yes I agree with Innerpiolet and Majortom.  If you are struggling with trying to decide if you believe or not, you mentally are accepting that both, belief and non-belief are possible.  Your subconscious mind says maybe I will, maybe I wont, because you are giving it a choice.  I like the way Majortom says to temporarily suspend your disbelief.[;)]

At first I had the same issue of trying to decide upon what I thought.  But the way we talk to ourselves has a MAJOR factor in what we ultimately will believe.  Our subconscious minds hear what we think and say, and it is what forms our beliefs.

At first I would say to myself things like ok I am going to give it another try today.  Then I realized what I was saying to myself was slowing down my belief system, and giving me an opportunity for failure.[V]

I do not call it an attempt or try anymore, from a psychological standpoint those words or any like them automatically signify that there is a possibility of failure.  The subconscious mind knows this.  I now call it an experiment.  With an experiment there is always a result of some kind that can be thought about with measurable results.[:D]

Since I have changed the verbiage I use, my belief system has completely changed.  In my mind there is only thoughts of success, and I have come to KNOW that I can do it.  It is just a matter of time, and a learning curve. [8D]

Hope this helps.
What ever the mind of man can conceive, and believe, it can achieve.  Napoleon Hill

There is no spoon.

Life is a dichotomy within an enigma, based upon dogma affecting karma...... Or my dogma ate my karma....


well ok but i know thats not just it is it tere more to ap huh? what is that? what is a real easy site that  explains how to do it in an easy to understand manner?


When she was talking about changing the verbiage, she was talking about changing the concept, hence changing the program. Think of your system(body) as a computer, your consciousness as a mouse, where would you like to go?


Forgive me, the above post refers to what Thelou  wrote earlier. My error for referring to him as 'she'.


Freefaller,  make sure you read the post that Manix wrote today on the post Matrix authored by ZJrules. He is recommending a book he says is really great. Maybe something you are looking for.


True total belief flows and makes everything easy. But of course, like every other piece of your mind, it flows, and flow causes other parts to disrupt the flow. Such as doubt. But belief isn't necessary. Belief is knowledge's substitute. Once you have spun the pinwheel once, or projected out of body, your belief gets replaced by knowledge, whether it get replaced slowly or instantly, it happens. And once you truly KNOW that you can do it, everything is simpler.

Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

No amount of rigorous training, sitting and doing nothing, and clearing one's mind can help a man who hasn't overcome his doubts.



Here are links to a few sites that I really liked.  The were very informative for me.  Then I found this place.[:D]

hope they help

You know what is awesome?  (Innerpiolet and his tunnels)

20 years ago for men it was not sociably acceptable to describe anything other than a woman as beautiful.  I think it is beautiful that we have come far enough that me men can express our emotions.

Also no problemo about the mistake.  

What ever the mind of man can conceive, and believe, it can achieve.  Napoleon Hill

There is no spoon.

Life is a dichotomy within an enigma, based upon dogma affecting karma...... Or my dogma ate my karma....


you know i have done alot of stuff phy-wise tk... and nothing else. uh haha. well anyway AP to me is still very very foggy. i beleive or at least i tell myself i believe. but do i? i tell myself everyday and practtice everyday. i just wanta know like are there any special methods people do to make themselves beleive more