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Validation thread!

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Hi there friends, how is validation going today? I just wanna say I feel your pain Stookie. Looking for cracks and other minute details was somewhat typical for me when that creepy ,,im inda R.T.Z." feeling would sneak in. But in reality, the more I was focused on details the more I was away from the RTZ.

The first thing you may notice when you hit the right spot in consciousness is how all encompassing and fluid your perception is. The key is to perceive in gestalts. You may also have a mild spheric distortion like looking through that peephole on doors or whatever, you know what I mean. So if you're going for those details that's already bad enough.


Quote from: upstream on February 17, 2007, 10:55:56The first thing you may notice when you hit the right spot in consciousness is how all encompassing and fluid your perception is. The key is to perceive in gestalts.

I've only had the feeling of knowing where everything is once. It was certainly fascinating and I'd like to have it more often.

You may also have a mild spheric distortion like looking through that peephole on doors or whatever, you know what I mean. So if you're going for those details that's already bad enough.

I've had that spherical distortion before, I wasn't sure what it was at first. It happened the moment I focussed on a particular object with the intent of examining it. It was followed by a high pitched noise and the session ended shortly afterwards.


Is it a sculpture of a cat? -first thing that came to mind

My best validation experience?
One time I exited my body, walked across the hall and noticed my dad in the bathroom.
I awoke, and found that he was indeed inside the bathroom.  :lol:



Ok, here's a small validation.  As a teenager I once projected to a friend's house and had a look around.  I'd never been inside his house before. The next day at school, I jokingly told him I'd projected to his house. I described the route I took, the rooms I went into, where the bedrooms, bathrooms, kitchen etc were, what type of furniture I'd seen etc, not expecting any of it to be too accurate.  I just mentioned it in passing really, because AP was something I was just getting into and I didn't take it too seriously.  My friend didn't say anything at the time.  But I later overheard him talking to another group of his friends, quite animatedly, saying "Well I know xxx keeps talking about AP, but whatever you think ... he's just described the exact contents of my house and he's never been in there!"  I was quite pleased....!  The guy whose house I described always took me seriously after that...
The bad news is there's no key to the Universe. The good news is it's not locked. - Swami Beyondananda


Quote from: avocadoIs it a sculpture of a cat? -first thing that came to mind

Hi avocado!

I'm sorry it isn't that either...  Keep trying everyone.  I am surprised that more haven't given a guess.  Don't be shy. :)


Quote from: TalaNay on February 23, 2007, 15:12:16
Hi avocado!

I'm sorry it isn't that either...  Keep trying everyone.  I am surprised that more haven't given a guess.  Don't be shy. :)

I haven't had a successful OBE yet, but perhaps if I focus solely on finding the object on your desk things will happen. I'll let you know if I get anywhere... :)


Quote from: karmakillernz on February 25, 2007, 04:08:24
I haven't had a successful OBE yet, but perhaps if I focus solely on finding the object on your desk things will happen. I'll let you know if I get anywhere... :)

Or use a pendy, spirit guide, higherself, etc....  :)


Quote from: TalaNay on February 25, 2007, 19:13:20
Or use a pendy, spirit guide, higherself, etc....  :)

I tried last night, and I did get much further than usual. I felt like I was floating upwards quite rapidly, and I started seeing a white light which got brighter/more intense the higher I went. Unfortunately I got over-excited and I ended up ruining it. :-D I'll definitely try again tonight though.

There was one thing that kept coming into my mind, but I couldn't say if it was just a wild guess or not so I'll mention it anyway. Is the item on your desk a candle of some sort?


I'm sorry not a candle.  I want to let everyone know that when you do give an answer, I look around my room to see if any other object has been zoned in on by mistake and non has.

I very much appreciate your enthusiasm and kindness Karmakillenz.  Even though it hasn't been "found" yet, it pleases me that you experienced what you did.  I know it may not be all thrilling to find out what's on my desk..hehe.  BUT it seems that other wonderful experiences can come along whilst trying.  :)

Keep trying and good luck!!


I instantly thought about a little yellow/brownish (stone=) pyramid when I read your posts..  :?


I'm sorry, no.  I do wish I had a pyramid to display though, I would love that!  If I reach a bit, the closest thing to the pyramid would be my PC game, Pharoah, but I just now had to pull it out from under a large stack of cds, to make sure I spelled Pharoah right. :D


It's a millenium falcon! Or some sort of wicked space ship miniature. 
That is my psychoanalytical guess, you seam like a star wars fan.  :-P


Is it a conch shell?

I saw one on a desk in my dream last night...
OBE counter: Lost track! 35+ since 3/21/2006


Quote from: avocado on February 26, 2007, 17:05:24
It's a millenium falcon! Or some sort of wicked space ship miniature. 
That is my psychoanalytical guess, you seam like a star wars fan.  :-P

Hahaha.. I liked star wars, but love Star Trek better.  :)   But no ship. 


Quote from: kiwibonga on February 26, 2007, 17:17:39
Is it a conch shell?

I saw one on a desk in my dream last night...

No, I'm sorry.  I don't even own one of those.  They are beautiful though.  Does the shell mean anything to you?  To me, it represents listening.  Of course it could mean something completely different to you and others.  Have you been listening lately? :)


Aha! is it a large stack of CD's!! 

Just joking  :-).  I have been "out" but was preoccupied with other stuff  I will give it another shot though soon....
The bad news is there's no key to the Universe. The good news is it's not locked. - Swami Beyondananda


HAHAHAHA!!  right you are!  :D

That would have been a pretty dense, glory moment for me to give the answer away!  :lol:

Good luck.. Hmmm.. My hubby is coming back tonight from being out of town on business.. wait till the weekend. *snicker* ;)


manuel, that sounds really cool.  If i have any stories (which hopefully someday...) i will definitly post them


Ok, this morning I decided to take a nap, and I remembered this thread.  I decided to try to project.  It didn't work (the @#$ phone kept ringing) but I got a few hypnagogic hallucinations.  So here they are:
A magazine with a woman with white hair.  It looked like a drawn picture, but in the layout of a magazine, and a scene (which I interpreted as a picture) of a boy with brown curlyish hair on the ground holding a ball.

David Warner

time to turn off or pull the plug from the phone...:)

InvisibleLight - Book Release 12.12.2012


Last year, sitting at my desk early in the morning, practising quiescence, woke up to a void, then opened my eyes expecting to see the familiar desk and window in front of me.

To my amazment, I was sitting in front of someone elses desk. There was a window with blinds in front of the desk, but I had never seen the room before. The walls were smooth uneven plaster, and to the right of the small window was a collection of paper notes attached to the plaster wall.

I wanted to read at least one of the notices to make a mental note to remember the text for later reference.

The flyer like note I focused on was the size of a paperback book, and in large bold black text were the words, "LEX Girls" and other details that I didn't have time to read.

For some reason, as what happens to me frequently, I began to study the texture of the wall with a magnified, almost microscopic vision, then I woke up in time to get ready for work. (I study very sharp and clear vivid hypnogogic images of maginfied wall textures, usually stucco, weird, more or less from the perspective of a small spider or tiny insect.)

Don't have any idea what LEX Girls means, so I did a google search and the only thing close was a school track team competition schedule, and the name of a Lexingnton school track team and the abreviation of the girls team, "LEX Girls".

this isn't much of a validation, but i noticed the thread is pretty informal.


iNNERvOYAGER, interesting experience, shame there was no conclusion!  It will be interesting to see if you ever encounter "LEX Girls" or the desk environment some time in the future...
The bad news is there's no key to the Universe. The good news is it's not locked. - Swami Beyondananda


... Unless it's the place of his gruesome death :P

EDIT: In other news, I dreamt that I shot a fireworks rocket into my neighbors' house which landed on their microwave and blew up the whole house... My sister dreamt that she was at my aunt's house and their neighbors' house blew up too. We described the explosion to each other. I saw two white columns of smoke going up, she saw a nuclear explosion...
OBE counter: Lost track! 35+ since 3/21/2006


Anyone else playing mega millions tonight?

I gave my dad numbers that I got while in trance... I hope there'll be a pleasant validation :p
OBE counter: Lost track! 35+ since 3/21/2006


Quote from: TalaNay on February 09, 2007, 13:09:16
I would be willing to put myself up for a subject to look in on.  I have a certain object on my desk to the right of my computer screen, it has not left the spot for over five years.. what it is?


Here is my first post. Greetings everybody! I saw a yellow triangle with red border, seems like a coaster. Image is here:

All the best!
The Blessed Lord said: Although I am unborn and My transcendental body never deteriorates, and although I am the Lord of all sentient beings, I still appear in every millennium in My original transcendental form.
Bhagavad-gita 4.6