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Jeff's OBE tips

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Copy of original post that went astray

First off, let me explain some things I can and can't do.

I am no expert on OBE's. I cannot do these at will (yet). I don't have all the answers, nor am I above learning from even the most inexperienced projector out there.

With that said, I have been having spontaneous and planned OBE's for the last 5+ years. I do have at least one every week (sometimes more, sometimes less). And.....I have seen some characteristics that are COMMON to most of my OBE's.

I would like to share some of those with you now, to help you come to learn what I have learned and HELP you in your attemps.


What do I mean? In a nutshell, your eyes play a BIG role in the ability to consciously have an OBE. They themselves must be asleep. Here is what I mean by that.

Close your eyes right now and leave them closed for about 10 seconds. Just focus on them behind your closed eyelids and observe their activity.

What you will find a number of things happening. You will see that they pulsate a little. Your eyelids twitch. You will also find that the eyeballs themselves move. So when you're looking at the blackness behind your eyelids, your PHYSICAL eyes are the ones that are trying to do the looking. THIS IS NOT WHAT WE WANT.

When I am about to project, one thing I notice is that my PHYSICAL eyes are NOT doing the looking. I sense the blackness and I "see" things, but my physical eyes are completely asleep. No pulsating, no movement, nothing.

To really experience this, you will have to remember this post when you wake up in the middle of the night. The next time you have to get up to go pee or something, when you lay back down, just close your eyes and you will see what I mean. The physical eyes just sit there behind your eyelids like a zombie. They aren't seeing or (better yet) LOOKING for anything.

This is one of the steps you need to work towards. When you lay down to practice having an OBE, spend a lot of time relaxing your eyes. When you find yourself straining to look at the 3D blackness, catch yourself. Ask, "Am I using my physical eyes to try and see behind my eyelids, or my astral eyes?"

Once you start perceiving and seeing images without your physical eyes trying to "look" for them, you have accomplished a big step.


Ok, here is a bombshell for most of you OBE students. We've all read and been told that in order to achieve an OBE, your must reach what has been termed the "mind awake/body asleep" stage, right?

Well, I don't know about you, but I think this has really hindered a lot of people. Why? Because they spend all their time and energy trying to put their body asleep that they end up falling asleep themselves!

Have you ever really asked yourself, "What does it mean to have my 'body asleep' anyway?"

After all, your body really doesn't SLEEP, does it? It simply isn't active. The heart beats a little slower, the muscles are relaxed, but it certainly isn't sleeping. It certainly isn't having its own separate dreams, right?

"But Jeff, I think they say your body is asleep because you can't feel it. You won't be able to sense it so therefore, it's asleep."

Ah HA! That's where people go wrong. The reason why you can't feel your body is NOT because of your body, but because of your MIND. You must condition your MIND to have an OBE.

I believe 95% of you out there who have trouble inducing an OBE fall into this trap. You spend all of your time focusing on preparing the PHYSICAL BODY for an OBE (which doesn't get to experience it), and less time on preparing your MIND for an OBE (which does get to experience it).

That's like washing your brand new car for your vacation to Disneyland, and then you take the train there instead.

Instead, when you lay down, get comfortable. Make sure you're relaxed (paying attention to relax your eyes). Once you relax your eyes, spend ALL of your time working on the MENTAL side of things.

Focus on the blackness behind your eyelids (with non-physical eye muscles). As your MIND relaxes, the blackness with begin to take on more depth and three-dimensional qualities.

As your MIND continues to relax, these black three dimensional qualities will begin to hold for longer and longer periods of time before fading away. They will also start to take on color.

THE KEY IS TO LOCK ONTO ONE OF THESE THINGS AND HOLD ONTO IT. If you can do that, it usually can suck you right into the astral. This is also known as PHASING, something Frank was really good at explaining.

While I can't fill his shoes, I hope that this description can give you all a renewed hunger to achieve this state on your own.


When you close your eyes to go to sleep, by staring straight ahead behind your closed eyelids, you will find that your mind kind of "blanks out", but you don't really become tired. It's kind of like staring at a wall or something. It keeps you occupied, but your mind really isn't moving in a downward, relaxed state.

However, if you mentally explore this area, you will see that there is a current, or energy flow that you can lock onto which almost makes you tired, and brings you closer to sleep.

It sounds "out there" and I'm having difficulty explaining it, but its almost like using a key to unlock a door. If you simply push the key sideways onto the keyslot (aka just closing your eyes and staring straight ahead), this won't accomplish your goal of unlocking the door (aka having a full blown OBE).

However, as you work on turning the key (aka Feeling around mentally for this 'sleep trigger' point), you will find that after a minute or so, the key will slip into the key slot (aka You found the mental state to allow your mind to automatically begin falling asleep).

Now you can ride that line further and further down by allowing your mind to automatically begin to relax, while you focus on the 3D blackness with your non-physical eye muscles.

Make sense? In other words, right now, wherever you are sitting, if you were to simply close your eyes at this moment, you would not go to sleep. However, if you leave them closed and mentally feel around for the right "sleep processing thoughts", your MIND would begin to daydream, begin to wander, and otherwise begin to relax and drift off to sleep. THIS IS WHAT YOU WANT.

Now couple that with the other two points above (by using your non-physical eyes and not worrying about the body), and these are the three MAIN OBE characteristics which can make the difference between an ordinary night's sleep and a wonderful, full-blown projection.

In closing, it is important to STAY POSITIVE. Mentally tell yourself how EASY this is....that even though you have no idea how to do this, reassure yourself that your MIND already knows what to do, and that you're trusting your own MIND to teach you the steps to reproduce this at will.

With lots of practice and self-introspection, your mind will soon achieve this state of consciousness relatively quickly.

Hope that helps!
Vincit Omnia Veritas


Absolutely fantastic post! Well done. I can't wait to give this a try tonight. Thanks a lot.
I woke the same as any other day except a voice was in my head...


Very nice post, Jeff! Absolutely fantastic. I think this post helped many new OBE'ers (like me). Awsome tuturial.
2 thumbs up. Cant wait to experiment tonight! :-D


All I can say is wow.  You blew me away man, going to give it some time to sink in and start the exercising.


wow, thanks.
these are some really great tips.
Dance like it's your last.


Awesome post, thank you very much Jeff!


You have just mentioned something really important that I did experience my self but never observed to see it out.
Thanks alot for your post !!!! :wink:

Desire- Power dwelling in Man..........K

Embodied Words

Hey, is it ok if I print this? This is some really wonderful stuff here, and I'd like to be able to keep it if that's ok. Either way, THANK YOU. I really think this will help me a lot.
There are in every man, always, two simultaneous allegiances, one to God, the other to Satan. Invocation of God, or Spirituality, is a desire to climb higher, that of Satan, or animality, is delight in descent.

- Charles Baudelaire (1821-1867)


wow great post! you just made my night :) i'm gonna try this out tonight :)


Very unique Point of view, during visions, remote viewing, channeling I use the exact practice you mentioned. doesn't always work, sometimes there has to be some meaning or reason deeper down to bring things..Other times it's random..

I am still a bit uncertain that OOBE may not require that the individual involved has a greater reason/calling/must experience OOBE for some reason.


Great post, I am def going to try this technique from now on.

jub jub

Great post Adrian. I've been able to latch on to the visuals but because the monkey chatter is so prevalent in my head, I lose it.

If only I could control the monkeys!  :-D
"A moral being is one who is capable of reflecting on his past actions and their motives - approving of some and disapproving of others"  -  Charles Darwin


Fantastic, I have my wife reading through this right now.

We're going to try it the method this evening.

Thanks for the post Mate.


Oh you confused me. Everything I read about AP says I have to reach a Mind Awake / Body Asleep state and now ur saying we don't? Plz explain why so many books and people say we must do this.


Because the term 'body asleep' tends to be confused with 'body paralysis', instead of deep trance, which is what the original intent of MABA is meant to portray.  The use of the terms tend to cause some people to pay way too much attention to their body, waiting for it to 'go asleep', when they should be focusing on their mental processes at the time of separation.


That makes a lot of sense!! Thank YOU soooooo much!  :-D


Quote from: Adrian on July 13, 2006, 11:41:33
Focus on the blackness behind your eyelids (with non-physical eye muscles). As your MIND relaxes, the blackness with begin to take on more depth and three-dimensional qualities.

In this youtbue videoclip, Dero7 explains what jeff's been talking about.



Very informative, Jeff.  Thank you.  :)

Love, peace and healing,




Your point #2 is ringing a huge bell for me!  Before I even knew what astral projection was I had an OBE.  I knew they existed for NDE people but I didn't know other peopole experienced them.

Anyhow, I started meditating because I read this thing about how to summon UFOs just by meditating.  I didn't know if it was true or not, but I wanted to try and so far about a week I would just sit still and try and think about nothing.  Mind you, I have no real concept of what meditating was, I do a bit of yoga and they are always saying that the two go together.  Anyways, I would sit there quieting my mind as best I knew how and I would just keep my eyes as still as possible, because when I moved them around I would lose concentration and have to start over again.  After a week of this I had a breif OBE, I was staring at my face, maybe 2 feet away.  I was still sitting in my chair with my earplugs in and it was much more clear then any lucid dream I've had; Real Life-like.

After reading this, I now realize that perhaps I hit a sweet spot with the meditating and keeping my eyes still.  Very interesting and I will have to explore this more!  That was like three weeks ago and I have had nothing happen again, but since then I have been trying to AP.

Thanks for the info, very much helpful!


When I am about to project, one thing I notice is that my PHYSICAL eyes are NOT doing the looking. I sense the blackness and I "see" things, but my physical eyes are completely asleep. No pulsating, no movement, nothing.

THIS is very good advice.  :-D


Quote from: +Explorer+ on November 23, 2008, 12:33:00
Oh you confused me. Everything I read about AP says I have to reach a Mind Awake / Body Asleep state and now ur saying we don't? Plz explain why so many books and people say we must do this.

Though this is an old thread and old question it is still very valid. The answer to this particular question though lies in 'recognizing what you know'. Almost everyone knows how to go into a trance state which is just the jumping off point to an AP, LD or OOBE.

Take factory workers doing the same job everyday. Once their bodies have internalized the motions the mind is no longer needed so it wonders. Soon the whistle blows and it's break time. The worker snaps to attention realizing their mind has been off wondering. This is the exact same thing only you are doing it with the intention of remembering where it went.

If you've never done factory work then you may have done this while driving, washing dishes, riding the subway and list goes on and on.

The point is you know how to do this.
Remember, You came here to this physical earth to experience it in its physical form. NPR will always be there.


Quote from: Nameless on July 30, 2016, 22:36:59
Though this is an old thread and old question it is still very valid. The answer to this particular question though lies in 'recognizing what you know'. Almost everyone knows how to go into a trance state which is just the jumping off point to an AP, LD or OOBE.

Take factory workers doing the same job everyday. Once their bodies have internalized the motions the mind is no longer needed so it wonders. Soon the whistle blows and it's break time. The worker snaps to attention realizing their mind has been off wondering. This is the exact same thing only you are doing it with the intention of remembering where it went.

If you've never done factory work then you may have done this while driving, washing dishes, riding the subway and list goes on and on.

The point is you know how to do this.
Excellent observation.  :)

You're spot on!


Great Post... LOL I ended up having to read it twice.   :-D :-D

I am VERY new to this process but find that I can mentally induce this fairly easy.

It was so easy in fact that when it actually happened, on my 3rd of 4th try, it was really frighting.
After the first time it "worked", I had this residual fear that I am working through, as it is a little harder to get the vibrations to "take off" cause they start and the fear kicks in and I tense up.

At some point after I woke up I convinced myself that this should have taken longer to learn, and that my mind was playing tricks on me LOL.  :lol:
Even tho I knew what happened. It was almost as if my brain could not comprehend what I had gone through.

Anyways GREAT post and thank you.

On a side note... I think it is amazing that people are willing to take the time to post these longer posts just to help others.
:-D :-) :-D :-)