Years Ago I Started to Learn to Leave my Body

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Hello All,

When I had come around to believing sincerely in a spirit world and not just lurking around its periphery, enchanted by curiosity, I prayed (to whatever god is) that I would leave my body. In my experience most anything you pray for spiritually can happen though sometimes one isn't ready for what they ask for. There were a few times where I felt floaty and like my astral body or spirit was hanging out of my corporeal body partly. It made me very dizzy. But one night I was able to stay conscious while my body fell asleep and it was like remembering what I was half-conscious of my whole life--this in-between state where the spirit body goes through these stages of loosening its self from the body. It was exhilarating until I felt these entities grab my astral ankles and pull. There was one at either ankle and I pictured them as troll-like from the size of their paws (?). I didn't actually see them though and frankly didn't want to see them. For the most part I was still in my body. My astral body was just pulled out a few inches past my feet, if that makes sense. Anyway, this terrified me to feel that these entities, possibly negative, were yanking at me. And once I was able to rouse my physical body from its sleep paralysis, I didn't want to fall asleep again. I think it's even contributed to the insomnia I suffer from because I am now aware that that realm is always there, just beyond normal detection.

Since that time I've read so many accounts online of those who have guides, some of who pull them out of their bodies. And people tell each other not to fear these experiences--that the negativity is all in one's mind. But I feel that there's no way to know for sure and I have a tendency to believe in good and evil, outside of a Christian dogma. I feel like I can sense positive and negative and they don't always come from my own mind. So while I have always wanted to explore OBEs and the astral more, I'm terrified. I fear that I won't be able to return to my body. And I fear that I will attract some dark creatures who will feed off of my energy (for instance, I've seen an astral spider before with my eyes open and worry that I have a tendency to attract dark entities). I know that there is this tremendous power involved in harnessing the spirit world for one's self but I fear that I may be lured onto some false path and think that there is a reason I am sealed so tightly within this body. Am I forgoing karmic lessons, escaping into realms? And would I be placing myself into the hands of negative spirits by journeying out into the dark night?

Some things I want to accomplish in the spirit realm: I would like to visit with my deceased mother, to help or rescue people or souls, and to explore the universe. It's so tempting but I want to somehow be assured that I will be safe along the way.


This fear is totally internal.
You hear or read that as pre school children we all do this naturally. Imagine a 4 year old out in the dark flying around whatever takes their interest. No fear present. Nothing like this evil spirit nonsense is known to them.
Ask around, there's some on this site that have memories of this time and no evil presented itself whatsoever. Its a mental state hammered in through religion mostly and then the doubts start. This is fear and will manifest entities if you let it. Your thoughts are whats interpreted into actions. This is paramount in importance and once realised the journeys you make are dependant upon YOU.
You only scare yourself...
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


In my experience most anything you pray for spiritually can happen though sometimes one isn't ready for what they ask for. There were a few times where I felt floaty and like my astral body or spirit was hanging out of my corporeal body partly. It made me very dizzy. But one night I was able to stay conscious while my body fell asleep and it was like remembering what I was half-conscious of my whole life--this in-between state where the spirit body goes through these stages of loosening its self from the body. It was exhilarating until I felt these entities grab my astral ankles and pull.