The Astral Pulse

Astral Projection & Out of Body Experiences => Welcome to Permanent Astral Topics! => Topic started by: Links Shadow on July 17, 2003, 10:00:25

Title: Best time of day for meditation and phasing
Post by: Links Shadow on July 17, 2003, 10:00:25
I personally find it easier to project just before I fall asleep at night, but I am better at meditating early in the morning because I don't have thoughts running wild from daily activities.  

For meditation I like having my mind clear, and for projection a little mind activity helps keep me awake when I attempt to project.

Links Shadow
Title: Best time of day for meditation and phasing
Post by: James S on July 17, 2003, 16:56:19
So far it's always been morning for me. Night time I just tend to fall asleep!

Title: Best time of day for meditation and phasing
Post by: Osiris on July 17, 2003, 17:39:08

I find that 3am-5am is a best time for me to meditate and try to project.


Title: Best time of day for meditation and phasing
Post by: jason on July 18, 2003, 13:05:24
meditation-any time at all.just as long as I have no distractions or time limits

phasing-early to mid morning (maybe 6:00-9:00 am)
Title: Best time of day for meditation and phasing
Post by: jc84corvette on July 18, 2003, 20:12:44
I like to do it before I fall asleep. Most of the time I do fall asleep, that is when I am not really meditating correctly. When I do that correctly, I stay awake!

Title: Best time of day for meditation and phasing
Post by: cainam_nazier on July 21, 2003, 04:06:07
I always meditate before going to bed.  I find this easier because it is good down time and I have fewer distractions, no tv, radio, ect.

I often slip into sleepafter meditation as well and don't particularly care for mid day naps.  It upsets my sleep schedual which has enough problems.

I also meditate before bed becuase I find it easier to let my mind go as well as clearing out the junk from the day.

This also helps increase my dream activity.
Title: Best time of day for meditation and phasing
Post by: clandestino on July 21, 2003, 05:25:34
I'm up early on Mondays (about 5am) and I'm home from work at about 4pm. Although its only slightly out of sync with my normal waking hours, I believe it makes a difference.

I try phasing on my return home as my body is feeling sleepy / relaxed, but my mind is usually wide awake. Normally on my return home, I feel as if I could lie down and fall asleep w/in 10 minutes. Coupled with my mind being active already, I find it easy to approach the point where I'm hovering on the brink of sleep.

Title: Best time of day for meditation and phasing
Post by: Nick on July 21, 2003, 19:57:30
My time of day is much the same as Mark's. I'm up very early and off to work. These days I get home around 4pm. That gives me a couple of hours to do astral phasing before my wife gets home.

Likewise, I seem to be better able to get to the mind-awake/body-asleep state at this time. Typically, I am physically tired after work but the mind is still awake, so it seems like a good fit.

Bottom line, the astral sessions are really structured after work hours by necessity, however it seems to be satisfactory this way.

Very best,
Title: Best time of day for meditation and phasing
Post by: coral1 on July 22, 2003, 19:22:00
Hi All

I`m an afternoon guy too. All of the 35 projections I`ve logged since March have occurred between 3:15 and 4 P.M.I read somewhere that the body goes into a natural sleep cycle every afternoon which is perhaps not as deep as the nightime version.It could also explain why alot of cultures are partial to an afternoon siesta!
I listen to an hour of Hemi-synch every night before I fall asleep.At the same time I`ll do my energy work which is mostly NEW with some things I`ve picked up off the boards.

Happy Trails
Title: Best time of day for meditation and phasing
Post by: fredhedd on July 22, 2003, 20:48:31
i find that morning is the best time to meditate.  it helps if you can keep your mind clear of what you are going ot do for that day.  it will take over your meditation session if you let it.  

during  my stay at a monastery we were to meditate in the morning at six for an hour.  we weren't allowed to anything beforehand, speak or even eat breakfast.
Title: Best time of day for meditation and phasing
Post by: Kojie on July 24, 2003, 03:05:00
Night is the best time for me.
Title: Best time of day for meditation and phasing
Post by: shadowatcher on July 24, 2003, 20:20:07
I like the nightime because you have a 2 chances...

1. of APing

2. of having a lucid dream
Title: Best time of day for meditation and phasing
Post by: Radha on August 04, 2003, 21:03:42
You might check out the research of james spottiswoode re sidereal time and how to calculate it for your area.  We used his calculations and when we did remotr viewing at the correct sidereal time we got noticeably better results.  I suggest you calculate it for a long-ish period as it may not be practical if it is at, for ex, 0200 hrs etc.
Title: Best time of day for meditation and phasing
Post by: Centa Five on October 26, 2003, 16:55:54
A difficult time for me to try to project is at bedtime. Probably because my mind is usually filled with all the days' activities.  I drink a glass of water just before going to bed and then at bedtime I just go to sleep.  I usually have to get up 2 or 3 times during the early morning hours and I find them to be the best times to practice and it also increases my changes of success.   My body is then really relaxed and I can accelerate the process. Waking up like this does not pose a problem for me as I am retired and don't have to set the alarm to go to work now.
Title: Best time of day for meditation and phasing
Post by: sofiewulven on November 10, 2003, 17:13:45
I am a morning person, meaning that I am incoherent by bedtime. If I try to meditate in any way, I just fall asleep faster than the usual instaneously. I don't want to encourage the habit of falling asleep in trance, so I don't normally try.
Morning meditation works for me.
Title: Best time of day for meditation and phasing
Post by: DarkQuest on November 16, 2003, 21:27:48
ok when i heard from other people, i assumed (shame on me) that phasing was just meditation to project by waking up a few hours before you start your day.  now that i read this topic im confused.  what exactly is phasing.

oh w00t im the last person to post in all 5 astral topics at once lol
Title: Best time of day for meditation and phasing
Post by: Mustardseed on November 18, 2003, 20:54:01
A mid day nap is my favorite. Any attempts at night often ends in the RTZ . In the day I seem to skip it and have more WILDS
Title: Best time of day for meditation and phasing
Post by: aleshah on November 19, 2003, 08:00:30
i meditate daily all the time, i meditate at night all the time.
i also try not to kill my toughts, because they are able to cause blocks in the mental body.Toughts are guides, which are always welcome.there is only the separation of the energy, physical,emotional bodies, which cause this noize.Can you control your mind?Or does the mind control you?[}:)]
Title: Best time of day for meditation and phasing
Post by: Nick on July 03, 2004, 18:14:47
Yikes, its been a year since I first posted on this thread! [:O] However I wanted to note that when things change in life, it can help adjust the schedule for AP as well. In a month I'll retire from my career as a public defender for the county I live in. Then, I'll have a more flexible sleep schedule. I'll now definitely be experimenting with the early morning and nighttime periods for astral phasing. [;)]

Title: Best time of day for meditation and phasing
Post by: Bo Shon on July 10, 2004, 15:20:48
The later in the day the better.  I have much better results when it's not bright out.

Most of the time it's between 10pm and 12pm depending on the day or occasion.
Title: Best time of day for meditation and phasing
Post by: Seven on July 23, 2004, 16:07:05
Ah, now I understand what phasing is! I've not read Astral Dynamics yet so have only a basic understanding of focus 10, 12, etc from reading the posts in various threads.

As Adrian said it is similar to meditation, and after reading a few other posts on this subject, I believe this may be what I experienced a while ago.  If this is correct, then I didn't get very far but it was an uplifting experience all the same:

I had been meditating in front of a tree, cross-legged on a warm summer night.  I had my 2 dogs with me but there was no-one around so I felt peaceful and comfortable in that I didn't have any external distractions other than the dogs, and being that I knew I didn't have to keep an eye on them in case of other dogs I was able to meditate as such.  What I was doing was looking at the auras of the trees, particularly the one I was sitting in front of, in the park and became engrossed to the extent the sky seemed to turn a pinkish shade.  I remember thinking how beautiful it was.  Although I was aware of my physical self I was de-sensitized to it, by which I mean I was not distracted by aches, stiffness, etc, which generally happens when I stay in one position for too long (I think I probably moved several times but still maintained my focus).  I started wondering how old this particular tree was (it was a large oak and I thought it must have been around 2-300 years old), and how many little boys had climbed it.  Then I got to wondering whether the trees "spoke" to eachother, if they communicated at all and if so, how?  At this point I heard a crack of thunder but as this was a natural sound (summer storms) I took no notice, though it occurred to me in a distracted sort of way that it was strange there was no lightning and there was no rain.  At this point I saw a boy in the tree, just for a split-second.  I took no real notice as this could have been my imagination (wishful thinking I told myself!).  However, then I could see small dark shapes flitting between the trees, the ground, all over the place! (I had not until fairly recently read about a plane of forces, apparently energy forms).  This was wonderful and I remember thinking "Wow! So trees/plants etc DO talk to eachother and this is how they do it!"  Then to my amazement I saw a man walking towards me.  He turned his head and smiled at me, but unfortunately, as I turned towards him (physically) he disappeared, probably because I had inadvertantly brought my vibrations back down a notch.  The interesting thing is shortly afterwards I got up and walked around the park a little with the dogs, but I was still seeing these thoughts/energy forms all around me, at one stage even seeing something darker, like a vivid black, shoot from my feet straight along the ground and then disappear into the ground (I thought later this may have been a part of my own negative energy leaving me).  As I was leaving the park I looked at the sky and saw a face form in the clouds.  When I left the park and started walking along the road, I no longer saw anything.

I hope this post has been appropriate here; any comments are appreciated, I am still basically a newbie!
Title: Best time of day for meditation and phasing
Post by: Adrian on July 17, 2003, 08:02:01
Greetings everyone,

I have included meditation and phasing in one topic, because of course they are related in many ways. Phasing is, I suppose an advanced, or at least more complex form of meditation, and very meditation lead to phasing especially if that is the intent.

What time of day do you find to be the best for meditation and/or phasing?

With best regards,

Title: Re: Best time of day for meditation and phasing
Post by: RoseJohnson on April 15, 2011, 09:04:05
 Well it really Depending upon my  work-shift,  But you can choose at what time of the day, you can meditate properly.
Title: Re: Best time of day for meditation and phasing
Post by: ange.connell on April 15, 2011, 17:39:02
Hi all of you who posted on this topic -  I do not have any time in the morning to mediate or try anything. Im up at 6 - 6.15 each and every weekday morning and work until 4.30pm - 5pm then when I get home I have a meal to prepare for me and my husband. So, how do you all get the time to have mid day naps and have time in the mornings? The only possible time I have is weekend mornings. Id love to have the time like you all seem to have but I have to work and help share the running of a home.

Take care out there x
Title: Re: Best time of day for meditation and phasing
Post by: personalreality on April 15, 2011, 18:11:50
notice that the last post was in 2004, 7 years ago, this is kind of just a reference now.  no need to drag up old threads.

lol, i'm kidding, post wherever you want.  but i wouldn't expect any of the original posters to respond, most of them have long since left the pulse.  so just start a new thread, a fresh start.