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The triangle method

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thanks for shareing your method.



I will give it a try, thanks.  Right now my conscious exit attempts only succeed about 1 time in 10 and I would love to "get out" more.  Thanks again for the idea.  :)



Thanks for your replies, hope this method helps you...

My father once told me while teaching:
"Every guitar player holds the instrument different..."

Same rules apply to the astral projection i think. The important thing is to remember the feeling...

When you are in astral or OBE your senses are different than the real world senses. My point is to remember those senses and to concentrate on them... So the seperating will be triggered... Many people are using CD's or Bwgen to get to the astral projection state. But the experienced projectors dont need these tools. Because they just know what they will feel.

The triangle method makes you remember the astral body senses and triggers the vibrations...

Your subconcious waits until your conciousness to fade away. Then the seperation process begins. The key point is to concentrate on the astral senses and trigger the subconcious to start the seperation process...

While concentrating the triangle dont talk, dont think, just be a passive observer. Just like when you hear an unexpected sound and you quietly listen to it.

When the vibrations start dont panic! or you will spoit it! If you can hold on to the vibrations for about 15 - 20 seconds you can find your self in your room...

If you want to project to somewhere like Astral Pulse Island; Then follow these instructions:

Hold on to the vibrations for 15 - 20 seconds and when you feel like you are seperated. Visualize yourself flying over the ocean. In the distance the island will appear and get closer...

While you are there look for me too... :)
That's allright... I am OK. This happens every single day... It's all the same... But I am not blind!


Thank you for sharing. I will try this on my next attempt. Good advice.
Alice had got so much into the way of expecting nothing but out-of-the-way things to happen, that it seemed quite dull and stupid for life to go on in the common way.


One more tip:

If you cant hear anything with your astral ears, try the following:

Close your eyes. Put the palms of your hands to both of your ears and listen carefully. Soon you will hear a high pitched sound like "ssssss". Concentrate on it. While concentrating on the sound feel your third eye. Feel yourself in the triangle...

You will feel disoriented in seconds.
That's allright... I am OK. This happens every single day... It's all the same... But I am not blind!


thanks for the technique.I'll try it![:)]Insert
The musical conciousness is mind beneath the sun.


The five astral senses are:

Clairaudiance (astral hearing), Psychometry (astral touch/feeling), Clairvoyance (astral sight), Imagination (astral equivalent of taste), and Emotional Idealism (astral equivalent of smell).
That's allright... I am OK. This happens every single day... It's all the same... But I am not blind!


Hey Birm, your triangle method seems interesting and I just had a few questions before I try it:

To focus the attention on both of the ears and third eye, are you trying to imagine and hear that high-pitched "ringing" sound that sometimes occurs in the ears, while at the same time simply focusing your visual point of focus at your third eye in the blackness of the closed eyelids?

If not, what would you try to do with the third eye in order to focus on that too?


Hey Birm, your triangle method seems interesting and I just had a few questions before I try it:

Hi There,
The main idea is to focus on your astral senses as i mentioned before...
In order to project you have to study both theory and practice at the same time.

So my theory is as follows : Focusing on the astral senses while staying concious moves your conciousness to your astral couple. If you can focus on your astral body enough the seperation process happens automatically.

To practice this theory; i laid down to my bed and started projecting. I tried to understand my senses while projecting. I was hearing the ringing sound, i was seeing with my third eye.

So i decided to try to feel my astral body while i am wide awake. As i was experimenting this, i didnt close my eyes. I looked straight at a point on the wall and tried to visualize things. I could successfully visualize. So i decided to try the hearing sensation. But from wide awake you just cant hear with your astral ears as the physical sounds distract your attention. So i closed my ears with my palms for a while and i realized the ringing sound in my ears.

So i decided to focus on my astral senses from wide awake state. I focused on my third eye, focused on my astral ears and i just felt disoriented and dizzy. I felt like i was in my physical body but i was controlling my astral couple. It is a very confusing feeling to have two bodies and two seperate body senses at the same time.

So i came to a conclusion that as we project; our physical senses goes to minimum and astral senses are at maximum rate. And when we are awake our astral senses are at minimum and physical are at maximum rate.

The triangle method is based upon this theory. Focusing on your astral senses and waiting... Thats all.


To focus the attention on both of the ears and third eye, are you trying to imagine and hear that high-pitched "ringing" sound that sometimes occurs in the ears, while at the same time simply focusing your visual point of focus at your third eye in the blackness of the closed eyelids?

Well Graupel i am not trying to imagine anything. The ringing sound is always there but we actually dont hear it as we are focused on our physical bodies. When you wake up in the morning you can find the ringing sound in your ears. Or you can hear it when you are in trance... To use the triangle method your body has to be relaxed first. As you relax you can concentrate on your breathing. While relaxing you can feel that your body gets that numb feeling. Wait for the ringing sound appear. As you fall deeper into trance you will start to hear it.


If not, what would you try to do with the third eye in order to focus on that too?

I am not visualizing anything in front of me or on my third eye. I just try to feel it. Try to feel your physical eyes now. Then try to feel your physical ears. Now try to feel them both. Its like this. You can easily understand that you are doing the right thing. If you do it correctly you will feel yourself floating in the air while feeling the physical body.

I have to tell you that you will start to see images or visions. Just let them come and go away. If you dont you can fall asleep or you may find yourself in a lucid dream. Which is a good sign that shows you are on the right track.

One of my friends told me that using bwgen with the Triangle method works fine, too. He used the Deep Mind IV preset.
That's allright... I am OK. This happens every single day... It's all the same... But I am not blind!


You can actually find the "sssssssss" sound by focusing your attention at the top of your head e.g. the portion at the very top that is soft when you're a child. By focus I mean the same focus you use with your "hands" in Robert B's energy exercises.

When you focus at the top of the head and then raise your focus maybe 5 to 12 centimeters (2 to 4 inches I think), you can hear a faint hissing sound. By concentrating on that hissing sound you can make it louder.

This "SSSSSSSsss" sound when focused on for long enough (a few minutes) can cure headaches relatively quickly, and I've used it to soothe various painful areas of my body by moving the "SSSSssss" sound to that point of my body so that I can hear it emanating from there. A natural pain reliever? Donno. All I know is I haven't majorly hurt myself yet but everything up until this point, gout, aches, cuts, bruises, headaches, stomach cramps whatever has been eased for quite a while by moving this thing around. Note also: I don't think it heals anything as the pain eventually comes back, but it pretty much disappears and stays that way for quite a while.

I'm totally off topic.

My point was that you can consciously listen to your astral "ears" by focusing on a point a little ways over the top of your head. Listen for the "snake" Ssssssss sound.

Hope this helps.

I think it's time we blow this scene
Get everybody & the stuff together
Ok 3_2_1
Let's Jam!


Zonmezz i thank you kindly for your post and sharing your experience with us.

Could this sound be related to the etheric energy we have?
That's allright... I am OK. This happens every single day... It's all the same... But I am not blind!


I think it has more to do with the chakra located above your head but I'm not sure. I have no idea what this chakra does so I don't know whether it's etheric energy we're hearing or not. All I know is it works for me for pain relief. When Birm mentioned it could be used for projection, I was like, Cool!

Heh, anyways. Good luck!


I think it's time we blow this scene
Get everybody & the stuff together
Ok 3_2_1
Let's Jam!


Hello Birm,

I have a few question regarding your method, could you help me out?

I can feel the disoriented sensation you speak about, and I've tried your method but I'm a little confused on some points.

I hear this SSSS sound all the time, and can make it grow even while awake. I would like to understand better the sequence.

- First you relax, breath awareness.
- Once your body is very relax, numb, you place yourself in the triangle.
- My problem starts there

I can't seem to "stay" there, I very easily lose the spot where I feel this disorientation, sort of a vertigo, inner swaying.
I place my consciousness there, start to feel these things and just can't stay there.
Do I have to concentrate being at that spot, staying there?
Do you at the same time...listen to the sound on top of your head, situate yourself in the triangle, keep aware of the ears and third eye to stay at the right location??
Does this make any sense to you?
Do you put your consciousness, as in one post, 1-2 inches above the center of your head?
In short I'm trying to get a better understanding of your technique to calm my constant questionning on if I'm doing it OK. Calm my wandering, chattering mind and be silent.
Thank you for any help,

This was a PM but i want to answer it here so other people can read it too...

Dear quebec,

You are very successful on moving into an altered state of conciousness as i see from your message. I can say you are almost there but you just dont know "how to feel" and "what to do next"... I will try to clarify the things for you if i can:


I can't seem to "stay" there, I very easily lose the spot where I feel this disorientation, sort of a vertigo, inner swaying.
I place my consciousness there, start to feel these things and just can't stay there.
Do I have to concentrate being at that spot, staying there?

Well this happens to me sometimes too. That means your body is not fully relaxed. So your physical sensations are keeping you in your physical body. When this happens what i do is trying to move into a deeper state of mind. At this point i stop doing the triangle method and concentrate on my breathing and waiting. I am doing nothing but waiting to get to a deeper state of mind. Visions may come and go at this point. You may even find yourself in a lucid dream. The key points are:

Do not try to feel your physical senses.
Do not try to control the visions.
Do not fall asleep at this point because you are in the borderline of it.

If you are still aware of yourself after getting to a deeper state of mind. Try to feel the triangle again and this time you will be there for a longer time. It depends on practice for sure.

If you want to project into RTZ. Dont look at the visions and concentrate on the triangle. If you want to project into astral plane watch the visions and they will take you to the astral.


Do you at the same time...listen to the sound on top of your head, situate yourself in the triangle, keep aware of the ears and third eye to stay at the right location??

This is exactly what i was talking about.


Do you put your consciousness, as in one post, 1-2 inches above the center of your head?

Yes my conciousness stays there above. While i am slowly sucked by the astral world.


In short I'm trying to get a better understanding of your technique to calm my constant questionning on if I'm doing it OK. Calm my wandering, chattering mind and be silent.

You are doing it excellently i think. Soon you will start to project and i want to see you on Astral Pulse Island soon :))

Hope this helps...
That's allright... I am OK. This happens every single day... It's all the same... But I am not blind!


I have just one comment regarding the ringing in the ears. All of my life, I would, out of the blue, here this high pitched ringing sound. Usually it would be in one ear or the other. I could never figure out what it was. And no one in my family ever heard (didn't matter too much, they all always thought I was bit odd anyways!)

I hadn't heard it for many years after high school. But I began yoga last spring. The first week I started it, the ringing started. But it was in both ears and it was constant. I have noticed that over the past year, it has gone up in pitch. It started out sounding just like crickets. But now it has a very high pitched tone to it. If the room is somewhat quiet I can clearly hear it. If I'm in a meeting at work, I can hear it only if I focus on it. Usually the rest of the noises drown it out.

But I do think its related to energy and probably the chakras. At the same time the ringing started, I began feeling energy through my body. I'll feel it pulsing up my spine sometimes. But I always feel a warm 'buzzing' feeling in the back of my head, along with the ringing in my ears. I will occasionally here different tones, not too often though. But I think those are related to different chakras.

Reality is what you perceive it to be.


Nice technique.  I tried it last night and it worked really well since I got some intense sensations but I stopped because I'm scared of the separation.  I remember trying something similar to this a while ago but it was only paying attention to a low static sound in my ears but I'm not sure if that's the same thing.


Hey, I just had a quick question.. how would you "shift" your consciousness above your head (I believe Monroe was going onto something about that with his ray of light technique in JOB.. which I'm still trying to experiment with).

Do you just imagine your mental hands gripping the crown chakra and feeling it opening upfor all the stuff inside to become active and letting out a hissing sound, and eventually (better if you're in the borderline sleep state first before trying any of this?) the hissing sound will become reality?  

So far I've tried using mental hands, but I don't feel anything when I am lying in bed, probably because I am not in enough of a hypnagogic state as the physical sensations of me lying in bed are probably effectively "grounding" me inside my physical body.



Hey, I just had a quick question.. how would you "shift" your consciousness above your head

I dont use mental hands method at all. I dont do any energy work...

To "shift" my consciousness above my head, i am waiting and I am just concentrating on my third eye and my ears. Thats all.

Hope i helped,
That's allright... I am OK. This happens every single day... It's all the same... But I am not blind!


Greetings Graupel,

I think Robert Monroe in his early days suggested focussing a few inches ahead rather than immediately behind the closed eyelids.

This does make some sense as the Astral body iteself extends beyond the physical body by a few inches. Anyone can verify this by relaxing, and then extending your awareness out by a few inches, and the Astral body can be easily detected beyond the physical.

With best regards,

Vincit Omnia Veritas


Are you talking about Tinitis (I think I'm spelling it right)? That's a ringing in the ears I have had since I can remember. Someone on this thread posted that she heard "cricket" sounds -- sometimes this sounds like crickets, sometimes it's just a high-pitched tone. Is the sound you are describing the same as this and, if not, how do you hear it above the constant ringing?



Are you talking about Tinitis (I think I'm spelling it right)? That's a ringing in the ears I have had since I can remember. Someone on this thread posted that she heard "cricket" sounds -- sometimes this sounds like crickets, sometimes it's just a high-pitched tone. Is the sound you are describing the same as this and, if not, how do you hear it above the constant ringing?

I have never heard of the word "Tinitis" but yes that is a ringing in the ears. I am describing the same sound you are talking about. Do they call it Tinitis?
That's allright... I am OK. This happens every single day... It's all the same... But I am not blind!


Birm, thanks for the quick response! I did have it spelled wrong, it's "Tinnitus". They define it as hearing sounds that aren't present in the external environment -- Well, DUH!!! [:D]

I tried your technique last night and the results were interesting. I did get just a brief moment of that disorientation you mentioned, then fell to sleep. At some point I woke up when I heard a single bark from a dog. I wasn't hearing a "real" bark. We don't have dogs that close, and besides, there was emotion connected with this one. It conveyed freedom and a sense of release, for lack of better words. My sister-in-law has a seriously ill dog and I wondered when I heard it whether her dog had died. I found out this morning she did, some time prior to 11:30 (when I got the email). I don't know whether it was anything but coincidence, but if it was, the dog wasn't upset by what happened.

I fell back asleep and launched into the happiest dream I've had in quite some time. Colors were just vivid and the setting was bright -- lots of people around everywhere.

I don't think this dream was connected with the dog, but I wonder if both of them weren't connected to my use of your "listening" technique?

I really appreciate your insight on this technique. So many of them just don't work for me -- maybe this will be different!


Hi greatoutdoors,

In order to Astral Project you have to move in to an ALTERED STATE OF CONCIOUSNESS.

The purpose of this technique is to concentrate on your astral senses and forget about your physical senses. This way your physical body will fall asleep but your conciousness will stay aware of it.

When your body is asleep and your conciousness is aware of it. You are in an altered state of conciousness.

You can hear real world sounds that you have heard before while using this tecnique. I always hear people talking, animal sounds, sometimes sounds come from the furniture.

When you hear such sounds all you have to do is: Wait. Dont be distracted by the sounds. It is just like seeing images when you close your eyes from a wide awake position. You are concentrating on you astral hearing sensation. But you can close your eyes while you cannot close your ears.

Hope this helps,
That's allright... I am OK. This happens every single day... It's all the same... But I am not blind!


the ringing has stopped! since i was a child around 10 and down, i would hear the ringing in my ears occasionally. Now that i know a little bit about it i dont want to get rid of the sound. i use to hear it alot when i was little. does anyone know how to get it back? i never hear it anymore :(
"Only those who have dared to let go can dare to reenter." - Meister Eckhart


Hi Birm!

So you're saying the dog bark I heard could have been an indication I was actually getting somewhere?! That would be great! Right now I feel like a door is being slammed in my face every time I get close to a conscious connection to the astral. I've never had a big problem with relaxing my body and keeping the mind active -- until I started trying to do it. Then it's a whole new ball game. But your system seems to offer some real progress so I'm going to hang in there.

Have you used any self-hypnosis tapes or CD's to help you?


Originally posted by greatoutdoors
So you're saying the dog bark I heard could have been an indication I was actually getting somewhere?! That would be great!

A lot of beginners get discouraged because they try to project, and then when "nothing" happens, they feel like they're just wasting their time.  

However, GreatOutdoors, you are realizing a very important point.  Every time you practice projecting, and every exercise you do is only bringing you CLOSER to success.  It may not SEEM like it, but you must believe it.

For example, you may lay down and after practicing a few OBE relaxation exercises, you begin to see some cool hypnogogic imagery.  However, if that is all you see, then smile and know that you're getting better and better in developing your technique.  I think too many people would discount the hypnogogic stuff and feel a sense of failure for not feeling vibrations, or separating from their body.

So yes, the dog barking you heard was a good thing.  You may not have had a full blown OBE, but you are making contact with that part of your subconscious which is navigating you to the threshold of having a fully conscious OBE!  Keep it up.
Keep smiling,

Jeff Mash