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The triangle method

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Greetings everyone,

It is also important to note that Astral projection or phasing, as opposed to OBE, does not usually involve vibrations or a sense of separating from the body at all. OBE is normally associated with vibrations etc., followed by an etheric projection into what is known as the "real-time zone" but which is actually an etheric reflection of the physical surroundings. This for example is the subject matter of Robert's book Astral Dynamics.

Astral projection or phasing is very different and much more subtle; it involves a projection of consciousness (as opposed to the projection of an etheric double) beyond the five physical senses to the Astral, at which point there is no sense of the physical body and awareness becomes based firmly in the reality of the Astral. Before phasing is achieved hypnogogic imagery might be seen or even Astral visions in the form of the Astral "cinema screen" or as has been observed Astral noises might be heard. The thing to do here is to focus on the Astral visions or noises and try to consciously move towards them; if you see the Astral screen, then try to move forward and phase straight through it into the scenery which will be the Astral proper. From there you can go anywhere such as Astral Pulse Island.

To reach Astral Pulse Island you ideally need to be focussing on Astral projection or phasing rather than OBE.

With best regards,

Vincit Omnia Veritas


Very interesting method! I have to try it some time! Thanks for a great method and explaining it greatly![:)]


Have you used any self-hypnosis tapes or CD's to help you?

Well, i used Bwgen software with the DeepMind IV preset for a while. It helped me to understand how to enter the trance state. After learning how to enter the trance state and what trance feels like. I uninstalled the Bwgen from my computer. I dont use it right now. But it is useful if you are a begginer.
That's allright... I am OK. This happens every single day... It's all the same... But I am not blind!


Originally posted by Adrian
To reach Astral Pulse Island you ideally need to be focussing on Astral projection or phasing rather than OBE. thing I've never seen asked before is, "Do you think one could exit the physical body via OBE, and then phase into the astral?"

I bring this up because I believe I may be doing this.  Usually, when I separate from my body, it's in the traditional OBE sense (feeling of a physical separation, somewhat hard to control, etc).  It is also at this point that my vision is usually black.  Some call this 'the void' and use it as a springboard to go anywhere they want.

In this void, which one gets to via an OBE separation, if one were to concentrate on the API and successfully get there, wouldn't that be a perfect case in point of an OBE turned AP?  

You see, even though I use phasing techniques to bring me to a projection state, I almost always "roll out" of my body into a dark environment (void), and then project from there.  So it seems like I'm doing the same thing only it's preceeded by a physical separation process.  Does this happen with anyone else?
Keep smiling,

Jeff Mash


Birm, Jeff, Adrian,

You guys are giving me excellent advice here and I appreciate it! Birm, I'm continuing to practice your triangle technique and I am getting closer, I think. Jeff, thank you for the encouragement. It is so frustrating when you knowsomething exists and still can't connect! And Adrian, I think you put a name to what happened to me awhile back. I thought it was an OBE, and posted to that effect; but with no vibrations or anything else, I began to wonder just what had happened. I have posted that experience elsewhere so I won't go into detail here, but it was just "Pop", I was behind my body, then when I realized it, "Pop" I was back. I was wide-awake and standing up -- there's no way I was dreaming. That event was totally unexpected and I have gotten nowhere (so far, Jeff) trying to do it again.

By the way, it is very nice to be able to discuss all this with folks who 1) don't think you've totally flipped out; and 2) aren't trying to re-create Saturday morning "space ranger" cartoons! I think I'm older than most of the folks on this forum, but I still get a feeling of acceptance, even from the "sprouts"! [:D] I've only recently found the courage to really start exploring the metaphysical. I hope I'm not too old to learn!


Birm, i got 2 questions.

1.i am an beginner i willing to try to go projecting is your technique good for beginners? the seperating part scary?

thnx for your help


Hey there WannaLearn,

I am not trying to speak on Birm's behalf, but instead, I will answer your questions the way I see them:

Originally posted by wannalearn
1.i am an beginner i willing to try to go projecting is your technique good for beginners?

Yes, the technique that Brim mentions is something that everyone can try (beginners and experienced projectors alike).  There is nothing really complicated about it, and the hardest part you'll find is trying to stay focused, because your mind will want to wander to other things.

quote: the seperating part scary?

That depends on the individual.  For me, I never have scary separations.  However, you may want to read more about "Phasing" in this forum.  When you phase into the astral environment, it's almost like melting right into it.  Imagine yourself being lowered into a pool of water.  Now imagine that you aren't being lowered feet first, but instead, you're being lowered face first.  You just kinda "step into" the astral environment and become a part of it.

However, like I said, I usually just roll out of my body and then explore the astral from there.....and it's ALWAYS an exhilirating, positive experience.

The only thing scary are the things you convince yourself to be scared of.  If you remind yourself that this is going to be fun (just as a rollercoaster is fun [but scary to the observer]), so is projecting into the non-physical realms.
Keep smiling,

Jeff Mash


I had that "disorienting" feeling thousands of times, I would be very pleased with it for it is a mile marker in your journey!


Hi jeff,

Thank you for answering the questions. I agree with your answers but there is one thing i want to add to your comments.

There is nothing really complicated about it, and the hardest part you'll find is trying to stay focused, because your mind will want to wander to other things.

A wandering mind is not a bad thing in my opinion. Because the wandering mind deepens the trance state automatically. For example when you start seeing images and visions, you may watch them and wander around the images and/or visions for a while. This helps the visions to become clearer. If you focus on your astral hearing sensations the same rules apply. When you hear something just wait and dont do anything about it. Just like listening to the next room in your house. You can hear outside but you cannot do anything about it. Taking your time with the hypnagogic images or sounds pulls you into the astral environment. You may fall asleep when doing this. So i suggest to try when you wake up in the morning. Because at night you are trying not to fall asleep while in the morning your body is relaxed and well rested so you are trying to wake your mind. Trying in the morning is easier.

I also think the hardest part is to stay awake while your physical body falls asleep.

Hope this helps,
That's allright... I am OK. This happens every single day... It's all the same... But I am not blind!


Yow birm,

i got to ask you another thing:

you said you must hear a sounds that goes "sss" i dont seem to hear that what can ido ?!

thnx for help.


Hi Birm,

Thank you for clarifying what I previously said.

Originally posted by Birm
A wandering mind is not a bad thing in my opinion. Because the wandering mind deepens the trance state automatically.

This is what I meant to say, and you corrected it for me.  When I was warning about a wandering mind, I didn't mean to suggest that it was a bad thing.  However, I think it's important that as your mind wanders, you "stay with it" and watch where it takes you, as opposed to losing interest and falling asleep.
Keep smiling,

Jeff Mash

Euphoric Sunrise

Just want to say thanks to Birm for sharing his method. I've been using it all week and when i used it last night i had some sort of success at leaving my body.
It took a while and i had to keep pulling my mind back in line to begin with, but after some time the sound in my ears got louder, my third eye became more active and from there on out i was sailing.
I heard what i've come to describe as a pop that seemed to come from around my neck somewhere, although i didn't feel a thing, and then i was floating about somewhere. I was in complete darkness so i had probably only entered the 3D blackness stage, but it's further than i've ever gone before.
I didn't feel any vibrations either. The only thing close to vibrations was when i reached REM and my eyes began darting around everywhere.
Thanks Birm!
"The soul is never silent, but wordless"
* Emperor - The Tongue of Fire


Hey where exactly is the minds eye(third eye)?

Euphoric Sunrise

The third eye is located between the eyebrows. Although not necessarily directly in that spot. Mine often feels as though it's a bit further up my forehead.
"The soul is never silent, but wordless"
* Emperor - The Tongue of Fire



you said you must hear a sounds that goes "sss" i dont seem to hear that what can ido ?!

Well you can hear it if you can focus enough. Here is a very helpful exercise: When you are about to sleep try to listen the outside sounds while your eyes closed. Look behind your closed eyes while listening the sounds outside. Soon you will start to see some images. Dont concentrate on the images just let them come and go, continue concentrating on the outside sounds. Dont think about the outside sounds just hear them. Pretend you are asleep and listen outside. Think: "These sounds are coming from outside while we are asleep." This way your sleeping reflex will be triggered and your physical body will start to relax. At that point you may realize the sound i am talking about.

Another way to hear the sound is staying awake for a long time. Lets suppose you havent slept for 16-20 hours. You are very sleepy. Lay down on your bed and try to listen.

One another way is to be drunk. Yes! When i am drunk i can hear the sound very clearly and loud. But alcohol takes all of your energy to project. So you wont be able to project but you can realize the sound.

Another way is to try listening when you just wake up. Before getting off the bed try to listen to the sound.

Hope this helps,
That's allright... I am OK. This happens every single day... It's all the same... But I am not blind!


Originally posted by Euphoric Sunrise

The third eye is located between the eyebrows. Although not necessarily directly in that spot. Mine often feels as though it's a bit further up my forehead.

Thanks for the needed info!


okay lets hearing that sound tonight well...i hear it but my mission is to project so how? (maybe a hard question!)


Originally posted by wannalearn

okay lets hearing that sound tonight well...i hear it but my mission is to project so how? (maybe a hard question!)

Well, it's easier to say how I do it then to tell another how they should do it, since what works for me may not work for you.

For me, using Brim's triangle method as an example, I would focus on the technique in order to bring me to a certain benchmark.  This benchmark is usually when I see three dimensional shapes and images behind my closed eyelids.

When this darkness starts to take shape and depth, then I know that I am close to projecting.  I'm also aware of my body but not focused on it.  I'm more focused now on the images.

With a little mental pushing, I am able to do one of two things:

1) Phase into the black, three dimensional void in front of me, and project to a location from there

2) I thrust my arm out of my body to test if I can project.  If I feel my astral arm moving, then I roll out of my body and project from there.

As a beginner, I would advise you to try and "watch" the images that come and go behind your eyes.  Don't try and think about them.  Just watch them come and go, much as you would watch a foreign TV show.  You may not understand the scenes or images, but you just keep watching and following the story.

The longer you do this, the longer these images hang around before disappearing.  What is happening the entire time is that you're being brought to the very edge of your imagination and the astral.

Anyway, you'll be surprised at how you "naturally" know how to project once you bring yourself to this level of awareness.
Keep smiling,

Jeff Mash


Thanks for the answer Jeff. I totally agree with you.
That's allright... I am OK. This happens every single day... It's all the same... But I am not blind!


aha but what is better u think themethod of Birm or just concentrate on your breathing (like i learned from someone) and what u mean with "images" ?



Originally posted by wannalearn

aha but what is better u think themethod of Birm or just concentrate on your breathing (like i learned from someone)

Again, it all depends on what works best for you.  I can't stress this enough to beginners.  

For example, have you tried both techniques (triangle and breathing)?  Which one did you like the best?  Did you find that you were successfully doing some things with the Triangle Method and not successful doing other things?

What you need to do is try a multitude of techniques, and piece together what works for you based on all of them.  There is no magic technique that works for everyone.  In fact, even the Triangle Method alone will not always work for Brim or myself.  There are times when we have to switch things up and try something else to overcome a block.

As an example....let's say I lay down and try the Triangle Method, but for some reason, I just can't concentrate on astral hearing.  This could be because I listened to music right before laying down and therefore, I'm stuck singing this stupid song in my head over and over.

Instead of giving up, I may have to switch things up.  I could either use this song in my head as a way to bring myself further into a sleep-like state....or I could try and discard the thought of the song everytime it pops into my head.

Once I clear my thoughts, I may now find it easier to continue with the Triangle Method.

So as you can see, there is no one way to go about this.  When I am laying down and not really relaxed, I use breathing exercises to calm me down.  I usually don't try Brim's technique until I am calm and relaxed.


and what u mean with "images" ?

In other words, when you close your eyes (try it right now), you will first see blackness, right?  Then you may see flashes of bright white light, usually after-images of whatever you were previously looking at before shutting your eyes.

Once the after-images fade away, you may start to see colors come and go, like dark reds or blues.  Just observe them and let them pass.

The deeper you fall into a relaxed state, the more these colors will actually start to take on a 2 Dimensional form.  Much like looking at a TV.  

Continuing deeper in relaxation, the two dimensional shapes will begin to take on a three dimensional quality.  They will begin to have depth and shape.  This is a good sign, because it means you're right on the border between your imagination and the astral environment.  From here, you can phase into the astral or roll out of your body.

Best of luck......keep practicing and see how far you can go with the images.  I use that as a benchmark to letting me know how close I am to "getting out."
Keep smiling,

Jeff Mash


aha man thnx finally, i always saw those "images" if i closed my eyes and you said when you are in 3d blackness stage just roll out of your body, okay....HOW?


Originally posted by wannalearn

aha man thnx finally, i always saw those "images" if i closed my eyes and you said when you are in 3d blackness stage just roll out of your body, okay....HOW?

Yes, that is the million dollar question, isn't it?  Let me ask you, how do you roll out of bed in the morning?  Do you think about it or just do it?

I'm not trying to be a smartass, but for me, the actual separating from the body is the easiest part.  I just do it.  The hard part is getting to the stage where you can separate.  

For me, it's like this.  I used this example before but I'll do it again.  Imagine pushing a big boulder up a hill.  Getting that hard f**ker up the hill can be exhausting (not to mention discouraging), right?

Once you're at the top however, do you ask yourself, "Now how am I going to get this thing down?"

NO!  Simply because once you reach that threshold at the top, the ball will begin rolling down the otherside easily on it's own.

Going OBE is just like that.  It may take a lot of effort and preparation on your part to bring your body and mind to a certain benchmark.....but once it's in the right spot, your separation REFLEX kicks in and whenever you move, you will be moving your astral body and not your physical one.
Keep smiling,

Jeff Mash


yeah about that quesiton in the morning how i wake up i dont think about it i just DO it and i got another question i think that the triangle method is a bit hard i like the "concentrating on your breathing" easyier and i just have to focus on my breathing and dont have to focus on the "images" just them pas my mind? greetz thnx fo rall the tips!


and how u know "feel" when you are going to separate