Was I phasing?

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So I used saltcube.com's method where I woke up early in the morning and set my alarm for 20 minute intervals. The purpose was to shock me into lucidity once I was dreaming and then use the lucid dream as a launch pad for a physical body exit.

However, the alarm method wasn't working. Suddenly, I had lost coherency and slightly succumbed to unconsciousness (for about 10 seconds?).

My consciousness returned and I thought "There's the back of my eye lids...good I'm not asleep". Suddenly the back of my eyelids brightened and a VERY vivid pattern was present (sort of like a quilt made of light).  :shock:

Soon after wards I saw a room begin to form in front of this pattern. A shift occurred, and I felt myself floating up. I realized I was in the room and it was forming as I floated into it. I was completely aware and lucid of the entire experience. But then I got too excited and lost it.

Did I phase?


Ok I realized that I was definitely phasing. And here's what happened:

When the "quilt of light" formed and the room began to appear, I was watching (and creating) a scene unfold in front of me (normal phasing imagery). However, I got too excited and pushed myself into this scene while it was still 'under construction'. This caused me to project into the scene where I began to float into it.

If I had waited for the scene to unfold, then I could have either observed it from afar (mental projection) or I pushed into it (full projection). I did the latter a little too quick out of excitement.

I will say this, the projection was vivid, lucid, and amazing. I think I am going to begin focusing my practice mainly on phasing. It's too real not to  :confused: (whatever that means).


Leaning over
Crawling up
Stumbling all around
Losing my place
Only to find I've come full circle.



Yes very.
Have you phased yet? If so what techniques do you use (visualization, awareness, etc) to phase?

Also, I dug this info about phasing from our forum by phasing expert Frank:

"The starscape effect generally occurs as part of the Phasing process. It is also common to see whirling shapes or clouds of colour, and such like. Basically, you switch from seeing only the 2-dimensional blackness at the back of your eyelids... to having a feeling of moving into a 3 dimensional blackness, which is often punctuated by lots of little yellow lights in the distance (well, with me they are bright yellow).

If you progress further you typically feel a kind of mental shift wherupon you find yourself within the Astral someplace. Which is what happened to you. But if you slow that shift down, you find it is possible to travel through the blackness and go right up to the lights, for example. Or you can have a root around and see if you can come across what are commonly called Astral Plane Entrance Structures of the kind R.Bruce printed on the back of AD. "

The 'quilt of light' I saw seems to be one of these Astral Plane entrance structures.


Yes I've phased but only about three times. The first two times was like a 30second thing where I didn't even notice the shift. The third time was recently. I made a thread about it in Astral Experiences. As far as techniques go, I usually start off with the noticing exercise and then onto visualization/"sensation experimentation" (lol i just made that sucker up). Problem I'm having is slowing down that shift. It's quick!

And about that quilt of light thing you encountered. I think about 2 months ago I was "seeing behind closed eyes" when i noticed this thing on my bed. It was like a 3-dimensional grey cube pattern right in/on my bed. Like your 'quilt  of light' , it was probably a portal of some kind. Too bad we didn't enter the thing! Wonder where it would have led...
Leaning over
Crawling up
Stumbling all around
Losing my place
Only to find I've come full circle.


What is really phasing ?

Just doing a regular AP or you have to do it a certain way ?


Phasing is the next rung on the ladder of conscious alterations/projections. It is like a traditional out of body exit but without the strong exit sensations or unnecessary exit techniques.

Phasing is a not like a traditional RTZ projection. You watch the snippets of imagery that appear in your mind with a completely blank/focused attention. Eventually you get a strong enough 'signal' and can phase (project) into the imagery. Some people use rundowns to bring about the imagery...and actually once you become adept at phasing, you can phase into that rundown!


I think I got the idea of phasing.

But it look a lot more difficult than trying to do a regular exit technique.

And it look way less fun , when I exit , the sensation is so good is incomparable to anything , what do you think ?

Do you think with phasing you really are going in the same astral as an exit technique ? Because im sure it could happen with phasing that you enter a dream or a lucid dream and you think its a astral trip.


think of it as there being no astral...but your own subconscious landscape for your shaping


Quote from: Sepultura123I think I got the idea of phasing.

But it look a lot more difficult than trying to do a regular exit technique.

And it look way less fun , when I exit , the sensation is so good is incomparable to anything , what do you think ?

Do you think with phasing you really are going in the same astral as an exit technique ? Because im sure it could happen with phasing that you enter a dream or a lucid dream and you think its a astral trip.

I think it's a lot of fun. The snippets of imagery that appear in your mind are really absurd. You could spend days trying to understand the symbolic meaning of a particular image. However when it is actually happening, just pay attention to the image and 'feel' it. Once the image is gone, let others take its place.

Sometimes the snippets of imagery make sense. For example when the imagery begins to look like my rundown, then it shows that my subconscious is internalizing the rundown.

I think we are going 'inside' ourselves with phasing. I believe the astral is actually our subconsciousness' interpretation of the physical world. That is why so many reality disruptions occur and no two people see it the same way.

Phasing is very different from a lucid or regular dream. The feeling of it, what you experience and see, and your 'state' of awareness are different. Oh, the shift into phasing is more pronounced than with a dream.

Quotethink of it as there being no astral...but your own subconscious landscape for your shaping

Yes. However, once you phase into your own subconscious, you can use it as a springboard to enter other 'worlds'. Or you can use it to phase into the traditional RTZ (which is our subconscious' interpretation of the physical world).


Recently I phased into the void and a field of lights appeared when I placed intent to leave the void.

Here is a quick and dirty photoshop of the field of lights in the void that I witnessed:

Interesting how it almost looks like stars in space.


I guess I've experienced two types of voids.

One was a long time ago, with the star like background you guys are talking about. That was cool. It felt like I was drifting backwards in the night's sky. But that's only happened once.

Most times though, I find myself in pitch black darkness.  :roll:
Leaning over
Crawling up
Stumbling all around
Losing my place
Only to find I've come full circle.


QuoteYeah...that's pretty much the void....FZ...or 3D blackness...

I've been there, too, first time out. It's a great place to be if you know what it is - very easy to choose where you want to explore by simple intention.

I think some people who report being "blind" while being out-of-body are actually in the FZ without realizing it.

If you find yourself there, try listening to music (just place the intent to listen). It's so neat ...
A certain degree of neurosis is of inestimable value as a drive, especially to a psychologist - Sigmund Freud


I have been in there two times but I thought it was outer space.  Later on I read that each 'star' is an enery vortex that will take you to other regions.  Too bad I didn't know it at the time!  Since then I haven't been back-maybe more accomplished projectors can let me know if I missed something good...