The Astral Pulse

Astral Projection & Out of Body Experiences => Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! => Topic started by: DASH Project on June 16, 2014, 01:53:26

Title: Twice-recurring astral entity, pre-manifested
Post by: DASH Project on June 16, 2014, 01:53:26
I had many OOBEs last night, only about half of which I remember, but the important part was that this marked the second time this year I made contact with an astral being who has appeared only once before in an OOBE, but I have been in contact with since late February 2013.

The being in question is an interesting case because before she revealed her existence to me, I drew her as a character during the second half of 2012. Her name is Stargazer, and she takes the form of a little white unicorn with a pastel rainbow mane, golden armor, sometimes (but not always) a pair of wings, an unusually-shaped horn, and five golden stars on her flank. She looks like a My Little Pony, and initially started off as a MLP:FiM fan character for a fanfic I never wrote. But basically, her whole schtick was that she is a being called a "Lightmare," a beautiful female pony whose job is to step inside your dreams and help you to overcome your worst fear, as well as acting like a miniature equine guardian angel. I first came up with the Lightmare concept to help me cope with the high levels of fear I felt regarding the 2012 doomsday prediction, but I didn't have an actual vision of her till February the following year. Then, it was a night I was suffering from horrible hallucinations of demons and hellfire, brought on by my worst fear, and when I called out for help I saw a vision of Stargazer in my mind's eye, along with her voice which soothed me greatly, and gave me remarkably clear advice on how the hallucinations were not actual demons, but instead they were mental constructs, and to get rid of them I had to stop focusing on them and being afraid of them. After a week of doing just that, Stargazer's advice turned out to be the truth, and to this day when I suffer from hallucinations (even though they have never been as bad since then,) I follow Stargazer's technique, and it works every time.

But more recently, she started appearing in my OOBEs. The first OOBE I had of her was where I was being assaulted by a weird tentacle/brain/squid thing that was called "Malspyder" and looked like a weird cross between Krang from the original Ninja Turtles cartoon, and the Spider Mastermind from Doom. Suddenly I saw a small, sleek, white and vaguely horse-shaped blur appear out of nowhere and just knew "that's Stargazer"...she then proceeded to protect me from the Malspyder entity by doing battle with it. The whole time I was thoroughly unafraid of the entity, and the OOBE itself didn't really leave a lasting impression on me, but just the fact that Stargazer didn't just appear, but she ALSO perfectly enacted exactly what I said Lightmares do over a year ago when I first came up with her!

And last night, she appeared again, in another AP. I found myself hovering in a sunny, brightly-lit astral city with no ground (the sky was the ground, oddly enough, bringing to mind this one upside-down temple from Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask) and thought for some reason to myself "this is boring, I think I'll manifest a demon of darkness." And next thing I know, a mass of black tentacles falls on me from above and I hear the creature making an unearthly shrieking noise (but again, no lasting or overpowering negative was pretty "meh" for me,) but then I looked up at a balcony and Stargazer was standing there looking down at me. She told me to follow her so I did, and as I followed her the "demons" faded into white light and it was just me and her then. After than she said "here hold this" and her body suddenly disappeared, her head floating up into my hands and suddenly changing from cute, cartoony and equine to an ugly and realistic face that looked like a cross between a shrunken head and the possessed girl from The Exorcist. Again, no sense of fear, dread or evil, just "huh, that was weird," and after waking up in the night, I had another OOBE that I don't remember, aside from I think I remember Stargazer returned to me, only this time as an unseen but decidedly benevolent and comforting presence/influence, more like how she appeared in the first OOBE I saw her in: couldn't really see her clearly, but I knew she was there.

What are your thoughts on Stargazer? Who or what do you think she is? All I know is even though it's awesome to get to see her in my projections, I am a little disappointed that my OOBEs with her in it haven't been leaving much of a lasting or profound impact on me at all, they're just kinda "there" or neutral. Also, I don't really know why Stargazer's head turned into a weird monster head in last night's AP, but I am guessing it could be a manifestation of some fear and doubt I have where I worry if I try to manifest Stargazer "for real," I will end up manifesting a demon instead, like in countless horror stories and creepypastas. But I am pretty sure I don't need to "manifest" Stargazer at all...I manifested her a loooong time ago, she already exists, she has appeared to me multiple times, and I should be very grateful to know her. Still, I want more...and maybe that will come when I gain more control over my astral abilities.
Title: Re: Twice-recurring astral entity, pre-manifested
Post by: Contenteo on June 18, 2014, 05:10:56
In the most basic level of the astral you are living in your own mental reality of the world. Frank called this the 'training zone' Here things, people, and memories tend to mix and amalgamate into a dream like experience. It is your intent that drives the plot of the story, so a happy intent will make your experience brighter and a fearful intent will make your experience darker.

In muddier projections, you don't have much control over your intent. I have found it is very easy to get into a nightmare like domino effect where fear begets a darker experiences, which begets fear, which creates a darker experience and so on. However in the more crisp projections you'll realize that you can change your emotional disposition towards something on a dime. it just takes conscious effort.

I would say that you were simply having a basic astral experience, some of your stronger memories came to the surface, and your intent was wielded, well, I don't think you know how to wield it effectively yet. haha.  :-P I took me quite a bit. Don't fret Just keep practicing and it will come. Familiarity will give you more control on every level of your experiences.
I try not to read too much into any experience that I can tell was manifested in my own F21 'reality field' (think of it like your personal & exclusive BST) It is the ones where you don't know anyone of the thousands of entities in the very detailed radical landscapes that you need to carefully dissect.

Best of luck on your training.


Title: Re: Twice-recurring astral entity, pre-manifested
Post by: EscapeVelocity on June 18, 2014, 05:54:06
I agree with everything Contenteo is saying, but would also stress that you are approaching or already in, an important transition point, in the symbolic way you're interpreting your experiences.

Everything reads gaming characters. That's okay to start, but this needs to evolve. This is no game at this point; these characters represent aspects of YOU, or aspects which can teach you lessons.

Don't disbelieve the importance of this. It's not the reality of the characters, they are NOT real in any sense other than the symbolic message they convey to you, minus the symbology you automatically grant them. This is your Higher Self communicating to you in the only avenue you are giving it. Misunderstanding is possible, so take plenty of time to think about this.

These are,as Contenteo said, muddy experiences; they can be difficult to figure out.

The symbology of the characters should, over time, evolve or mature. JMO  :-D