Weird experience .. actual contanct with a "presence"

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Open to all interpretation.. and am willing to take in all opinions and advice...

I was in my bed having a nap after i layed out some concrete in my front yard,

So i was having a few dreams and then i noticed i was awake but my body was still asleep, so i tried to do some OBE's by trancing myself out of my body,

At first it happened quick i zoomed off my bed horizontally, and i put my arms up and it was like i was rocketing horizontally

I opened my eyes and found myself in my room again, but i couldn't move i was trying to get out of my body but wasn't really working.. i think had this image of
a girl at my work and another guy at work i was having a conversation with, i kind of leaned in towards her and she was telling me something .. then she kissed my
cheek and for some reason i was gravitated towards her like i was falling inside her, and when this happened i started hearing orgasm sounds and moaning, after this
i was like WTF is going on, i woke up but now i was still in my bed in a black void, i knew i was in my bed and i was aware of were i was and i felt someone touching me
on my right side, (I had both my hands behind my head when i was laying down on my bed) It felt good... like i was having sex and i heard moaning that was getting louder
and louder

I was like i need to stop so i told whatever was doing that to stop because i felt bad because the night before i had finally decided to get into a relationship with this girl i was
really into, and keep in mind there was also another girl in the picture before i decided i wanted to be with this girl

So i told it too stop and i was focusing on "good energy" to get it away .. even though it felt good and i said stop

and all of a sudden it felt like i tuned into a new radio station.. my sound went all distorted and then i heard a very clear "nobody tells me what to do"

This scared me a little because i wasn't expecting a REPLY, so i said "OK, im sorry" and kind of got nervous and then i calmed down a little after the shock and asked who she was and
too come back so we could talk and help eachother out with whatever was going on, and when i got out this trance i saw a white flash of light too my left field of vision and then kept
trying to talk to her telling her to come back but no anwser or anything like that...

WEIRD huh?


Why i think this is an actual presence...

I have never had a thought about actually talking with spirits when i had an OBE, so my sub conscious couldn't have manifested something (maybe not anyway) like this...
Also she said "Nobody tells me what to do" meaning if it was something that HAS to do with me, it would be something like "You cant tell me what to do"


Greetings ADJIN
First off I am somewhat confused. Do you think that your experience was a full OBE, a partial OBE or some type of a lucid dram?
So apparently much of what happened was confusing. Yet if the experience was a lucid dream (or any type of dream for that matter) then it is likely that all the people that you encountered were thought forms (= creations of your own mind).
Yet if you had an OBE then maybe one (or all) of those people were 'really" there (= had an objective existence outside of and apart from your mind.)
In either case I suggest Not getting too worked up about this. Unless there is some type of actual physical relationship between you and this girl then there should be nothing to be worried about.

Sincerely  :-)


maybe a goddess was trying to seduce you and got upset you didn't go for it... check out this book if you can. pg 64 in particular:


Quote from: Greytraveller on November 06, 2011, 22:15:07
Greetings ADJIN
First off I am somewhat confused. Do you think that your experience was a full OBE, a partial OBE or some type of a lucid dram?
So apparently much of what happened was confusing. Yet if the experience was a lucid dream (or any type of dream for that matter) then it is likely that all the people that you encountered were thought forms (= creations of your own mind).
Yet if you had an OBE then maybe one (or all) of those people were 'really" there (= had an objective existence outside of and apart from your mind.)
In either case I suggest Not getting too worked up about this. Unless there is some type of actual physical relationship between you and this girl then there should be nothing to be worried about.

Sincerely  :-)

It was a bit of all of the above Grey, it started of as an OBE, then a lucid dream, then back to a OBE because i was in my bed and i was half outside my body kind of thing and i felt her presence... im thinking when i was OBE'ing i attracted something and then when it got into that dream she was seducing me like the above poster said and then when i realized what was happening the lucid dream stopped and i was back in my bed ... kind of like when your dreaming and you have background noises and they wake you up, except this one brought back into sleep paralysis with her still touching me and moaning

Hope that makes sence


Dude, I would tread carefully if I were you.  Check out my thread about shadow beings, if you'd like to hear one of my experiences but to sum it up...  There was this presence that immediately glued to me when i first started in the projection, I reached out and felt that it was a woman, it looked all dark and shadowy.  This thing grabbed me and tried to force out sexual energy, which at first was distracting which might be why it glued so strong to me(I was reacting to it) but when I attempted to push away and not have anything to do with it, its grip got stronger.  It was pulling me in trying to consume me.  It's hands were monster like, I wasn't fearful of it but I was trying my hardest to break away and was met with equal force if not greater as I was gradually getting pulled closer.  Exiting the projection was the only way out.  I would stick to sexual things in lucid dreams if you must partake, but avoid all sexual energy in the astral for the time being as things can get very hairy.  Just my 2 cents.  Goodluck on your journeys!


Thanks for your reply man, but i didn't intentionally look for sex in the astral, it happened randomly for some reason