Vibrations so quickly??

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You heard a noise that the dog didnt because it was an astral sound. Having energy (vibrations) allows you to hear them and do other astral things.

Dont worry about not doing it right. The only thing that would happen is you dont astral project.

If you get vibrations again, make them as big as you can then (float/roll/sit up/choose your own) out of body or think about being somewhere else.


Thanks! So it really was Vibrations, then.. Insert But I got them so easily.. I thought it would take ages and I'd maybe only get a little twinge or something the first time. heh heh [|)] Now I'm really excited to try again! I'll have another go tomorrow [:)] what are these 'other astral things'?


I'm not sure its vibrations (80% chance it is). I think the chance is that high because you felt "butterflies" on your WHOLE BODY. I've had vibrations so good that I wouldnt trade them for (an equal time of) sex with a porn star. The first vibrations werent nearly that good. Keep doing it and you might get there.

It can be more than "a little twinge" because you've done it before. As a spirit, you've probably done it many times.


I've had vibrations so good that I wouldnt trade them for (an equal time of) sex with a porn star

Good connection[:D]...



"Also, I have a bit of a fear that when I finally do have an OBE I won't be able to get back inside my body. Can someone please go into more detail about how you get back in?"

Every obe I have ever had, and I have had many, I don't do anything to "get" back in. At a given time the experience ends and I wake up. I never understood the need to get back to the body and re-enter it, in my opinion this happens naturally and quickly when the experience ends, and they always end.

Sometimes I wake myself up intentionally, selling myself short of a longer experience, but I only do this if there is something I absolutely dont want to run the risk of forgetting. Waking up intentionally and writing it down ensures good recall, at least in my experience.

Fears need to be dealt with or they can hinder progression.


It sounds like you experienced the vibrations to me. You atleast felt energy, which is a good sign.

It is easy to get back into your body, you just have to think about it. Think about moving your physical toe or hand and it should pull you back to it. Think about what it feels like to be in your physical body. Something you should understand is that you are not actually leaving your body. You are making yourself more conscious or aware of other planes of existance. You are always in your physical body, but your are conscious of your other bodies and able to go explore on the other planes. So you have no chance of being locked out of your physical body, not until its death anyway.

Why would one desire to have sex with a porn star? It does not seem very exciting to me. It seems that it would be purely a physical act, and sex can be so much more. You can have sex and the vibrations so why choose?
Alice had got so much into the way of expecting nothing but out-of-the-way things to happen, that it seemed quite dull and stupid for life to go on in the common way.


Hello! I'm new to OBE's and Astral Projection. I've known about them for a long time, but only in the last few weeks got properly interested. I've been looking up alot of information and reading people's posts on here, so I know most of what there is to know. Anyway.. I've never had an OBE before. Or tried to. Today I had my first try, and I'm a bit confused, so.. I'll tell you what happened.
I was in my room, I lay on my bed and relaxed my body (I've been doing yoga for a while [:)] so I can do that already) then I focused my mind. after only a few seconds, my eyelids started twitching madly, and then my fingers and toes. Then I got a feeling like butterflies in my stomach, but it was in my whole body. It felt strange, but not unpleasant. I thought it must be the Vibrations, and it was getting stronger. I hadn't actually been expecting that to happen on my first try, and it happened so quickly. I hadn't prepared to do any more, and I forgot what to do next, and since I didn't want to do anything wrong I thought it would be best to stop, so I quickly opened my eyes and sat up. I was a bit dizzy at first, but then seemed okay, so I came downstairs and onto the computer to read about what to do when the Vibrations came (but I wasn't planning to it try it again today). I thought everything was okay, when I suddenly heard a few odd noises. There were three of them, just random noises. The third one was like someone exhaling loudly. My dog was on the chair next to me and he didn't appear to hear them. I got a bit freaked out. I'd read that hearing strange noises was normal while experiencing the Vibrations, but it was a about 10 minutes after that had happened, and I don't even know if it was Vibrations that I experienced. What do you think?
Also, I have a bit of a fear that when I finally do have an OBE I won't be able to get back inside my body. Can someone please go into more detail about how you get back in?