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The triangle method

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Originally posted by wannalearn
i just have to focus on my breathing and dont have to focus on the "images" just them pas my mind?

Well, now that I think about it, I try and HOLD the image in my mind's eye for as long as I can before it fades away.  The closer I am to projecting, the longer I can hold the image.

It may not make sense to read things like that, but the more you try it for yourself, you'll begin to see what I mean.
Keep smiling,

Jeff Mash


Originally posted by wannalearn

and how u know "feel" when you are going to separate

Right before I separate, I feel a number of things.

1) I have a feeling of what's about to happen.  In other words, I'm aware that I'm about to separate.....then I try to separate and it happens.

2) I have a little excitement go through me, but experience and practice has helped me deal with that emotion.  In the beginning, I would let me excitement get the better of me and kill my experience before it ever really started.

3) I also usually hear an absense of sound.  In other words, I hear something like a vacuum....almost like a sucking of air all around me.  As a perfect example, have you ever ridden in an airplane?  Do you know those little air nozzles they position above your head that you can turn on and off to get some fresh air blown on your face?  When I'm separating, I hear that vacuous hissing sound most of the time.  Only on a minority of occassions have I heard voices or screaming.
Keep smiling,

Jeff Mash


wow if you screaming your f***ing scared huh?


Originally posted by wannalearn

wow if you screaming your bonking scared huh?

No, I didn't say I was screaming.  Re-read what I posted.  I said I on occassions, "I heard voices or screaming."
Keep smiling,

Jeff Mash


i mean that, sorry (i cant speak english good)


Originally posted by Birm

One more tip:

If you cant hear anything with your astral ears, try the following:

Close your eyes. Put the palms of your hands to both of your ears and listen carefully. Soon you will hear a high pitched sound like "ssssss". Concentrate on it. While concentrating on the sound feel your third eye. Feel yourself in the triangle...

You will feel disoriented in seconds.

I do that and I can hear my blood moving in my head ( normal ). Any help?


Thanks for your awesome method!

I just tried it on yesterday and got cool results...because of a reason i do not know i forgot to use the ribbon i usually bind around my head for creating absolute darkness....that was a big obstacle but results were amazing.

I never succeeded in relaxing completely before when i lay on my back and had to stop after about 20 Minutes because i felt highly unconfortable...but now it really seemed as if my body falls asleep and i catched myself for the first time of falling asleep and losing steady thaughts while i lay on my back.That`s something completely new for me...and don`t laugh, i practiced for nearly 3 years[8D]

Well...all of a sudden my eyes just made some problems and avoided the relaxation but tonight i think i can even get further.I`ll combine it with some sort of breath-meditation i think...

I think i even felt a pre-OBE sign...It felt as if my legs were heavily jogged by some force but it was also very short...this happened another time with another part of my body but i thaught it might have been some sort of muscle i tried how it felt, when i would really put tension on my was totally different from what i felt so i am really optimistic.

Are these the vibrations everybody talks about?Or even something stronger?Would it be possible that these parts may have already seperated for a short amount of time?

Thanks again!

Just walk, where you don't belong...


please help me.Read my qustion above.


Very interesting method. I can relate exactly to the sound you talk about, i find it can even be heard whilst wide awake - if you sit quietly and listen.

I read a document on AP a while ago where the author claimed that if you could concentrate exculsively on the sound for a few minutes it would lead to vibrations. Ive tried this several times and i get the vibrations, but no seperation, but i think this is due to fear more than anything else.

I will let you know how i get on with your triangle technique.

Thanks for sharing
--Eleusis [;)]


I knew already the triangle method.
The point is when you connect your third eye to the ears and connect your backhead to the ears you get a cross.When you follow your attention to the crossing point inside your head, you will suddely get to a point of stillness and love.It also the "Chris - consciousness".It easy to aware of it in a Time "NOW" like theta - state.
The third eye is related to memory , the backhead is related to visions.This cross centre is interconnected with some "etherical" like sensors. UP,DOWN,LEFT,RIGHT,FRONT,BACK there is each one sensor,what can reach out over 600 meters and more.Egyptians did their homework in it, already.

I try kind of sound-mind-practice for a londer time and i also can produce 'high pitching' sounds.
First just imagine a snare sound in mind.
It needs time to develop.
Believe to perceive this sound with hearing ability, so get it after a period of time.After this, repeat this sound and let it go, you may hear a piched funny sound.

Also u can go with you mind to a place away from you over 500 meters.
Remember space and time is just a product of our 3rd dimensional mind.
All is conected together.
Just put your focus on your hearing ability and you wlll receive sounds of that place in an some low-pitchin but very sensitive case.


Hi Birm...I'm not sure if I know what you mean...but when I listen en focus I always hear some sort of low noise...but isn't that just my blood floating trough my head? Or my heart beat? And I dont get dessoriented...but I will try the method you described!:-)
Psycho Paradoxical


Hi all, I havent tried the Triangle method, but Im going to tonight. I have been trying to project about 2 weeks now and I have had some success, Iv tried afew methods but last night I got the closest Iv ever been.
What I did: I started by turning on the fan in my room and laying in the dark, I was using the body asleep mind awake technique for awhile to get me in a more relaxed state, then I started to listen more to the fan and forced myself into the 3d darkness, I was listening to the fan and watching the colors in the darkness and I got alot of heavy vibrations, also I felt like I was starting to leave my body, not out of it or above, but like moving more inside, or deeper if that makes sense. I got excited and came back to "c1"

Also some times I try and picture a live fire (moving and growing) and that gets me close as well..  
I just would like some advice and input on my situation
How can the spoon know the taste of soup?


Well I say you are magnificint


just wanted to say thank you.. when i first saw this method i kinda passed over it as it was different than all other methods i have been taught.

however tonight, in my daily practice i decided to give it a wirl.. and damn!!!

i almost immediatly got the "shifting" slightly vertigo sensations.. usually it takes me at least a half hour of medition to get these sensations.. this was right after i finished doing my relaxation exercises.. maybe a minute after i first started being aware of the "sss" sound..

i started to feel my etheric body expanding.. almost pushing at some sort of boundary... i started to feel my consciousness outside my body.. but i started experiencing all these panic attack sensations.. my body tensing up, short of breath, etc..

i started consciouslly relaxing and i guess after i shifted my thoughts to my body rather than the triangle the sensations started to fade.. i kinda repeated the whole process again but once more felt the panic attack sensations so i decided to call it a night and try again tomorrow. (hopefully i'll get used to these sensations and be able to move beyond them)

the only time i've evered experienced ap is when it's happened spontaneously.. i've been practing daily for months now trying to be able to do it at will...

anyway.. thanks for the technique. its been the most effective one i've used so far.


I'm having a tough time focusing on my third eye, but I can hear the hiss of the astral hearing, can anyonee help?


Thanks Birm, this technique definately seems to be for me! :)

I'm very aware of the ringing sound. I was confused on if it was the same thing as others on this forum were describing, but I am sure of it now. I do energy-work every night and the ringing sound comes right away when I'm relaxed on my bed.

I'll try your technique and see how it goes. Thanks again.


Ah what the heck, Ill give it a shot. I think I havet ever tried this technique, so I hope to have sucess with it. I might try it tonight, if not tomorrow. Ill tell you how it went!


Originally posted by AntiGravity

Ah what the heck, Ill give it a shot. I think I havet ever tried this technique, so I hope to have sucess with it. I might try it tonight, if not tomorrow. Ill tell you how it went!

Well, I tried it yesterday with some very nice results. I got mild vibrations and then ruined it by getting excited, gotta work on that little problem [:P]. Ill give it another shot later today, lets hope for the best!


For people trying to experience the Ssssssssssss sound:

I've been taking this sound for granted.  If you not sure what it really sounds like, try this.  When no one is stomping around your house (early AM, late PM, middle of the day), draw yourself a nice hot bath.  While the tub fills, try and slip into at least a light meditative state.  Its difficult to get not deep meditation unless you have a "good" tub, I know most Americans have lousy tubs for soking in [;)]

Now slip down on to your back until your ears are covered with water, but your face is in the air.  This is a very silly looking position, because for most people your feet are up in the air [:P]

Now what you can expect to here are thumps if someone slams a dorr or stomps up the steps.  You can hear your heartbeat.  But the biggest is you can hear the Sssssssssssss very easily.  Meditate and focuse you attention on your third eye, I usually hear a change in teh "pitch".  Now focus at teh top of your crawn, thepitches cahnges slightly.  I seem to 'hear' things the loudest a few inches above my crown.

I've tried tub projecting before, but the water gets too cold before I'm done...
There is a physical limitation upon how much light a human body can sustain. Interestingly, there is no limit on how much light a human vessel can generate. When fully enlightened you must instill your light in order to maintain its wisdom.


Rastus, you better not drown while projecting. [^]


How did Birm come up with the method? Sounds like a winner.(pardon the pun)


How long does the concentration for the pyramid focus be locked before someone gives up? I lose motivation sometimes and just resort to energy-workouts...


Hi there,

I came up with this method while trying to find a suitable way for me to feel myself not in my body but somewhere else... So i could feel my astral body... Instead of visualisation techniques i tried to use sounds... It just worked for me so i decided to put up a method and write it on the forums... So other people can benefit and maybe find further methods...

I hope the method helped u guys...

cya around :D
That's allright... I am OK. This happens every single day... It's all the same... But I am not blind!


Hi there,

I have developed a new method of retrieving the 3D Blackness stage easily. I called it Triangle method. It may be similar to the other methods but it works faster than any other for me. No visualization is required! I want to share it with you.

First of all when you are falling in to sleep have you ever realized your astral body hearing? Just like your astral view, you have astral hearing. You can hear the outside sounds at the same time but if you concentrate on hearing with the astral ears, you will realize that the physical sounds slowly fade away.

You can be familiar with your astral ears when you just wake up by checking if it is still there. And you will hear no sound but a little noise. I will try to describe it: Turn on your CD player or Cassette player and pause the system. Open up the volume. You will hear a sound from the speakers. When you concentrate on your astral ears when you are about to sleep or just waking up you will hear a sound like this.

Ok, If you can hear this sound then you can use this method for seperating your body.

You have two ears and one Third Eye. That makes a triangle! All you have to do is to concentrate on your ears and the third eye at the same time. And suddenly you will feel disoriented. If you are not fully relaxed at the time this disorientation feeling goes off quickly. Wait until your body gets to sleeping position while concentrating on the triangle. And you will start to feel a swaying sensation all over the triangle.

The best thing is : You can try this method with your physical eyes open!

Try it and feel the disorientation quickly.

Relax your body enough to feel the vibrations!!!
That's allright... I am OK. This happens every single day... It's all the same... But I am not blind!


When I woke up this morning I tried for the first time the triangle method. I quickly had a sleep paralysis. No Obe but I think it's a good beginning.