Where do you go?

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Ok, I have some major questions, hehe.
1. I TRY to Astral Project, but when I finally 'do' it, its feels like I am making it up, like I'm pretending to see what I'm seeing so it makes me doubt whether I'm ACTUALLY going anywhere or if I'm just sitting in a chair with my eyes closed, pretending I'm in the kitchen or where ever I go. Personally, I don't even think I start out right, all I do is relax and start to feel light and stuff.
2. Where can you GO when you have an OBE? Like, is it on Earth or somewhere else? Can you create a world or is there one already existing, where you can meet up in a city or something? And, f you go somewhere hot/cold will you feel hot/cot?
3. Hot do you come back!?

Sorry sorry for the randomness, but I'm sooo very  curious! ^^


Oh yeah.... hehehe.... what are F1 F2 and so on? Is that the same thing as focus. Ergh... I hate being stupid!


Haha your alot like me, asking the same question, and wondering the same things, ;)

I also want to know XD
The greatest enemy is not the one who is most powerful, its the one that will never give up!


Here is a guide to phasing/focus levels:

F1=Focus 1, F2=Focus 2, etc.

Regarding Question #3: You "come back" when you run out of energy. Usually you go into a dream or wake up.
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Almost Solid

Hi cloudymoom and shaolin,

1. When you do it for the first time and are aware you'll know and have NO doubt- it's mind-blowing! Sometimes its foggy and blurred, but if you wake up immediately after, you should know without doubt. It might take a few minutes to make sense of it. You might be doing it all the time now and just sleep on afterward. When you wake up in the morning, you simply forget. It happens.

2. If you're lucid dreaming, you can alter the (seemingly) physical objects and details around you. If you're AP, you can't as a general rule, but some may be able to, don't know. I can't. You're in the real world as your spirit, sort of like a voluteer ghost. Where can you go? Across your room, down the block, another state, country, Jupiter, the Alpha Centauri constellation, etc. Don't know the limit, but it's pretty wide open. IMHO, starting out slow might be a good idea. Or not. Your decision. I'm not sure if it's a learned thing or something you just know inherently, but you can also go back and forth in time. Hot and cold are something we believe, so if you have something burn you, remember that you don't have a physical body. It's all illusion. People walk on red hot coals and don't burn their feet by realizing that even in the 'real' world we can overcome it under the right conditions.

3. Getting back can be scary if you're not used to it. If you're halfway to Venus and freak out, think of your physical body and you're back. You can't get stranded. Lay down where your body is if you don't automatically pop back in. If you can't get your body to move, it can be terrifying and will remain so until you manage to move or until it gets boring. Sometimes you can thrash around enough to get moving, but keeping calm and meditating (lowering your energy) helps. It took years, but now when I get back and can't move I can relax to the point of falling asleep.  Possible that if it wasn't for panic and thrashing around, unable to move the body, a lot of people who know they AP never would know? If I forget, sometimes I'll remember the next day. Hard to believe something like that is forgettable. As for curiosity, this forum has TONS of great info (even if it's sometimes conflicting- everyone has a different reality) so read, read, read.

As far the numbers, F1, F2, etc. you're not stupid if you haven't learned. Have to ask someone else, though. I don't know either.
I cannot go anymore to the garden where the
gatekeeper smiles, Poisoner is his name...
                           I Am The Mercury-Jimmy Spheeris

Ben K

almost solid- for referance you are referring to the traditional OBE experiance with the vibrations and the exit sensations correct? Because when you are doing a traditional "obe" you phase into the RTZ while if you do something like phasing you end up in the same place you do as when you are lucid dreaming. so if you go the phasing route you can either have a traditiona RTZ obe or you can have a lucid dream where you are fully conscious and aware.

Almost Solid

I guess that would be traditional. I don't have the vibes either going out or coming back. I once had 4 consecutive days in 1 week of the sleep paralysis thing, but that was it. That was years ago and I didn't AP. Just thrashed around like hell to get back in. I'm familiar with lucids but am mostly concerned with APs. I either lift out when trying or become aware from out of the dark mostly if asleep.
I cannot go anymore to the garden where the
gatekeeper smiles, Poisoner is his name...
                           I Am The Mercury-Jimmy Spheeris


Wow thanks you guys! So much information. ^^ Yeah, I look around on the forums ALOT, believe me, but I never find anything EXACTLY as to what I'm looking for. But this definately helped!

Almost Solid

Drop us a line if and when you get 'out'. I'm sure you will with an 8 inch grin.  :D
I cannot go anymore to the garden where the
gatekeeper smiles, Poisoner is his name...
                           I Am The Mercury-Jimmy Spheeris


'Drop us a line if and when you get 'out'. I'm sure you will with an 8 inch grin.'
So like, come and visit you....? I'll try, if I can find you! ^^

Almost Solid

Er...uh...I mean, leave us all a post if and when you achieve astral projection so we can be excited for you. I like to read about people's first times...er...uh...I mean read about people's first successes with astral projection.  :oops:
I cannot go anymore to the garden where the
gatekeeper smiles, Poisoner is his name...
                           I Am The Mercury-Jimmy Spheeris


Lol, hahaha, I'm so outta it today! Sorry! I fiured that out right after I posted the thing! ^^

Almost Solid

I cannot go anymore to the garden where the
gatekeeper smiles, Poisoner is his name...
                           I Am The Mercury-Jimmy Spheeris


Hi everyone. First I want to send out warm energy to everyone.Next, I want to share with you that this is my first time here and very first posting. Here it goes. Whenever I astral travel and in some cases when I'm in a deep sleep I will awaken suddenly. When this occurs I always feel as if my spirit is slamming back into my body and I also hear load chaotic noise as if a huge crowd is screaming all at once. Has anyone else had this experience and if so what is it or what does it mean ?

Almost Solid

Hello happypuppy! You might want to go to the introductions post and re-post. Welcome anyway!   :D
I cannot go anymore to the garden where the
gatekeeper smiles, Poisoner is his name...
                           I Am The Mercury-Jimmy Spheeris