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Basically, weed enhances the perception of energy exchanges in your body. I think you percepted the process of a sleep as it is on an energetic level: something people don't usually feel :-)


Hi Brandon,

Don't let me stop you with personal pleasures, but to be brutally honest: weed brings no real benefit in energy body development and the awareness you felt is illusory!

However you would find substantial benefit by learning and practicing something like New Energy Ways (tutorial to be found on the main site), or by practicing something more physical like Hatha Yoga or Chi Gung. It's more fun (trust) and costs a whole lot less in the long run!

Enough bah humbug from me...

Enjoy life,



And please don't consider my reply as a weed-support :-) I am personally against it and would agree with Steve and advise you N.E.W.  Training Kung-Fu also helps u reach the balance between body and soul development :-) good luck!



Thank you for the replies everyone!!


I was at a friends house sleeping on the bed and *thought* i had woke up but i didn't open my eyes. My chest just started getting heavier and heavier like i was going to start hyperventilating. So, right after that I *thought* i was sitting there telling my friend what was happening, me feeling weird and all and then i just woke up. And a few minutes later the vibes came back without the sensations in the chest. I have had similar expriences before of me sort of "slamming" back into my body if someone wakes me up right when I fall asleep, but nothing like this. I do have to admit I had smoked a little weed but nothing that would give me a "body buzz" like i was feeling. The feeling i was getting when my chest got heavy was awesome, it wasn't like it was scary or felt like i was in any danger, it's like i just went with it, like i knew what was happening. Anyway, what do you all think of that? You think I'm on to something or just a combination of me smoking and then taking a little weed nap?