Hallucinations in sleep paralysis

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Last night (or rather, this morning) I woke up from a weird dream (not the kind I'd normally have) into sleep paralysis.

I dreamt I was studying something spiritual at some far away place. I think I was a monk or something. I can remember walking around a sky-blue building in a dressing-gown-type outfit, and doing some assignments.
One thing I can remember was a diagram. It was like a compass except on each of the points it had a word written. Over north was written body, over east was spirit, over south was mind, and over west was soul. I remember it seemed to make sense to me to draw it as cyclical rather than a hierarchy, like an endless cycle of 'death' and 'incarnation'.
The next thing I can remember is reading a post on a forum (this one, I think) written by some guy who'd witnessed one girl get attacked by negative entities while she slept. Apparently she thrashed about as if trying to claw at something in the air. I was skeptical, as I don't believe negative entities are real, and then the dream ended and I opened my eyes.
I found I couldn't see through my left eye, and my left ear felt as if there was extreme pressure pressing on it - like when your ears pop on a plane, but ten times stronger.
I heard, through my right ear, something thrashing on my pillow, like a tail making a noise while swinging through the air. Then I started to hear my bed creak. I knew I wasn't moving so I didn't know what was making the noise.
I wondered if this was a kind of 'warning sign' for me to make sure I was taking neccessary precautions against psychic attack. Then I thought what the hell am I thinking, this is just a load of hallucinations.
I very quickly identified that the noise my bed was making was not the noise it makes in real life. Then I started to see big blobs of grey and brown light hovering a couple of feet in front of my face.
I looked down and saw my covers were halfway down my chest, but I could feel them on my chin, so I knew I was hallucinating.
I closed my eyes, ignored the sounds and sensations and tried to project, but without any success. The noises got quieter and quieter until I couldn't hear them anymore, and then I lay there for about five minutes wondering what the hell was just going on. Being too lazy to turn the light on, I reached for my pen and drew a squiggle on my hand to remind me about the experience when I woke up in the morning.

Anyway I'm curious as to what people think of this experience. This kind of experience (hallucinatory sleep paralysis) has only happened about eight times in my life, so I think the probability it would happen immediately after my first reiki attunement is very low. Therefore, I believe the dream and the sleep paralysis I experienced were related to the attunement.
I also want to point out that if I believed, as many newbies probably would, that I was being attacked by 'negs,' the experience would have got a whole lot worse (as the ones I've had before became). The creaking noise near my feet in the bed would have developed into a monster or ghostly figure, and from there it would have gone from bad to worse. Belief in negs would have caused more harm than would be prevented if they did exist.


When I go into the pre-OBE state I get all kinds of noises, and sometimes voices. (I sometimes wonder if schizophrenia is in my future, although I'm already 48 and so far so good).  Every noise you can imagine I've heard, so my question is- if you were waking up from sleeping, couldn't it have been hypnopompic hallucinations?  They would be stronger and more lifelike because you were already dreaming before.  Was there any of the imagery from your dream in the hallucination?  I also have waken up many times from dreams only to see the dreams in front of me, for a while and then see them slowly dissappear.  Very interesting sight if you know what it is.  When I was a kid I would scream because I thought they were ghosts.


Quote from: CFTravelerWhen I go into the pre-OBE state I get all kinds of noises, and sometimes voices. (I sometimes wonder if schizophrenia is in my future, although I'm already 48 and so far so good).  Every noise you can imagine I've heard, so my question is- if you were waking up from sleeping, couldn't it have been hypnopompic hallucinations?  They would be stronger and more lifelike because you were already dreaming before.  Was there any of the imagery from your dream in the hallucination?  I also have waken up many times from dreams only to see the dreams in front of me, for a while and then see them slowly dissappear.  Very interesting sight if you know what it is.  When I was a kid I would scream because I thought they were ghosts.

I'm very familiar to waking up and 'seeing' things. A lot of the time what I see is actually misinterpretation of real objects.
Such as one time I saw a man (his back to me) wearing a cloak and a top hat. I had to look a few times before I realised the cloak was really a poster and the top hat a clock above it. Others have been a giant fist which was a really a head board. One occasion I actually (physically) jumped out of bed in fright. In an old house there was a bed across from mine, lying on it I saw a zombie with large black eyes. It was lying on its back and the flesh seemed to be stretched over its bone thin frame. it had an arm raised seeming to be waving it from side to side. I woke up, saw this and jumped out of bed. It turned out to be the quilt was raised into a lump (head and body shape) and the arm was the curtains blowing in the breeze. The breeze was causing the curtains to part slightly, so a line of sunlight fell across the crumpled sheets giving the perception of an arm waving lol  :oops: .


Leaning over
Crawling up
Stumbling all around
Losing my place
Only to find I've come full circle.


Quote from: CFTravelerWhen I go into the pre-OBE state I get all kinds of noises, and sometimes voices. (I sometimes wonder if schizophrenia is in my future, although I'm already 48 and so far so good).  Every noise you can imagine I've heard, so my question is- if you were waking up from sleeping, couldn't it have been hypnopompic hallucinations?  They would be stronger and more lifelike because you were already dreaming before.  Was there any of the imagery from your dream in the hallucination?  I also have waken up many times from dreams only to see the dreams in front of me, for a while and then see them slowly dissappear.  Very interesting sight if you know what it is.  When I was a kid I would scream because I thought they were ghosts.
I did say it was hallucinations, yes. It was combined with sleep paralysis to form old hag syndrome (where someone finds they can't move and senses/sees an evil presence sitting on them).
I think the thrashing I heard on my pillow might have been from the dream (when I read the (dreamed) post on the forum I started to see the scene take place).


I've had this experience before also. I was laying on the couch and was in meditation. To the best of my knowledge I had not fallen asleep (but who knows). I heard a horrible sound of deep growling and opened my eyes to see something coming through the wall, it didn't have a definitive form but was translucent and cloudy. I felt as if I was being held down, tried to scream, and nothing would come out. I was so afraid I left my body, went to the steps and tried to yell to my mother for help, but again, nothing would come out. I was then back in my body and thought to myself, OK, I can't physically speak, but I can speak in my mind. I prayed to God to help me. (My eyes were open this entire time) My eyes were drawn to the ceiling, I saw a ray of light slash down the center of the ceiling and then a second ray cross the first one, like a "t". I could not 'see' WHAT came out of that light, but something did, and I was released immediately. I then felt that whatever had come from that light had went back through it and the ceiling 'closed back up' (hard to put an experience into words, isn't it?)
I then heard five different tones that sounded like a harpsichord and the experience ended.

I don't know if this was hypnogogic hallucination or not, but it was as real as me sitting here typing this. I've read about sleep paralysis too and find that the experiences are similar.

Regarding negs, I personally feel that the spirit world is no different than the physical in the sense that you have good and bad in both. I also believe that energy follows thought and to think of or concentrate on the negative draws it to you and gives it more power.

I agree with many of you that far too many things are labeled as being negs. But I also believe that they exist.


HI dingo,

When one goes to sleep into Delta there is no dreams when in Theta the dreams ac cure.

When you came out of it and eyes open your in Alpha State or near the beginning of Theta.

In that area your slightly wake and slightly asleep.  One can have hallucinations with their eyes open.

HALLUCINATIONS, NEGATIVE :   When one cannot see an object that does exist.

HALLUCINATIONS, POSITIVE :   When one can see an object that does not exist.

So you where having a Positive Hallucination.  

But in that state also and your mind is much open in that in between state of Sleep and Awake ( clear awareness ) If any entities where there you pick up on them.  

So its up to you to determine which one.  

Frank (hypnotist1)


I was having a lot of sleep paralysis in my kids days , I didnt know what it was, now i know...

Does it related with Astral Projection ?