Why are experiences so different?

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Wondering about this, and I'm guessing others might notice the same thing for yourselves at times.  Throughout the course of attempting projections over the years, I've come to realize just how varied my experiences are with coming close to succeeding.  There have been a few times I've been startled for a couple of reasons, and one in which I got up early int he morning after nearly leaving without intending to, terrifying to bother to sleep again.  Other times though it's so far from frightening, and I later find myself wondering how such a thing couldn't have scared me.  Lol, at times I've been terrified and later feel ridiculous about that.  Other times I've wondered why I wasn't scared.  Go figure.  Only once, I've had the experience of nonphysically rolling over from one side to the other in my bed.  (it was not until later when I woke up realizing I hadn't actually moved, that I even knew I'd been nonphysical at all,) but I recall it being next to impossible to move for whatever reason.  There was such a strong and strange resistance involved, that I don't know how being partly out of body went over my head in the first place.  Then again I'm quite good for missing the obvious signs, as I've done so many times over the years.  it just all seems to go over my head and until I later think "well that was a bit odd," haha.  At others time though it's seemed almost too easy to move, if that makes any sense.  The one time there was so much resistance, but another early on, I simply found myself spinning around a room nearly hitting a wall, before snapping back wide awake and confused.

What is it that makes the experiences of an individual so different from each other.  I can understand how things like how easy or hard it is to move would have to do with energy levels among other things, but what about being afraid or startled, or just thinking it's exciting or interesting? 



I don't know. I have experienced these same inconsistencies and apparent difference between individual experiences... no two are the same... a slight exaggeration but they vary so much from time to time that maybe it is something like the time of day... the heartbeat.. what has been eaten... what state of mind one is in. There might be so many variables that produce different results that it would take a lifetime to catalogue them. Even then... what point would that be?

There is something else that is even more curious.

"we are all different" is the new song that's sung these days. That we are all individual and that everything we experience is subjectively 'self' and not the same as other people's.

This is actually MASSIVELY wrong to the extent that I wonder where it came from. It seems to be used as a gut reaction excuse for some to maybe slightly exaggerate their experiences.... "Well everybody's different"

It's suddenly dawning on me that we all experience these nonphysical excursions the same... maybe not in the same order... but we can all relate to a great extent.

I can say that I personally can relate to almost everyones experiences that I read. From feeling in Sleep Paralysis... separation problems... problems flying... walking through walls... guides... the list is big. Only very rarely do most experienced explorers read something that is non-relatable.

So like you... I have been caught out even recently when it comes to SP terror.. only rarely... but it still trips me up... sometimes I experience separation problems only to return to normal thinking.. WTF didn't I just do that?

The answer to your question is far reaching... there could be so many reasons... I'm sorry I couldn't elaborate... it just seemed to create more questions for me.


Indeed, really even beyond this, just looking at two completely "different" cultures. It is quite baffling how much everything is the same. Sure, there's differences, don't get me wrong. But out of the whole realm of possibility isn't it amazing how alike and similar we are? :)
Take to the sky, feeling so alive! Past the clouds to the Milky Way, share our secrets with the starry brigade. The stars surround us like a million fireflies. For once I see infinity... it's in your eyes.


Hard to say, even my own personal experiences have been different every time. The other morning, right before my AP, I heard a blip blip sound, as though something was underwater, then heard music. Finally I APed and heard voices in my bedroom. I have never had anything like that happen before. So, it not surprising each person's experience will be slightly different from the others. I am not even sure I would wan't it to be the same every time. I feel like each  AP has a new lesson to teach us in some way.


I've found anything thats played on your mind has an effect on the ease and observed details when trying to exit. The differences are extreme. Sometimes you exit fast and others you get so far and hit a wall. Noises are present in a majority of cases and these can be anything. On occasions too the fear factor is present and I can't understand why.
The consistant feelings which never waver are those experienced when doing a retrieval or quest. Your mind is always running on turbo as you work out what needs to be addressed. In all of these there is no need for a clarity now or deepening technique at all.
The everyone being different thing seems to be like we head to a common location for a gathering and as we all live in different locations our personal route will be somewhat different. This likeness applies especially to beginners as the meeting point has not been travelled to before.
The general exit locations do have a differing feel about them. Not sure why but it could be whats on your subconcious  surfacing. If you have little intent on an outing or location etc this makes sense.
The only posted exits that are difficult to relate to are those of the highest locales for want of a better label.
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.

Steel Hawk

It also varied for me quite a bit. But after awhile (long time) it's pretty normalized now.