Wasps and fly's!

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Talking about phobia's,I've got a particular one.It's arachnaphobia but only a certain type of spider,called the Huntsman or wolf spider.Not sure if any you guys have them in your countries?Here in Australia they can grow up to the size of your hand or bigger & because of my negative view of them it seems to attract them even more.We have a few of the deadliest spiders in the world here,but I,m not afraid of them,because I know what to expect (the funnel web & the red back,black widow in the U.S) & can anticipate where they will be & what to look for,but the huntsman is nomadic & just cruises the country side.I'm not sure who jumps higher,my girlfriend or me.If you go to throw something at them they are likely to run straight at you,jumping all the way.I once hit one with a telephone book & it got up & ran,then I covered it in insecticide foam,nup still got up & ran.....then I set it on fire! man it was the terminator or arachnids.

Funny thing is when I have OBE's I usually have positive interactions with spiders,almost to the point of having one as a pet.I just love their webs,what genius.

Good journeys all



Hermits Unite


Oh no justine,they are of the most purest evil I'm sure & have one thing on their mind,must sink fangs in human.............must!.............must get there.............splat.If they are in my unit her it's certain death,but if they are outside I leave them be.There is no way my girlfriend would leave me alone if it wasn't destroyed.She freaks out at them christmas beetles & cockroaches in her hair,will scream the place down regardless of where she is.

I really love snakes & have no problem with them & have/would hold them again,they are beautiful,simple & perfect.

Wasps I love as well,have been bitten many times,fortunately I'm not allergic to wasps,but bees thats a different story.I love the big hornet wasps,they just take no s##t from anything,I,ve seen them hunt out the spiders around my unit,quite affective & totaly unafraid.

Hunstmans & wolf spiders though I think should be systematically hunted down & terminated.................or at least tagged,justine you sure you didn't just see the death throws of an arachno-terminator.

Take care



Hermits Unite

Qui-Gon Jinn

Mobius, well, now I will never move to Australia!!  I saw a week or two ago a TV show about a spider species, big fellow to, living in I think it was Sydney, hell they crawled around like everywhere in the city it seemed like...   it wasn´t the huntsman though....   a nomadic spider as big as your hand - jeezez!!!  But that one wasn´t dangerous right?´  Of course it could make people like you and me to have a heart attack, but it doesn´t inject lethal poison as can the red back aka black widow right??  brrrrrr...  it gives me the goosebumps (sp?) just to think about them...   good thing to know you can at least get rid of em if you set them on fire, although I would like to just be able to squash em with a good old phonebook as one can with the lil things here in Sweden (don´t grow big at all and have no poison, but they can run in your nose or ears, heaven forbid, even your mouth!! aaahhh!!!!!) so I didn´t have to get burnmarks on my floor every time... (been there, done that....)

Mobius, if you like a big hornet wasp, you CLEARLY haven´t been chased and stung by one!!!!   PS. do they bite in Australia?  Up here they sting...........

Justine, first I hear you are not afraid of the Huntsman, I think, wow, here we have superwoman herself (spiderwoman even?) - then I hear you are afraid of snails....   I luv snails...  my favourite animal (almost)..  hahahaaa.....

 Cheers //Qui-Gon

- Your focus determines your reality -


Hermits Unite


QGJ, that's just the funny thing about the huntsmans,even the biggest one wouldn't kill you,just make you vomit,unlike the funnel web,where it's goodnight!........na only joking,they have anti-venom now & the old red back would only kill a child,or human if they are sensitive.But they stay put! they don't run at you & jump!..........the purest evil I tell you.

No I definately havn't been stung by the big 2 inch/50mm long black & orange ones,they seem smart & don't look for trouble anyway,if it came down to it...............I would run like hell! I've been bitten by the smaller ones about 1 inch/25mm black & yellow ones,about 6 at once one time,on my legs & back,ouch! but not too bad.

Justine does that mean you would you would like a nice dish of escargo?hehe

Good journeys



You know here in the US they are called Wolf Spiders but they are harmless, mostly.  They are actually a rather fast evolving spider, and a bit of a half bread.  It may be different in other countries because of thier breading.  I have never been bit by one myslef they seem to run fairly easily.  Even when they are on you.  Here is Arizona they can get about the same size as the ones in Austraila.  As I mentioned thier breading it seems that they can mate with just about any other spider, but very few of the other traits are passes on so they stay pretty much a wolf spider.  Just get yourself a cat.  They like eating wolf spiders, or at least mine does.

David Rogalski

Qui-Gon Jinn

Mobius, they really target a human, make a run towards him/her and jump?!?  Honestly?  Holy mama.....  tough ones...  

Justine, barefoot encounter huh, I wonder how that particular snail thinks about humans nowadays (I reckon it ain´t capable of thinking any longer) if the incident made you about snails the way you do...  ;)   somehow my intuition tells me the snail was more harmed than you...

 ...oh, J - pleaze sing us your huntsman song, at least write the text..  I´m sure Mobius will luv getting that song on his head, being reminded of them every single second.....  *evil grin*

       Go huntsman //Qui-Gon

- Your focus determines your reality -


Hi guys n gals.....

I've just read the previous letters to the snoring banshee (have you read my snoring topic? Laura wasn't happy about me telling you how she sounds like........Well have you seen the film little nicky with adam sandler? If not, wait till he goes to sleep, and then you will know what Ihave to endure!!!! only hoking honey!! love you!)

She has promsed never to snore again, if I stop going on about spiders!!!!

I love spiders, they catch......flies.....don't like flies.....Arrrrggghhhh!

Hope you are all well.  The time is 1am here in the UK, I'm tired, but am about to attempt to go for a float.  I've decided to try using technology to drown out the snores tonight by using a product called the brainwave generator.  I think it is like the hemi-sync stuff you can purchase, but this one is freeware.

I don't have the URL, but if you type Brainwave generator in your search engines, you will find it easily enough.

I have decided to use it once a week and not all the time as I don't want to rely on it for my projection attempts.

Anyway, wish me luck! I'm in a quietly confident mood that I will get a little further tonight.

Relax, let go, take the journey



Ok, I give up,please don't sing or write any huntsman songs.QGJ,yes they do run at you but it's an instictive bluff thing.You see it in a lot of animals when they feel they are cornered or you fear them.For example,you know how some dogs are incredibly viscious with people in general,but with their masters they are more tolerant of visitors.But if one of those vistors shows fear or apprehension on meeting the dog,even though they have been assured of their safety,the dog senses the fear & negativity,instantly becoming suspicious & feeling a sense of domination.

Well, I feel that way with Huntsmans & somehow the negativity I exude & my fear/apprehension works in it's favour.If it tries it's instinctive rush & bluff technique,I run every time,they are just drawn to me.It was a point in my childhood somewhere that gave me the fear,as my mother tells me I used to track them down to play with them,sometimes holding 3 or 4 squashed up in my hands the way you see little kids with a toy or new pet,much to her horror,maybe it was he screams that somehow turned it into a negative experience for me also.

All the best on your journeys


I posted this as a reply to a fellow member of this bbs. However, I thought it would make some of you chuckle (or cringe) and is nothing to do with projection; more on the subject of my wasp / fly  phobias:

Hi Qui-gon

I've never actually been stung, the wasps fall about laughing when they see me waving my hands around while shrieking like bruce lee on speed!

I once had a car full of people (I was driving and was on a very busy road) I stopped at traffic lights and a wasp flew in. At this point I jumped out screaming and caused a pretty major tailback on the road as I would not get back in until I was positive it had gone! The other drivers thought it was hilarious though! brought some fun into thier lives.

It's not just wasps, it's anything that flies around my face. When I was a kid, I got into fishing for a while. I bought a fishing tackle box, a BIG bag filled with maggots etc. after about an hour of fishing, I got bored and went home, put the tackle box in my room and forgot about fishing forever.

As I said earlier, I was scared of the dark. One night I;m laid in bed with the covers pulled up over my head, I could hear a low pitch buzzing / tap tap tap tap tapping sound. I eventually found the courage to get out of bed and find out what was causing the noise.

I traced the noise to my tackle box.....Unlocked it......opened the lid......and to my absolute terror, about a thousand flies flew up straight at my face......AAAAARRRGGGHHH.........

I still cringe to this day......

Thanx for the mail. there are some good people on this site.

All the best.
