total recall

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goingslow -
If you are having trouble remembering your dreams and projections then I would suggest keeping a dream and OBE journal (if you do not already have one.) The habit of writing dreams and projections down on a regular basis greatly improves memory. Soon you will find it much easier to recall nearly all of those experiences instead of only remembering parts and segments.


Here is a trick I use when I wake up and know I had a dream but can't remember much or nothing of it. You know the feeling that you create for yourself when you try to remember something very vauge and long forgotten? Well try and generate that yourself, most likely you will, but don't try and use random ideas to clue yourself into the memory, let the memory come to you. Instead of trying to remember and then using ideas to possibly make myself remember, I just trust that I will remember eventually. Sit still for 5 or so minutes and usually it will just come back.


The amount you can remember depends on the strength of the connection between spirit and brain. Normally it is very weak. Think about what you see in astral until you can learn nothing else from it.


At first, when you become lucid/conscious in a dream or OBE do not stay out too long. Keep your experience short. Stay out for only a few seconds the first few times then expand to minutes and longer as you become more experienced. You will remember shorter expereinces easier in the beginning. It is better to remember a short experience well than not remember a long one at all.

Also do some energy work before you try to project or go to sleep. This seems to help as well.
Alice had got so much into the way of expecting nothing but out-of-the-way things to happen, that it seemed quite dull and stupid for life to go on in the common way.


To remember my dreams I used to pretend I am sleeping, and above all NOT try to remember, just observe the remainings of your dream, the sooner after you awake, the better. Then you describe all detail of what you remember, even if it is really not much. Keep your focus on the ambiance that remains from your dream. and describe these details, suddenly, a whole piece of your dream will come back, do the same on this piece, if there are many details start with which you think will more help you to remember if you forget again. Idealy describe EVERYTHING you can remember even if it takes a lot of paper... this exercise will let you remember dreams every day, and more and more detailed.


How is it some people are able to remember so much detail from their Lucid Dreams or OBE's?  For example Robert Monroe.  He has all these really detailed memories of speaking with beings from other places and everything they said.  

I can only remember bits and pieces.. sometimes I'll luck out and remember whole fragments, but its not that often.  I've been keeping a journal which helps, but I cant help but wonder sometimes how much I actually missed or forgot.  There are times I feel I know I went lucid I just cant remember.

What are techniques you all use for this.  I remember reading RB's method of setting a time with your astral double and sort of doing the download thing, but I dont have enough control over anything right now to do that.

It just seems such a waste to forget such experiences.  The memory of a lucid dream at times is the only thing that gets me through the day.