Astral Guides...

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In order to make contact with more spiritually-developed entities, you must first gain a reasonable degree of control of your own Astral experience.

At first, people tend to flit here, there and everywhere, releasing all kinds of emotions to the extent where everything becomes a whirl. Once you realise the basics, and learn to put them into practice, you get to the stage where you can remain still, both physically and mentally.

Then it is merely a case of looking around you to see what is going on. If there is no-one about then I found that becoming mildly curious about something around me is normally enough to attract a helpful entity who can explain things. That's how I met Harry. He started out by showing me "emotions" and their effects.

If I am in a populated area then I try and interact with the locals. That is, if they are open to me. Sometimes you find the residents are as equally curious about you, as you are about them.

As for your idea regarding affirmations, and so forth, prior to sleep: you explained it in a nutshell. In fact, that is basically how I began around 20 years ago.



In order to make contact with more spiritually-developed entities, you must first gain a reasonable degree of control of your own Astral experience.

I agree with the above statement in general, although it is always possible to pray for help to recieve guidance on a more or less conscious level.  The desire to recieve help, as Frank also stated, is sometimes sufficient to summon the aid of a positive entity.

Frank, I have a question for you: how do you know if the help you are recieving is free of deciet?

fides quaerens intellectum
We shall not cease from our exploration, and at the end of all our exploring, we shall arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.
T.S. Elliot
fides quaerens intellectum


The quote you made was particularly in answer to making contact with other Astral entities while on the Astral. Yes, there are prayers and the like that can reach-out as you describe.

These days it never occurs to me to think of any kind of deceit. Basically, you reap what you sow, and that is no more true than when on the Astral.



2 experiences come to mind -

Early on, I asked Robert Monroe for help. It was during the day, I was outside gardening, and I thought 'what the heck, I'll ask.'  My need for a projection was pretty great, and I put a lot of nonphysical oompf behind it.

What surprised me was 'hearing' an immediate male response of "i'll do what I can from this end."  (this might indicate that a nonphysical person can't force us out of our bodies, but can assist.) I had a decent projection shortly after. I haven't had the same level of 'conversation' with RAM since, (not due to lack of effort on MY part! Perhaps I need to change my expectations or something) but I think the 'communication' was real and validated by my later experience.

The second experience involved Mr. Bruce - Shortly after reading AD I tried to visit him during a projection. I whooshed down under and met up with him in a classroom. Wrote about it on the old forum - and I am still trying to track down a photograph of him to see how it matches my perception in the experience. (he didn't look like a kangaroo.)  We met in a classroom and he was writing on the board - definitely appropriate imagery. there was no 'payoff' other than the feeling of travelling halfway round the world --- more grist for the mill and so on.

bottom line - I absolutely think that you can help from folks nonphysically without projecting first. Prayer would be an excellent way to go about it. I also think that you can work on some of the mental skills that come in handy on astral planes before you actually get there.  Things like being aware of your thoughts, etc - Though no doubt being astral would help with honing the skills.

You might examine whether you have any unidentified conflicting beliefs that might keep you from receiving the help that you ask for. For instance if you were raised catholic (as I was) there might be all sorts of ingrained subconscious dogma interfering with the process. (ggggrrrrrr.)



I have had clear encounters with my guides ..Lots of people have not so they swear there are none. But I have seen them many times and know they are real, helpful and loving watchers of our souls. Also I have see angels even St Michael (On the top of the Capital building a few months before 9/11) But that's another story.. I feel all souls have different learning experiences and see things they way that helps them grown for what they need to learn in this life time.



Hmm. I am definetly trying to contact my guides. Im fairly sure I have one, tough to explain. I am desperate to find an answer to my question about a VERY nagging thought I have. Look for that topic if you want to understand my story better. I am going to try and contact my guide tonight and gain some assistance. I have a feeling of another form (higher self I guess) that dictates my actions at points. What people refer to a concience, i refer to as my higher self for some reason. I get the feeling that the thoughts aren't coming from my own mind, but actually were mine. Get it? Oh well. Good luck guys.



Within the Astral, "guides" are all over the place. You only have to be open to them and they flock around you.

Yes, there are deep-feeling entities that people might call their own, very personal, "spirit guides" or "guardian angels".

At the other end of the scale, there are open entities who can tell you if this "tunnel thingy" leads to anywhere interesting or not (and everything inbetween).

It may well be that one of yours (personal guides, I mean) put that "nagging thought" in your mind just so you'd seek *them* out.

Problem is, we humans, when aligned to the Physical, tend to always think the other way around (at first).



Ive met these same 3 kids twice on separate occasions,they were trying to teach me stuff.But I couldnt do much. I managed to make a blue orb in my hands.And than it blew up and it turned to blue jelly.I could feel this all over my hands.This is the only part I really remember clearly about them.

I never asked for any help.They just came to me.2 little boys around the age of 10,and a little girl around the same age.We were all in some city like realm.All the houses were very close together.And there were people walking everywhere.They didnt come with me,when I left  the house we were in.And I just walked down the street looking around.Like I always do,Im to amazed by the things I see.And no thoughts are in my head when im out.Its just like when Im in trance.So it never occurs to me to ask for help or anything else.I eventually flew off and ended up hitting a tree.I could feel every branch and the leaves going through me.

It started to lightning and some people started running.And that is when I ended up back in my body.I havnt been there again.And havnt seen those 3.Maybe they will appear again when I need them.....:)



guys I cant exactly answer your question on how to have your guides assist you in acheiving obe's,perhaps the only advice I can offer is to have faith that they are with you always and they will guide, inspire and protect you (just ask them!) . My guides made themselves known to me I cant see or hear them but I know when I am being given messages.I didnt knowingly summon them and over the last few nights Ive been asking them what they need me to do, tonight I got my answer.... I was doing a standing meditation and asked what they want me to do when my vibrations started to build and I had that cobwebbing feel on my face and I felt my heart chakra starting to pound I allowed my consciousness to move forward a little and started to feel my self exiting my body...but I stopped and let it be for now,will try again tommorrow.So thats about as close as I can get to answering your question !!


Frank (et al) - a thought came to me when I read your reply to the "time perception" thread ( about your guide 'Harry'...

Firstly, how does one contact / obtain the help of a guide in the astral? Is this a matter of strongly broadcasting the desire to get help from an astral entity, etc? Or is something more complicated involved?

My reason for asking is this - if we are all more or less active in the astral during sleep, even though unremembered, it should be possible to ask for a guide to assist in even progressing to the point of achieving one's first OBE (correct/incorrect?). I guess you would attempt this by forming the strong intention to make that contact, and imagining the action to be performed, before sleep, with the firm conviction of making actual contact during astral excursions that night. I hope that doesn't sound too far-fetched or "ignorant", as I've had a couple of encouraging occassions using that technique. In fact, one was shortly after I read AD, where RB mentions methods of contacting people on exit - I decided to try it out and yelled out mentally "Robert Bruce" while falling asleep with the firm intentions, etc etc. On waking, I remembered having a dream where he spoke to me and gave me some advice on practicing. I emailed him a little while back and he said it is quite possible as his astral form is very active independently 24x7 with such requests. I would think that someone can do some limited work in the astral during sleep, even if conscious OBE exits are not yet possible....

What do you think? If you could give some basic technique for attracting the help of a guide for the purpose of astral awakening, this may be a great aid for many aspiring students.

Thanks and best regards,
