The very easy AP method..

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I just did that in my chair on the PC and I get a feeling in my head when my head lights up orange. It feels good. Now I gotta do it on my bed before bed wile relaxed for results?


I just tried the cloud technique here on my chair to get use to it, and its pretty kick arse!

Now my plan for tonight. I will try the mind awake thingy to get into a transe. Then I will try to rope to OBE. If that does not work, then I will try the cloud tech.

I will report back to you.


I didnt do it. I was scared senseless to even start my plan. I thought some monster would grab my neck. I will give it another shot tonight.


I just did it now, 12:48 Midnight, thats 30 min b4 I hit the hay sack usualy.

I got into a trance, then tried the rope method. I kept imagining a friend of mine climbing the rope, and I tried to climb it my self and see it through my eyes. But my mind wanted the 3rd person view. Any help there?

Well after doing that for a few min, I felt my body raise up a bit then went back down.


Its much easier not to try the 3rd person view when you climing the rope forget the hole body and only focus on the arms. They are going to get you out not the rest of your body. Just imagine your arms grabing a rope higher and higher and dont forget put knots in the rope its much easier..


Last night, Thursday night around 1:40 AM I came so close to OBE! I was doing the mind awake body asleep method. Then my mind slipped away from that exersize for about two minuets? I guess what happend was I was falling asleep even more. Then I "fully awoke" you could say. I was in a trance for sure! I felt viberations all over my body. So the first thing I did was the mind awake body asleep method again. Finaly what happend after that? I do not know, I guess I just fell asleep.

I dreamed that night and rememberd it, I finaly wanted a rememberable dream and I got it!

So thats two wins for Corvette last night![:)]


Hey Corvette

First congrats on the trance state.  If you want to remember your dreams just repeat several times as you go to bed "I remember my dreams I remember my dreams"  I found that I remembered dreams first night of doing this.  IF it doenst come right away it will in a few days or so.  As you continue to do this I have found you remember more and more and evenutally you have lucid dreams.  

Then when you find you remember dreams everynight you start saying " When I am dreaming I realize Im dreams and you eventually become lucid.....



Omega, that technique sounds very interesting! I only had one question before I attempt it...  so far this is how I understand it:

1.) Relax (progressive realxation, etc.)
2.) Do you imagine the orange brain/head region and the light blue body from a 3d perspective of looking at your actual body (like transfer of consciousness outside your body).. or do you just imagine an orange color "up there" in the upper range of your vision where the expanse of your mind is, and a light blue in the "lower" range of your black void where you know your body to be?
3.) As you pass your focus from one region to the other while breathing in and out, is your body supposed to eventually get numb but by thinking about it in that manner, you will know that your body is still there and not loose conciousness and drift asleep?


Yes it would be the 3rd person view your body will become numb after you have been well relaxed for a while.. anything else


Originally posted by omega

This meathod workes wonders for many people. This meathod is copyrighted the only people that can publish this are JB and Robert Bruce. Thanks you omega

Mind Awake=Body Asleep this is all you need to AP you don't need a technique at all. Here is how you do it when your rested repeat in your mind. Mind Awake and try to move your consinious to your brain. Then say Body Asleep in your mind and move your consciousness to your body its that easy. What I do is make two different colors so I can switch back and forth from Mind Awake and Body Asleep. I imagine my Body is a light blue and my brain is orange. When you inhale say in your mind Mind Awake then imagine your body is a light blue with an orange brain. Since your mind is awake increase the color of your orange brain make it brighter and your body dimmer. Then do the opposite when you exhale Say in your mind Body Asleep and dim your orange brain and make your light blue body brighter. You have to remember to say Mind awake or Body asleep in your mind depending on witch one your moving your consciousness to. This is a very easy method you have to try it.

I copyright this idea [:)] nah just kiddin, go ahead, go nuts:

Instead of using colours, use instead people or entities you admire. I think by visualising colours it has the potential of affecting one's aura colour. So unless you know or targeting a particular auric hue...

I think I'll use Jesus vibrations for Mind and Solomon for body etc...LOL So when meditation's over they both return to normal... or whatever


oh i forgot to add,

Instead of those two respectable beings disappearing, you image one of them falling asleep and the other being fully alert.

c u


ha ha okay

Well i got something else i was working on only tested it 2 times because of work but it did have some promising results. What is it you ask well its another exit meathod. Do you know when you reach the trance state you start to feel pressure by your crown "carkas" "I think i spelled that right" well when you start to feel the pressure. Imagine a cylinder kinda like a straw imagine that on the part of your head with the pressure. Then imagine a ghost white copy of yourself attached to the other end of the cylinder in the air. Then try to move the pressure up the cylinder and into the ghost copy of yourself imagine it really hard and slow to move and when it starts to go into the ghost copy of yourself make it thick. Make it like Jello and slowley move it into the copy of yourself. You will most likley start to feel yourself lift up after a good amount is in the ghost copy..

Please Test this for me Omega


I tried the "blue and orange" technique yesterday and i reached a higher level than before, i didn't OBE but felt the vibes and my body floated for few seconds...thanks Omega, i think that you have found what works best for me ! I'll stick to this ! [:I] I liked the rope method, but like other members here, i had the "muscular tense" problem when pulling the cord...
anyway, thank you very much [|)]


I have found that if I place my arms on a surface that is hard and cool , like a table top or something my arms simply start the trance and it spreads very fast. I actually had a popdown table in my trailer and put a cushion on it to nap and OBE(I always lie down ) and my hands sort of rested on the table besides me. It could also be two pieces of wood or something placed on the arm rests I think. I also use a method of the rubber arm. I imagine a small hole in the roof of my trailer, sort of a skylight and reach up and see my arms strech to take hold of the ledge, then after a bit I imagine my spirit slowly "peeling" off my body on the bed under the pressure of the rubber contracting and propelling me upwards. Works pretty good.
Words.....there was a time when I believed in words!


How much time should I spend trying this exercise in one sitting? thanks


This is interesting and I will have to give it a try.  I have not successfully meditated in quite some time. The trance state has been elusive for about a year now.  But lately, all my vivid dreams have returned on their own [that I used to have] so it has made want to try again.  Good thread.


"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'


I'm going to try this method tonight. It looks very promising. I too have problems with the rope, my eyes try to follow my hands.[xx(]


Wow. My body was completely relaxed. Now I need to work on the mind part.


Hey Dino,

Your mind should eventualy fall into a "sub" sleep state after your body is paralized.

holy reality

i came up with this exact notion one day when i was insanely tired and tried meditating without success...

there is one HUGE problem though

my mind gets so tired it can't say things right, it'll start saying "mind asleep" "body awake" and stuff like that... i get disorganized, it's very hard....

i've tried it before too as a mantra and had the same problem, but i think it's because I'm starting to totally fall asleep... as it drives me into hypnagogic hallucinations and creates that lovely falling sensation you get when falling asleep sometimes.

but it doesn't trance me...

i'm gonna try it tonight though, i never tried the colors thing and trying to visualize it.


I can't wait to give the Mind Awake, Body asleep method a go. Sure seems like it at the very least to you into a trance state.

Cheers Omega


This method is very cool.  As far as getting into deep relaxation it is great.  You can 'cool down' the entire body very fast getting into trance.  As far as the mind, I would suggest letting it go orange as per usual but once you feel your body is asleep, visualize your mind as orange and expanding into a replica of yourself standing on your forehead, and the orange slowly, liquidly transfers from your head into the replica, leaving your body and head blue and your new shell completely orange and ready to go for an astral spin.  I'm going to try it out.  Why I am thirsty for a glass of O.J.?  ;)

Be well,


So i tried the 'Mind Awake' Method today.

Sucess, as i got further than i had before. (Bare in mind im pretty much still honeing my meditation skills)

At first i thought it wasnt going to work, because i live a house with three other friends coming and going. At first i found it hard to settle down with other activity going on (Not to mention airplanes passing every 5 minutes).

It was then i remembered The Brain Wave generator program, 'Brill' i thought. Sure enough i slipped the earphones on, got all comfy and slipped into the deepest trance state that i'd ever been in. After using the 'Mind Awake' method for about 30 minutes (It still takes me a while) I started to get a little disorientated. So much so at one point my arms flinched in order to regain my balance (I know that shouldn't happen but it did)

After i regained a realxed state i decided to begin ROPE. After using ROPE for about 3 minutes, my heart beat started to race REAL quick! I don't know whether this was down to anxiety or the fact that i was getting close to AP. The problem was my heart was beating so fast it broke my state as i became a little concerned.

So thanks again for the 'Mind Awake' Method. It's taken me further than i'd been before and i'm sure with enough practise it could take me further.


Hi everyone,

All this talk about Mind Awake, body asleep and then visualizing two color as Mind and body is a disguise technique or method because its the basic foundation of hypnosis.  

I've been a Practioner of hypnosis for 10 years and you can use a single word that can put anyone in a Deep Profound Trance (Hypnosis) in seconds.

Without every going into Delta Brain Wave which is Sleep. It makes me laugh that everyone is disguising hypnosis as other methods.


m0d0 - please try not to be too concerned about your heart.  Believe me, there can't be many people as paranoid about their hearts in general than me, so if I can get over it, anyone can!  The thing that really got it for me was something I read in Robert Monroe's book Far Journeys.  He said that in 25 years of experimentation, nobody was ever hurt by the process.

The next time I attempted to project after reading that, my racing heart didn't bother me in the slightest.

hypnotist - what's your problem?  If it works, it works!  Instead of coming here to boast about what you claim to be able to do, try posting something constructive instead.  It'll make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside! [:P]