What's That Feeling When I Try To AP ?

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When I'm attempting to AP, after some time I get this weird feeling it's not that feeling numb feeling and I'm not getting sleep paralysis, what is it ?


 It's a totally normal "signpost" of shifting!  :-)


Quote from: Lionheart on November 29, 2012, 02:59:30
It's a totally normal "signpost" of shifting!  :-)

i did a breathing relaxation for about 10 min and then used a mantra and after about a min i got that feeling and after a few more minutes it dissapeared, i did this for about 25 min, how much longer should've i waited ? is it worth waiting an hour ?


Waiting won't get you anywhere, and it's boring, which definitely won't help. All kinds of weird sensations can happen in the process, so do your best to roll with it and not analyze it too much. It's best to have some sort of focus or exercise to keep you passively aware without thinking and analyzing about what's happening. The more you experience these sensations, the more normal they'll become and you won't hardly notice them. It's more about shifting your consciousness than feelings at this stage.