Why am I so afraid?

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You are afraid of the unknown because you have a stupid animal brain in the middle of your human brain, as we all do. Learn to ignore it.


1. The dark shadowy figure is probably a "neg", or negative entity. Negs ussually represent some powerful bad force in your normal life that has moven to the astral plane to follow you. (or it could just be a demon, archon, or other astral being)

2. Uncontrolled OBEs arent dangerous , but I highly recommend you start a training method, so you can start to have fun in the astral plane...Robert Bruces book Astral Dynamics is a great place to start!

3. Dont be afraid of the unkown, dont be afraid of the Negs, and most of all, keep trying![:)]


Is shadowwatcher beavis's little brother by any chance?  


Welcome to astral pulse Juventas [:)]
This person you saw could have been a guide or even your own shadow ego. The fear you felt is normal but try not to let it stop you from oobe, practise  and understanding will iron out your fears. The state you in was probably for your own good so you wouldn't run off blindly maybe next time ask questions of those you see and in that way you will have more control, in all aspects of the experience.
Good luck



A few days ago, I had my first astral experience. I awoke and found myself in waking paralysis, the first time I have ever experienced anything like it. Before I realized I couldn't move my body, I was watching a woman wonder around the front of my bed. I knew that it was a hallucination somehow and it disappeared quickly. That's when I realized I was fully awake but couldn't move my body. I noticed the distinct sensation of my astral arms lifting up and tried to roll over. I couldn't move however and I quickly descended into a state of utter panic and horror. I think I sensed a presence in the room with me but I'm not sure. It took a few moments to wake my body up.(I also felt a little discomfort in my arms. Anyone know why that happened?)

Similar to you, I felt more disappointed than frightened. Although it was one of the most terrifying experiences I've ever had. I realized that it was only irrational fear. But, just like you, I'm still very very afraid at achieving projection because I'm afraid what I'll meet when I get out of my body, or worse, what will take advantage of my paralysed state.

Don't underestimate the power of fear. I know a lot of people who say there's nothing to worry about since these creatures can't actually harm us physically. Personally, I'd take a little bit of pain over utter terror any day of the week.

The worst part is, I know I have to face my biggest fear eventually if I want to project. Part of me is looking forward to it so that I can just get it over with and move on. But don't worry, you're not the only one scared! Since my experience, I've been going to bed at dawn :)

Good luck to you!



Now this I can relate to. As a kid, I remember several times having waking paralysis, though I never understood it and always struggled to get out of it (which of course made it worse).
Some time last winter, I had it again. This time I understood it. I became aware just as I was floating out of my body. And... I blew it. I got too "omfg I'm not ready omg" and brought myself back down to my body. Of course this time it was much easier to break the paralysis, since I didn't struggle, just assimlated with my body so to speak. And I was awake and cursing myself. After trying for so long it was finally handed to me, and I turned it down.
Sux :/


A quote from a movie "Fear is the mind killer"  I have always thought that is a true statement.  I still feel fear somtimes and it has ruined many a good experience.  But keep trying and when you feel fear try to calm down.

Remember this every dream you have ever had has been a form of astral travel.  Every night you go out of body every night you just dont remember it.  So just remember you have been out of body thousands of times already.   that always helps me



I have experienced terrible fear many times being out and I can understand you, Juventas (and others) very well. The problem is that every next time before OBE I promised myself not to be afraid, but once the experience started I forgot all about my resolutions coz the fear was so tremendous. I know how difficult it is to overcome it. I have also experienced some unpleasant encounters. There is one thing I would never do again, however; do not call any spirits for help if you don't know any (or you haven't met your guide yet). It can always be an invitation for some unwanted beings, not necessarily favourable.


What I was getting at is...[:I]
everyone has to find their own ways to overcome their fears; for me it was enough to read that everyone experiences it and there is nothing to be afraid of (said by an experienced AP-or). It helped me a lot even though there had been so many things/negs which scared me at first.
Good luck: one day you won't feel your fear any more[:)]


Thanks to everyone for their replies. I am stil surprised I found such a great forum for all of these topics. I am glad to know I am not the only one who deals with this sometimes overwhelming fear of the unknown. I think it may make me a bit braver to realize that many people have to deal with these different entities, and that it's going to be a normal process of astral travel.

My next step is to get that astral travel book by Robert Bruce.

Thanks again,


Just know that you're not alone in these experiences.  I have had the identical thing for a very long time which ive gone into a lot here.

Think of these scary situations as a "guardian of the threshold "type thing.. especially the shadowy figure.  I've written before about the last time I saw mine.. it was an alien at the side of my bed when I awoke with sleeping paralysis.

1.  you're lucky you found this site.. I went for years thinking they were just bad dreams so never made progress.

2.  know the guardian of the threshold is making you deal with fear so that in the end you will be free of it and able to AP wherever you want without any of the BS that goes along with fear.

I know how scary it can be.. but the cliche is true "there is nothing to fear but fear itself" especially in that situation.  Once I finally got over most of my fear they no longer appear.  Or they just stand there and let me pass.  You might want to look up some posts on shadow.  

Im sorry this is scattered Im not in the right frame of mind.  


wow there were three replies to this thread in the time it took me to post that.  well seems i just echoed what was already said


Thanks kromeknight!

I think I need to buy Astral Dynamics too. From what I hear, it's a great book. One thing that's helping me overcome this fear is that these entities are actually out to scare us. They are making an effort to torment us. That makes me a little angry and gives me motivation to show them that they can't push humanity around. It might be different if there were creatures that we accidentally run into occasionally that were inherently terrifying. However, the fact that these being go out of there way to use (from what I hear) hollywood scare tactics takes away some of the edge.

I think it's all about perspective. The next time I'm in a potentially scary situation, I'll think that I'm purposely being scared and that in itself should not be causing fear. From what I hear, the worst most of these negs can do is make sounds and flash images in front of us. What really got me the first time I slightly sensed one was not that I was being frightened necessarily, but the cold hard reality of the matter is what caused me to completely freak out. I'm hoping that goes away with experience. Good luck!


Hello Beowulf, your point of view is very interesting, but I think we should rather radiate love towards anything we find there; after all, we are still just visitors to the place we do not know and we could be perceived as "intruders", at least for the time being[;)]
Anyway: your attitude makes me feel more courageous though.



Stop watching freaky horror movies.  Ditto on movies with excessive cruelty or violence. They only give your brain fright material to work with.  Negs love it.

Short version: What fills your head is very, very important.  Remember this!

I too struggled with fear for a long time.  Still do sometime.  It's the "unknown" part of AP that freaks us out.  When society defines the unknown as frightening, and you soak this in, you'll be frightened when faced with the unknown, it's that simple!  We all need to spend some earth-time retraining ourselves.

love to all,



"Stop watching freaky horror movies. Ditto on movies with excessive cruelty or violence"

hmm, mabe thats my problem lol


The other night, I found myself floating out of my body. I was paralyzed and I was totally aware, though I felt I had no control. I became very scared. I was floating towards the bedroom door, out to the hallway, when, I saw a shadow of a tall figure (perhaps a man). Once I saw it, I became extremely scared, because I was completely paralyzed, and moving towards it. I screamed "Spirits help me!!" It was the only thing I could seems to say. When I kept moving out the door to this shadow, I started screaming "Wake up, Wake Up" until I finally did.

I don't know if it was a dream or an OBE. I was very aware that I was awake. I was definitely floating in my room. I guess I am more mad that I ruined my experience because I was so afraid.

I don't quite understand myself. I want so badly to have great OBEs and to astrally travel, yet I am afraid of every shadow, everything that is not there, and the dark. It's like my mind is so creative, it is always creating fear out of nothing, or at least out of something that can't harm me.

Just thought I'd share this experience and see if anyone had any comments.