The Astral Pulse

Astral Projection & Out of Body Experiences => Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! => Topic started by: MarsZM on July 19, 2020, 18:01:57

Title: very strange astral noise
Post by: MarsZM on July 19, 2020, 18:01:57
hey everybody. i often hear people talk about when they get to this void or point consciousness state voices talk to them... give them profound information. its very clear and as real as someone talking in this reality. crystal clear and gives them answers to their questions etc... whether its an interface from source being a guide or another being all together... i always thought this was really cool.

however my experiences are completely different and give me zero information. i hear these pretty fast upon getting into a trance state... if i can quiet my mind good enough maybe 10-15 mins in this will happen. i will hear quick noises or what appear to be words but cant make out what it is for the life of me.

i always ask for clarity when i hear them or say "slow down" etc... but i dont get any info after that. no more experiences.

i will hear things i cant make out what they are saying itll be like.... "chimla?!" really fast in a high pitched chipmunk voice or something. or sound effects like zaps are pretty common. i sometimes hear i guess what is older person type voice? but have zero clue on the word. its just a mumble...

other times i get robotic type voices thay say things like "dillamalaau" and im sitting there like what in the???? i cant explain how fast it is too. not even 1 second long so its impossible to get any more information even if i ask its just dead silent.

now i hear people saying how they meditate and now have voices talking to them while they drive their cars or having conversations with people in everyday life not even meditating and they are having conversations with source etc. is it possible to get to that point??

i have only heard a voice once or twice clear as a bell... and one of them was a ticked off lady speaking to me in german and my ear bone was even vibrating. that was upon waking up. the other time was a beautiful eye that appeared clear as day in front of me and a beautiful female angelic voice said "nobody cares..." really slowly. then went away. i didn't know what the hell it meant but at least it was clear so i know its possible.

is this common and do you kinda just ignore that stuff i cant make out? it gets annoyig when i really want answers and really desire to build this relationship with source that all i get are goofy sounds or split second words that i cant make out that sound like a damn chipmunk lol
Title: Re: very strange astral noise
Post by: GrumpyRabbit on July 19, 2020, 18:18:11
I don't really have any good answers for you, but just wanted to say I know how frustrating it can be! People get intuitive information in different ways. Some people might be really good at getting information through sounds/voice (they hear things), other people may be more visual, other people kinesthetic (they feel things, get strong sensations in their bodies). We're all different. However you receive intuitive information is valid. I'm very visual but have a hard time understanding what the things I see mean. I joke that my shamanic guides are always engaged in "interpretive dance" LOL and I'd really like to get past the interpretive dance stage. "Oh just bloody TELL ME already!" They're not ones for explaining things. They just do something weird and somehow I'm supposed to know what the heck they mean LOL

When I'm heading out of body, however, sometimes I pass through the hypnogogic imagery stage (weird flashes of different things behind my eyes) - it's always nonsense. Random flashes of things that don't make any sense. I wonder if when you get auditory gibberish, you're passing through that stage, but your flashes come in sound rather than images. I don't really know, just thinking out loud. So my point is, maybe there's a state beyond that where things get more clear, and auditory messages will make more sense when you get to that point.
Title: Re: very strange astral noise
Post by: MarsZM on July 19, 2020, 18:32:43
Quote from: GrumpyRabbit on July 19, 2020, 18:18:11
I don't really have any good answers for you, but just wanted to say I know how frustrating it can be! People get intuitive information in different ways. Some people might be really good at getting information through sounds/voice (they hear things), other people may be more visual, other people kinesthetic (they feel things, get strong sensations in their bodies). We're all different. However you receive intuitive information is valid. I'm very visual but have a hard time understanding what the things I see mean. I joke that my shamanic guides are always engaged in "interpretive dance" LOL and I'd really like to get past the interpretive dance stage. "Oh just bloody TELL ME already!" They're not ones for explaining things. They just do something weird and somehow I'm supposed to know what the heck they mean LOL

When I'm heading out of body, however, sometimes I pass through the hypnogogic imagery stage (weird flashes of different things behind my eyes) - it's always nonsense. Random flashes of things that don't make any sense. I wonder if when you get auditory gibberish, you're passing through that stage, but your flashes come in sound rather than images. I don't really know, just thinking out loud. So my point is, maybe there's a state beyond that where things get more clear, and auditory messages will make more sense when you get to that point.

lol you sound just like me xD

i think there is a stage after that that's more... i know exactly what you mean by images too i usually get code like in the matrix... a bunch of numbers and letters and has that matrix like effect. or sometimes i will see symbols but that's it. i remember i asked a medium once why information doesn't come more clearly... she was mentoring me. she said it just doesn't work like that it's easier to get tiny symbols and data piece by piece....

if i was gonna get hit by a cement truck or something as i was crossing the road and source gave me a picture of a truck really fast i guess that would be okay.... but it would leave me thinking. I always thought a strong voice that said "HEY DUMB*** U ARE ABOUT TO GET RAN OVER" would be way better. and not much harder.... lol. i will keep up the meditations and i guess if i can't make out what the information is just move on and enjoy the trance state. thanks rabbit! been doing this since i was 20 years old and i am almost 30 now so i guess im a slow learner :P
Title: Re: very strange astral noise
Post by: Nameless on July 19, 2020, 23:04:15
Frustrating? LOL, down right annoying as hell! LOL

Funny thing is that in all my years I don't think I ever experienced those crazy sounds and visuals UNTIL I started trying to figure all this stuff out. As a kid what I saw, felt, heard was full blown and completely sensible even if I didn't understand the messages.

But then there is that whole awakening thing and bam I'm trying to figure out what is going on and reading about things like the astral winds, booms and non-sense words and hypnogogic images and I'm thinking that's just crazy and what does it mean. So I'm trying to learn all these different techniques and distinguish between all these different experiences and next thing I know BOOM! WTH was THAT? I almost scream as I sit up in bed and race to the door looking for a downed fighter jet. LOL Back in bed and colors are swirling all over the place and I'm wanting to bash the head in of whoever thought it was a good idea to slip a psychedelic party ball in my room and turn it on. 

What I think - Ignore It! If it was meant to make sense it would. It's most likely just a technicality of our human condition.
Title: Re: very strange astral noise
Post by: LightBeam on July 19, 2020, 23:28:51
these are just energy adjustments when we refocus (intentionally or unintentionally) from one frequency to another. I've heard my name being called, laughter, screaming, bombs, gun shots, popping, wind, etc. I dont thing they have a meaning. Just our filtering system's interpretation of frequencies. As far as receiving answers, I personally receive them in forms of thoughts, not voices, but thoughts popping in my head like they are mine, I came up with them, but without me forcing receival. Everyone received answers differently, but I dont think it is meant for others to give them to you. You have to come to your own realizations. Stop seeking guides to ask questions, but focus on your experiences (physical and astral) to extract the knowledge.

here is an excellent post about exits symptoms.
Title: Re: very strange astral noise
Post by: MarsZM on July 20, 2020, 03:42:37
nameless LOL i know what you mean... whats crazy is some of that stuff is just as "real" as this place so you think its actually happening. like the fighter jet thing. i heard a scream once while meditating in my house and i actually got my gun and cleared the house out like the swat team. my cat was looking at me like i lost it. lol. i literally thought someone was in my house. thats when i first got into this stuff  we are going back 10 years. now i know better and i hear that and just lay there like whatever... but still believe me i get it!

lightbeam - the gun shots are the worst. had it so loud one time it sounded like someone fired it off right by my ear. extremely unpleasant. i read in a book once if you open your third eye too fast that can happen but i dont know. im just glad im not alone.
Title: Re: very strange astral noise
Post by: LightBeam on July 20, 2020, 03:59:50
My very first experience with vibes was about two weeks after starting the visualization technique of William Buhlman. Of course I read so much about it but had no idea what the actual experience was lie, so mine was a big shake earthquake like. That woke me up and i jumped out of bed and ran into the kitchen. I looked at the chandelier to see how big was the shake, but to my surprise it was not moving. I was very puzzled, went online and checked the California website that registers earthquakes in real time. NO earthquake registered. Then a light bulb came in. oh wait that must have been a vibration state Buhlman was describing. lol. There were a few times where I would hear a group of people in my house. I have gotten up in the middle of the night ready to call 911 that someone is breaking into my house. It took a while to get used tio the vibration and sleep paralysis state and actually realize what is it while it's happening, not after I physically wake myself up. So, now, I dont let it linger. As soon as it starts, I imagine that I am standing up and that gets me fully refocused in the NP and all that weird energy adjustments stop.
Title: Re: very strange astral noise
Post by: GrumpyRabbit on July 20, 2020, 04:28:55
Quote from: LightBeam on July 20, 2020, 03:59:50
after starting the visualization technique of William Buhlman.

Just wondering which technique in particular brought the "earthquake"  :wink:
Title: Re: very strange astral noise
Post by: LightBeam on July 20, 2020, 04:46:14
Quote from: GrumpyRabbit on July 20, 2020, 04:28:55
Just wondering which technique in particular brought the "earthquake"  :wink:

Every night while falling asleep I imagine that I am someplace else. I picked my childhood home because I know it so well and i have so many good memories there. Later, I started changing the places I visualize to keep my interest. You can pick whatever place you wish. It'is very important the technique to be done WHILE falling asleep. During the day or even before bed wont work, at least for me and many other accounts I have read of people trying to AP during the day). For a long lasting fully physically detached  AP you need your body to be asleep. Then when morning comes and your body naturally has to awake, then nothing can keep you in the NP, your body awakens naturally and so is you AP over.
So back to the technique, your last thought before falling asleep has to be the thought of being some place else, observing and interacting with that environment.  So I turned into my favorite position ready to fall asleep, but I made sure that I went to bed about 1/2 hour before I know that I will become very sleepy to prevent too fast falling asleep. I visualized that I was home, walking around, observing the furniture, touching stuff, going outside, observing different objects, picking them up, etc.

This technique directs your focus away from your physical body. By interacting with the environment, touching stuff, feeling the textures, etc, you are retaining your awareness WHILE falling asleep. Then once your physical senses that keep you focus here get shut off, your awareness is still awake by the technique and you can easily refocus into the NP. This is often accompanied by sleep paralysis and vibrations, but they dont happen every time though. Sometimes, I just become aware in the middle of the night and I get out without any vibes.
Title: Re: very strange astral noise
Post by: MarsZM on July 20, 2020, 06:03:27
Quote from: LightBeam on July 20, 2020, 04:46:14
Every night while falling asleep I imagine that I am someplace else. I picked my childhood home because I know it so well and i have so many good memories there. Later, I started changing the places I visualize to keep my interest. You can pick whatever place you wish. It'is very important the technique to be done WHILE falling asleep. During the day or even before bed wont work, at least for me and many other accounts I have read of people trying to AP during the day). For a long lasting fully physically detached  AP you need your body to be asleep. Then when morning comes and your body naturally has to awake, then nothing can keep you in the NP, your body awakens naturally and so is you AP over.
So back to the technique, your last thought before falling asleep has to be the thought of being some place else, observing and interacting with that environment.  So I turned into my favorite position ready to fall asleep, but I made sure that I went to bed about 1/2 hour before I know that I will become very sleepy to prevent too fast falling asleep. I visualized that I was home, walking around, observing the furniture, touching stuff, going outside, observing different objects, picking them up, etc.

This technique directs your focus away from your physical body. By interacting with the environment, touching stuff, feeling the textures, etc, you are retaining your awareness WHILE falling asleep. Then once your physical senses that keep you focus here get shut off, your awareness is still awake by the technique and you can easily refocus into the NP. This is often accompanied by sleep paralysis and vibrations, but they dont happen every time though. Sometimes, I just become aware in the middle of the night and I get out without any vibes.

i can totally relate. i set an alarm app on my iphone for 4 hours when going to sleep... it beeps 5 times and wakes me up and then turns off on its own. i dont have to move in my bed and i "play dead" and dont move.... and deeply relax. and i get out everytime. i just lay there and with intent shift to a scenerio of my choice and i always phaseshift somewhere almost instantly. its not always the place i imagine... but no biggie. it sounds dumb but i love my sleep so much sometimes i just wanna sleep and not obe... with that method though i could easily AP everynight. i have lots of anxiety during the day sometimes so those coma like sleeps where i don't even dream are amazing lol.
Title: Re: very strange astral noise
Post by: LightBeam on July 21, 2020, 01:54:43
Quote from: MarsZM on July 20, 2020, 06:03:27
i can totally relate. i set an alarm app on my iphone for 4 hours when going to sleep... it beeps 5 times and wakes me up and then turns off on its own. i dont have to move in my bed and i "play dead" and dont move.... and deeply relax. and i get out everytime.

This is a very cleaver way to bypass all kinds of techniques. I have set up my wake up time for 2 AM on my app. It will sing me a soft song for a few seconds and it will stop without the need for me to press any stop buttons.
Usually when I naturally wake up during the night to go to the bathroom or drink some water, when I get back in bed I just start swaying from side to side, and that motion triggers buzzing very quickly. so I will combine the wake up with alarm at 2 AM with swaying for a few seconds and see how that goes.

But yes, like you, sometimes I feel so tired that I just want to pass out and totally recharge.
Title: Re: very strange astral noise
Post by: EscapeVelocity on July 21, 2020, 02:51:55
I agree that this sounds like the many and various ways hypnogogia can occur; what fun! What entertainment!

I will add a possibility and a suggestion that occurred to me over the last year. I have had infrequent bouts with annoying hypno noises over the last five years or so. During the same time, I also had difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep; also it reached a point of intensity where hypnic jerking was especially severe to the point I was concerned about a nervous disorder.

It so happened that a couple months later, I was headed to the Monroe Institute for a week and while there I received an energy healing. I mentioned my symptoms and difficulties and the healer informed me that all my chakras were functioning nicely except for my heart chakra which was quite closed. I asked if that could result in the seemingly spasmodic discharges like fireworks that I was experiencing and she agreed. She worked on me and all those symptoms disappeared and that was a year and a half ago.

So don't discount a possible energetic solution to an energetic phenomenon. Maybe some chakra work, some energy work, some emotional Clearing or cleansing of a sort is called for.
Title: Re: very strange astral noise
Post by: MarsZM on July 21, 2020, 03:01:45
Quote from: EscapeVelocity on July 21, 2020, 02:51:55
I agree that this sounds like the many and various ways hypnogogia can occur; what fun! What entertainment!

I will add a possibility and a suggestion that occurred to me over the last year. I have had infrequent bouts with annoying hypno noises over the last five years or so. During the same time, I also had difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep; also it reached a point of intensity where hyping jerking was especially severe to the point I was concerned about a nervous disorder.

It so happened that a couple months later, I was headed to the Monroe Institute for a week and while there I received an energy healing. I mentioned my symptoms and difficulties and the healer informed me that all my chakras were functioning nicely except for my heart chakra which was quite closed. I asked if that could result in the seemingly spasmodic discharges like fireworks that I was experiencing and she agreed. She worked on me and all those symptoms disappeared and that was a year and a half ago.

So don't discount a possible energetic solution to an energetic phenomenon. Maybe some chakra work, some energy work, some emotional Clearing or cleansing of a sort is called for.

escape that makes sense! i am reiki master so maybe i should do some work on myself. i haven't done energy work in ages... just meditation. Do you think energy and consciousness are the same thing? like energy is "consciousness with an intent to make a change" or do you think it's another function? i hope i said that right haha xD
Title: Re: very strange astral noise
Post by: MarsZM on July 21, 2020, 03:04:24
Quote from: LightBeam on July 21, 2020, 01:54:43
This is a very cleaver way to bypass all kinds of techniques. I have set up my wake up time for 2 AM on my app. It will sing me a soft song for a few seconds and it will stop without the need for me to press any stop buttons.
Usually when I naturally wake up during the night to go to the bathroom or drink some water, when I get back in bed I just start swaying from side to side, and that motion triggers buzzing very quickly. so I will combine the wake up with alarm at 2 AM with swaying for a few seconds and see how that goes.

But yes, like you, sometimes I feel so tired that I just want to pass out and totally recharge.

lightbeam very cool :D do you set an alarm for 3 hours or 4? i tried 5 hours last night and that seemed to be too much like my body was fully rested and not in the sweet spot state... if i remember right after 3-4 hours is best and 3 and a half was the sweet spot. i also do try to do this without an alarm just everytime i wake up become aware and play dead and it's the perfect sweet spot. i did this a lot a long time ago and i found i didn't need an alarm anymore, my dream would end and i would wake up and i instantly just became aware and tried a technique so i trained myself to do it throughout the night! but now a days i just wanna roll over and sleep and not dream lol. i guess we all go through spurts like that
Title: Re: very strange astral noise
Post by: LightBeam on July 21, 2020, 03:16:46
Quote from: MarsZM on July 21, 2020, 03:04:24
lightbeam very cool :D do you set an alarm for 3 hours or 4? i tried 5 hours last night and that seemed to be too much like my body was fully rested and not in the sweet spot state... if i remember right after 3-4 hours is best and 3 and a half was the sweet spot. i also do try to do this without an alarm just everytime i wake up become aware and play dead and it's the perfect sweet spot. i did this a lot a long time ago and i found i didn't need an alarm anymore, my dream would end and i would wake up and i instantly just became aware and tried a technique so i trained myself to do it throughout the night! but now a days i just wanna roll over and sleep and not dream lol. i guess we all go through spurts like that

well, I go to bed at different times depending on my work schedule the next day, but no later than 11 usually, so I would say 3 to 4 hours of sleep. I dont think it makes a difference for me to be that precise. and I agree when your body gets used to waking up at night with alarm, then it will do so without one after a while.
I also agree with EV that energy blockage or improper flow can manifest in different physical symptoms. Even if we dont have complaints it is best to do energy movements on ourselves every once in a while.