Posture while attempting to project

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Yes, it is possible to project while sitting up, although I am not one of those people who could ever do it.  In order to project, you have to be very relaxed, and I can never get relaxed while sitting (unless I'm on the toilet).

::Hehehe, sorry for the toilet humor. Pun intended!::

Keep smiling,

Jeff Mash, Founder and Editor - Jokes and Humor
Keep smiling,

Jeff Mash


Would you believe I have considered trying to project while standing? When sufficiently sleep deprived, I can fall asleep while walking. This has happened. I actually started dreaming before hitting the ground. One time I hit a parked car after going to sleep while walking and was mad at whoever had put it in my path. Sleeping while sitting up is a lot easier. If you balance your head correctly it can be done while sitting completely unsupported in the lotus posture. As for conscious projection, I am still working on it.


Thank you sooooo much for those wonderful visuals" border=0> ... the mental movie in my head made me chuckle!" border=0>

And now ... back to our regularly scheduled programs!

Greg Taylor :)

"Whatever consciousness may be, it's not a small thing" - Ingo Swann


Thanks for this guys. Tom, that's interesting about sleeping while walking but I don't think I'd want to do it because you don't know what you're going to run into" border=0>" border=0>

Jeff, nice toilet humour...not a bad pun either" border=0>

James S

I find my most relaxing spot is sitting cross legged on the bed in the spare room leaning against the wall with a couple of pillows behind me. I can sit like this for hours.

Oh, and one very important point - I keep the door to the room shut so that my pet parrot doesn't start chirping his neurotic little head off because he thinks I should be in the family room paying him attention instead of on my own ignoring him.

James S

- You don't choose the belief, the belief chooses you!


I sometimes listen to the Brainwave Generator software at lunchtime, here at work.  I simply recline my desk chair back, relax my neck so that my chin almost rests on my chest (that's as far as it will go).  I can generally get fairly comfortable this way, especially while using the Bwgen program.

Also, my hypnotherapist uses a Lazy-boy recliner.  I enjoy a partial recline position for relaxation.  In one session, I got so relaxed, I "felt" like I was going to fall UPWARD out of the chair ... I had lost total sense of the real gravitational pull ... that was an interesting and odd sensation!  Perhaps I was partially projecting at that point?

You could also try putting pillows behind your back and head, while sitting on the sofa.  This kinda mimics a reclined position, with your head supported.

Me, I'm going to experiment with laying on the living room floor to relax and project ... I have a special affinity to laying or sitting on the floor.

Greg Taylor :)

"Whatever consciousness may be, it's not a small thing" - Ingo Swann


i have been going nuts going through different postures to get comfy. at first i thought it was just a neck problem. i thought my neck just couldnt get comfortable no matter what. after going through a few differnt postures, and some sub posture postures ie. lying down w/ outa pillow, lying down w/ one. lying down w/ a shirt under my head. also i've found moving your arms to different positions will help ease discomfort w/ other parts of your body. every part of your body being in certain places will affect your overall comfort. also i've found out the hard way that sitting or lying in a certain position will get uncomfortable after a litte while, even if this is your favorite position.  so if you are doing a long meditation or trance state session, and are in what you have found to be your most comfy spot only to find it's starting to get uncomfy, don't be afraid to move to something completely different. i've found the best way to find the comfy spot is to pick something, do it for five minutes, if you dont 'see dramatic results then change. this has worked like a charm for me so far. hope this helps.


Exercise before trying to relax - if you're a little physically tired it's quite easy to get comfortable in any position.


I remember reading that RB often projects from a hard office swivel chair with a low back...

I suppose if you agree with the mind-split theory, one you can keep you upright, and the other you is off having an adventure.



Hi All.
The vast majority of my conscious OBE attempts have been unsuccessful. I put this down to the fact that I'm always laid down on my bed or a sofa. All of my chairs don't really support my head while I'm sitting up. Is it possible to project consciously while holding your head up and not laying it on to something? What sort of posture do you use?
