Trouble astral projecting because of a past injury

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Well, This is my first time posting in these forums. I have been lurking and reading on, Studying and learning. I have been trying to astral project through trance for a while now. One thing that stops me everytime i try, Is an injury i had about 2 years back.

This injury was a broken forearm, when i broke my forearm, One of the bones in my forarm snaped in half. In order for my arm to heal they had to do surgery on me. They had to place the bone back in its original position. Then they had to put metal plates and screws into it.

Now, I have been trying to astral project in this manner, I lay down and controll my breathing. I breath in one breath then let my body take over and breath without me purposly trying to breath. Like automatic breathing i guess. well first my left leg and foot starts to go numb, then my left had and arm. When it gets to the point that moast of my body has gone numb, then my Right arm starts to go numb.

Then the pain starts, when my right arm is starting to loose sense i feel incredable pain where my arm was broken in the past. It feels like my arm is broken all over again.

I have a theroy that when your body starts to go numb through trance, it goes in layers and stages. for me it starts on my left foot and the outer layer of skin, Then the numbness goes deeper. I think that when the numbness tries to go bone deep on my right arm i can feel the metal inside my arm, Then it starts to hurt really bad.

This is the one thing that stops me from going any further, The incredable pain i feel, Allmoast like my arm is still broken.

I need to find a way around the pain, Maybe i need to find a way to ignore this intense concentration breaking pain.

I do not know what to do. I have made it a goal to try and astral project from waking trance. Now it seems my goal has been shattered.

If anyone has any ideas, or information that could help me past the tremendous physical pain. Please let me know.


How often have you gotten this pain? Have you gotten to this relaxation state often and the pain happens every time with the same intensity?

Obviously there is something conscious to it, as you wouldn't be able to sleep at night if this pain happened whenever you relaxed fully.

I'm wondering if it has to do with non-physical energy. The last time I tried to project, I was in the perfect state, vibrations started to happen, I knew I was going to get out - and then I got an intense pain in the center of my forehead and I had to abort. It's never happened to me before. I'm wondering if this is the same kind of pain you had, and if maybe after a while the pain will go away once your non-physical energy gets developed or whatever.
A certain degree of neurosis is of inestimable value as a drive, especially to a psychologist - Sigmund Freud


Hi mindfray

I suspect this isn't a physical pain thing, it's either an "energy" thing to do with your injury or else it's a subconscious block you've placed on yourself (!)

Physical trauma can be devastating, I know, I injured both knees badly 5 years ago and then again I smashed up my right knee good and proper about 18 months ago.  There is much less pain now, but by and large as I relax, and enter MABA (mind-awake-body-asleep) the pain goes away.

So for me at least the pain situation is different to you.  That's why I suspect it's a subconscious issue with you related to the trauma of your injury.  Either that or it's an energy thing.  I'd recommend you go and see a "good" (reiki?) healer who might be able to sort out the energy issue if there is one.

If that fails, then perhaps you might need to address any psychological issues (how?!). If those things fail then perhaps you do still have a physical issue.

I've had a lot of experience with smashing my body up, so I can tell you that over the years, your physical body does recover from non-degenerative condidtions (example of degenerative condition is arthritis).

You could always try the DILD route (dream induced LD) rather than WILD (wake induced).  This is more important in your case, because from within an LD you can actually begin healing (of your arm). In actual fact this would address any issue (psychological, energy or physical) - your mind will simply "know" how to heal your body.  I used to go to the "dream knee clinic" to fix up my knee.  It does work.  You could do the same with your arm.

Hope this helps!   :D
The bad news is there's no key to the Universe. The good news is it's not locked. - Swami Beyondananda


mactombs, the pain started the first time, after my injury when i tried to go astral while awake. The pain is allways in the same place in my arm, and it allways starts when my right arm starts to fall asleep with the rest of my body. Trying to astral project while awake is the only time i have felt that pain.  I remember the night i broke my arm, i could not get surgery at night, so i had to sleep till morning to get surgery. That night i had a strong feeling i was in the astral, I felt somthing was after me Then the pain was felt while i was astral projecting, lucid dreaming or whatnot. It was like whatever i knew was after me could find me by the pain i was in. It woke me up and i stayed awake for a long time till i could fall asleep again.

I know that astral projecting through a dream state is possible, but my main goal is to astral project through being awake.

I don't know any reiki healers in town though, This is not a large towm,  But not a small one either.

The healing through lucid dreaming might be somthing to try for, I have never thought anything like that could work, but i have not thought about it in any way before you posted.  (sorry i forgot your name)

Thanks for trying to help me on this guys. I know i might get past this challange, but it just might take a while  :?

David Warner


You might want to read up on this topic that is on Robert Bruce's web site. He also has 6 videos on energy ways system.

NEW Example of Healing Injuries,

Not that I ever experienced pain like you describe, mostly the vibes just thrashing and a shock to the system. I would have to agree with mactombs, I think you would have felt the pain while you sleep, but you don't. It could be all a mental block that you are experiencing. I guess the only way to find out is run some tests and experiments.

The first and furthermost is if the pain is there during the tests and experiment which is unbearable, deffinitely abort. Try to focus on something else besides the vibes and the current that runs up and down your body. Maybe, music listening while your in the trance to your fav song, or feeling love for your girlfriend/wife and family. Try to spin in circles or roll around like a log.. something to get your away from thinking of the arm..

Let me know if this helps and good luck!!

InvisibleLight - Book Release 12.12.2012