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*********MY ALTERNATE REALITY************

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Don't turn away from this story because of what i'm about to type, yes i'm a mind control victim. the whole neighborhood stalks me to see what i'm up to. Once again ignore the vibe. but i've figured out why i'm a mind control victim, you see one out of every 100 people get gangstalked.

but i believe the science is that these victims are in the MIDDLE of a cold war. or maybe they are on some side and they are being manipulated to see what other "sides" are up to. Or perhaps they are being USED to see what other "sides" are up to. i sensed lots of bodies and entities on my body, it was like posession. they are not on me on this reality, i'll tell you why in the end.

no wait, it just occured to me. i AM being USED to see what the sides are up to, to judge them or whatever. as i was deflected into this reality, i kept hearing the airplanes go by saying "you're not doing your job".

about 2-5 months ago. i was outside smoking a cigarette, then i saw ambulances and firetrucks going to the corner of 62st. and 11th avenue, i think there was some guy in a car driving by trying to destruct something. the whole avenue was blocked and then there were cars going in reverse on my block (i live on 61st). so after watching and wondering what was going on, the voices from the people in the cars said "this is all your fault". I wanted to go down the block to see what was happening but all the voices kept saying "whatever you do don't go down there or else something bad might happen". i wanted to go down the street real bad, it's only about 15 yards away. anyway, my mother came out the door and told me to go inside and i felt bad so i went inside because i knew something was going on. just as i typed this, the stupid bus passed by and placed a vibe on my whole story (just ignore it).

that whole event had me shaken but i didn't understand why, just something was fishy. so i went into the living room and KNEW not to turn on the television because i know they read my thoughts with their technology but i said i don't care, i was outside and all that shannigans happened i said, i'll just turn it on to watch the news. and as i turned on the television i saw destruction happening on fox 5. not DESTRUCTION but, "destruction" as in what happened on 62st street, it was all over the news. not to say "62st has this maniac driving to conquer something". i don't remember what i saw on tv, i think i saw a stone building, some gates and dirt or some buildings on fire; i don't remember. so even before all of this happened, i had no idea what the hell a password was. and there are lots of voices in my head, and you guys know about psychic attack.

there's a psychic attack when you place your thoughts into someone else's mind, making the thoughts seem like theirs. but i've got good over the years to be able to tell what's my voice and what's placed their and manipulated there. so anyway, the person who wanted this so-called password placed a psychic attack in my mind and the news casters which can read my thoughts so they heard this "psychic attack" and went on it. it was Erney Ernastis or Anastis, however you spell it. The psychic attack in my head said to erney on tv "what's the password?" Immediately after that happened i told erney "DON'T SAY IT, DON'T SAY IT, IT'S A TRICK, IT'S A TRICK!!". So then erney said the password was "Ge*&$o" i'm not spelling the password out because i don't think i should. so then i said to my myself, this has to be my brother; all he does is use me as a puppet. he makes me cross my legs (not in a woman way). he makes me put my hand on the middleof my chest while sleeping, he does a lot of stuff. while watching tv, my left hand is on the middle of my hand and the fingers are on the right side where my right temple is. i don't know what it all means. wait, kind to think of it the voices and stalkers did tell me that this was about 2 teams and about taking over the world. they notified me of this about 6 months ago i guess, give or take 1-2 months. when i first heard about this, i thought it was some sort of joke. so i told the voices "keep it up, this is so fun". but then there were times where i said reset by accident because it was a psychic attack and the goons resetted it and said "do you know how much work it is to start all over?".

and now my brother just manipulated my other reality and told gary (me in another reality) to reset it and turn into the right side- the idiots even did it too. who the hell switches sides. i even feel it in this world that my mother is on the right. i'll explain about the "2 realities in the end". so after erney ernastis said the password to me in my head, i said it has to be my brother because he does all that voodoo on me because i feel the convulsions and muscle spasms. he puts convulsions on me saying "do it for me, let me keep it".

so i went outside and i saw my neighbor michael going into his house with his hand down as if he was rushing. now, i don't know much about the occult but i do believe that people can morph into bodies. i went outside and screamed to the cars "there he is! it's him! ken cheng!!!!!!!". as i screamed and pointed to him he was rushing into his door. i think the helicopters were over my house as i was watching the news and then i heard this voice saying "i'm coming" the nerve of this idiot, he had the nerve to even tell me that. so i took a guess and went outside and saw michael as my brother ken cheng (who wears glasses) and i screamed his name and pointed at him.

all the cars reacted but didn't say much. so that's the end of that oneall the time, i keep talking to the voices and the stalkers in my head. i had no idea it was left side right side because i forgot about this. and everytime my brother or someone manipulates it and the stalkers don't hear my voice anymore. or he would cook something up and use my voice to disrespect them. my brother gets jealous of me talking to them, he's gay. and everytime i watch the news i'm like "where's my credit, everyone likes me. yes, the stalkers like me" (credit as in all the people on tv and the stalkers like my personality, the stations use my concepts and ideas to create commercials and what not. and then something disappears and then the newscasters and the stalkers are like "i can't hear him no more". but one time "the newscaster said i know what that is". these freakin idiots, if they know what it is and what my brother uses to make it so that they can't contact me psychically anymore then why don't they continue to expose that my brother?

he does this all the time, i kept telling everyone to kill him but all they say is his big brother is evil (they acknowledge that my big brother is evil and do nothing about it).one time at dinner table, in my head my mother said "you're the messiah and he's the devil and i don't wanna talk about it". she said i'm the messiah and my brother (who'se older than me, who does voodoo on me, who uses me, who'se gay) is the devil. yes, he wears glasses. he's 25. i'm 22 years old, but how can the messiah and the devil come from the same family? and i keep telling my team to kill my brother and my brother psychically attacks and then my team says "no don't kill him, he's his brother, gary would be upset". but i keep telling them, kill him already! see even they get manipulated.

and then there was the time my mother threatened to put me in the hospital and to make me hit her to go to jail, i said what is wrong with you; i haven't even done anything. now as i recall, my brother must have put my voice in her head to and said some bad stuff to make her to make her mad.

now that i recall, my brother puts my voice in a buncha people's heads and they actually fall for it. i'm a good person, i have a bad history but that's over anyways, here's the next thing. about a month ago, (end of august-beginning of september)

because my brother kept destroying my circle of stalkers of the voices in my head (i talk to them because there's nothing else to do but i don't talk to them all day long). so since everyone started getting manipulated, i said to the neighborhood "let's put the circle onto the entire neighborhood so you can really hear what i'm saying, are your psychtronics broken?". i kept saying this before, and as this happened they actually did it and i sensed the aura and vibration of the entire neighborhood in shambles. i was like, ok....this is not good. then i went inside to play counter strike and i had this bandaid on my right index finger where i had a burnt mark from smoking a pipe. all the while while i was playing counterstrike, my brother in the next room kept manipulating the counterstrike people's voices saying that i stole the password. it makes sense now that when my friend said not to touch the glass pipe that it was hot, that i shouldn't have. because the mouse kept trying to read my fingerprints to see who took the password, i kept fighting back telling them on counter strike that it was my brother in the next room. but they loaded something on my computer and was convinced that it was me. i think my brother used me, framed me, and then the people ditched me into this world....this alternate reality. everything looks exactly the same, i just live in a different time zone though and my neighbors and some people don't even recognize me. i tell him my name and i tell him i know you in a different reality when in reality i HAVE to say this to get back my friendship. so i start telling them memories and stories and then they're like ehhhhh...i guess it's (gary,me).

so the one day at night i started hearing these voices and that my cousin told me that my older brother was gonna stab me. i told him cousin to give him a heart attack. at first my cousin said "i can't tell you what you're brother is going to do to you or else something will happen to me". you know, like get frozen or attacked or end up in another world or something who knows. i said "just tell me!" so he said "ok ok, he's gonna stab you tonight or tomorrow". then the next day, (when the circle was brought into the neighborhood and everything was in shambles). i heard all these voices, from martin to my friend jorge who keeps saying "don't worry gary, i got you" (which is a good thing, as in i got your back). i knew these people from school. so i was drifting to sleep in the afternoon and then martin referred to my brother saying "and if if don't listen, that's it!". i said yes,yes come on kill him already hurry up my cousin told me he's gonna stab me. so i told all the people's voices in my head that my brother was gonna stab me.

i told my mother, my brother's friend came over and i even told him in the head. i went outside and i told my neighbors, they all said "no he's not". then i called up my friend hugo and i told him to kill my brother because he's gonna stab me. but he wouldn't because he got manipulated. then the next time i saw him, hugo said "god told me not to hurt anyone anymore". i knew exactly what that meant, that my brother turned his voice into God's voice and told hugo not to kill anymore. and he fell for it. so as this all happened, i told martin to leave me alone because he kept taking my mother's power and giving it to my father because he said he liked my father. he meshed everyone's power. he turned people from left side to right side, he blinked me on the left side right side back and forth. then i was at the window, and martin said fine "he don't wanna be my friend no more". he was talking about me, then he kept taking these fake passwords and putting them on my forehead and putting them on my body and all over the place. they didn't look like letters. i heard my auntie's voice in my head, i kept telling her it's martin it's martin doing it! she threatened to give me a heart attack, and i said it's martin! she believed me and then didn't believe me and went back and forth. so i told my mother and she didn't believe me, i told my neighbor but he wouldn't let me speak. now that i think of it, i think it was my brother doing it, using martin as an excuse. but perhaps in reality martin wasn't aware of left side right side. so then one day, i started talking to my cousin in the head and now i'm SURE that it was my brother doing it. i was in the living room and i had a good plan on how to beat the right side,

i said tell your father. he said i can't it's too embarrassing, you're smarter than me. so then i went outside to smoke a cigarette and i said let's have a conversation and nothing went through. and the left side and right side kept getting messed up through all of this. there was this some sort of shifting charger thing on me. then i went to bed and my older brother was in the shower and i saw a visualization of my aunt and uncle and my cousin and the charger was put on me even more. he kept getting upset saying that i was smarter than him or something. but now i know it was my brother, i told him plenty of times in the head that i was smarter than him and that his wisdom is grade zero. and sometimes he steals my wisdom and my mojo with scratches he makes me scratch. not to mention the charger. long story short, i guess the next day i woke up....i was in another world. i went outside and my neighbors didn't recognize me. i went to the store and muzi didn't know me. i thought to myself wow, it feels so good that i consider it time travel. then my cousin was talking to me all the time, i can't even tell if it was really him or my brother's manipulation. i think it was my brother, because my cousin's voice sounded as if he was 16 again. he kept getting jealous of me talking to people and stuff like that, so in conclusion it was my older gay brother.

as i was on the on the corner of 62st where i always smoke my cigarettes and drink my soda, i took off my bandaid and my blood looked plastic. it was still fleshly, i was like wow he must have done a good job, he made it plastic. but then a few days later it went back to normal (thank God). okay, now i remember. as i stepped outside the door i heard a different voice that kept saying "peice of sh*t, shut up already!" i think it was my cousin combatting with my brother trying to fix my reality. but my reality kept shifting for some reason, as i was smoking a cigarette the voice said it turned me into a little kid. and as the people walked by, the looked disgusted and grimmaced and spit on the floor because of this. i was like god, what the hell is this. then i imagined myself as 22 years old again but the reality kept shifting so i said damnit i'll lock it here somehow. the ONLY reason why i said "damn it felt so good it was as if i time travelled" because i didn't have to go to my stupid 12-step program anymore. i was happy. little did i know, it hit me about 2 weeks ago that this was not a joke. i kept shifting realities (don't worry when i say shifting realities, everything looks the same but it's as if my

spirit went somewhere else) and all the circle of people keeps saying, where'd you go? in this world, there is absolutely no stalking circle of voices. so in this reality, i only hear 1-2 people saying "where'd you go?".

then i didn't end up going to program for about 1-2 weeks, then my "cousin's voice" (my brother) kept bothering and kept trying to show me stuff and teach me how to do things when i was already going to do them anyway. he's trying to prove he's smarter than me when he was just using my ideas and everything ahead of me. it is so freakin annoying. and in this reality, with the charger shifting reality you can kick off this annoying brother of mine and make him talk to some sort of engine of mine making him believe it's really mean. and there's other bad things too, if you kick it off wrong, and to the wrong person, the engine might say demeaning and degrading things. because of the charger, it depends what manner the manner you do it in, and even then it's uncontrollable. it's the same thing before i ended up in this reality, my brother would psychic attack my circle of voices and disrespect them. and then there was this other time where i went outside and asked the people driving by for passwords. YES, this was my own will this time. but i only did it because the voice in my head

(where it came from) convinced me that this had something to do with the matrix and that you need passwords for something. so the guy in the van told me "arch^*#!" and another told me "rex%#@!%" i was laughing saying wow this so fun. i would laugh in the same manner as i would laugh when the voice told me that this was about 2 teams about taking over or saving the world. i thought it was funny. i didn't ask for many passwords though. then one day, vinny (who lives a few blocks away from me) kept talking to me in my voice saying we need those passwords. blah blah blah, i was convinced that i was trapped inside the matrix. then i was watching tv and i got ticked off and was like "you evil agent smiths! if i knew how to get passwords, i would take them and announce them on national tv"! and i guess they got ticked off and sent me to another reality, i wasn't even half way serious. then it started saying everything was backwards. and i heard my cousin trying to rescue me. but he ended up not surviving, i saw visions of him and other people shifting him somewhere. in this reality, i keep hearing voices of my brother saying "he's in the candy store on the floor and he's not allowed to move. martin was like "i'm in sharkworld". my mother said "i'm stuck". the ant on the stoop said "get me out of here". my father said "gok joowhy" (in fujianese it means over here? or im stuck here?" wow i think this happened about one month and 1-2 weeks ago

and then i can't forget the other time where i told someone to destroy the tornadoes and castles and dungeons hidden in my subconcious, (some sort of programming),i woke up in the middle of the night with my entire family's faces visualized on my face somewhere as if they were stuck. i guess i shouldn't have told someone to do that. maybe that's the reason why i'm messed up. as the airplane rode by i was so scared as all these faces were stuck on me. then another time i went outside, and someone deprogrammed me and i and i was convinced it was the matrix, and i went to go bum cigarettes off of people. and when i went home i was like wow, it is the matrix....i hope they don't put me in a matrix within a matrix. then i saw the vibration of the neighborhood

get messed up and i went on my computer and the bios loads different, the words are off the screen. it's been like this ever since. damn, now that i think of it, i think this matrix thing happened first. and as i went to call aderia, the line was disconnected. it goes to show you, that if you're a mind control victim not to asked to get programmed from some stalkers or somebody that you have to do it professionally.

***martin put the chips in me and then sealed me off to another reality, i remember now right when that happened nobody recognized me anymore. when i was on 11th ave and 61st.***

raymond or jin or jay-high some black guy with that voice froze me, he froze vincent and his family firsthe said am i gonna do it, save the world or not. then he froze me and said i don't have to do it anymore.

that's why everyone looks at me funny, then everyone always sighs and says "he's a good kid" (referring to me).my brother has this book called "spirituality and philosophy and the matrix by william irwin" there was a paper that said on it "understand then proceed"

red dust on my hair around that time that i had the tongue thing in this world. but i do believe i had the red dust before that. around 2 weeks before i came to this world.then there was the time my sister came home and tried to test me and she used my own thing against me then i went outside and people were like saying the things back to me, i kept saying "you think that's yours?" then she changed my reality and when i went outside the fire in the streets was smokey.

then one day i heard my brother's voice in my head say "i took your martin away".but that naked astral body in the thing is be martin, cuz he kept saying "don't laugh". and combing my hair, and he put those objects in my brother.

and everybody keeps saying "everybody is covering for you" then here's where my reality got messed up. one day i had a good idea on how to destroy the evil side with ease and then i told my cousin (voice in my head) to tell his father that it was my idea for my credit, then the voice said "i can''s embarrassing" i asked, how is it embarrassing? he said "you're smarter than me". i said, just tell your father that it was me, and he refused and told his father instead that it was his idea. then i went outside to smoke a cigarette to have a conversation with him and he kept meshing the sides up because he doesn't know my personality, then i said forget it you're retarded you can't have a conversation with me.

he kept trying to disrespect me so i said forget it and he wasn't even having a conversation. then i went to my bed to rest as my brother went to take a shower and then my cousin put the charger on me with my aunt, uncle, and vincent's face showing. the next day i woke up, i didn't even go to my 12 step program. i haven't went for 3 weeks and still haven't ended up in the hospital, something's fishy. then i was on the corner taking off my bandaid and my blood looked plastic i said wow my cousin must have done a good job (i had no idea he was against me after that night). so then his voice was in my head and he kept saying he knew me perfectly. then i kept telling myself wow everything feels so good it felt like time travel.

after that my brother and mother kept searching my subconcious the stupid fucks from right of my house, my neighbor or something that white guy started time travelling and bonked my whole reality up, then my family's reality got messed up too. and then the whole neighborhood started joining in.then that fukin white guy who i haven't seen in a while, who is always at the pharmacy with the bike when i go there. i haven't seen him because i haven't been in that reality in a while.

because everyone was searching my subconcious, and i can't think straight because of all the psychic attacks and reside and everyone keeps searching my subconcious and heart to see what i'm up to. sometimes my heart is not meaning the things the energy it radiates. because my heart is broken. so then this fukin idiot white guy time travelled and locked me into this reality forever. and now the new group of stalkers are idiots who don't even know me. and all they do is do back to me what they don't even know. these stalkers don't even know me, i still have the same family and neighbors but the new stalkers are stupid, this is torture. they think i'm the messiah and that i want to make friends with the white guy who keeps giving my mother heart attacks in other realities. so then i tried to make my stalkers who drive by my block see 6 of everything in their vision and plus make them blind. then these fukin idiots used it against me and did it to my family in other realities.and now that friggin white guy lives on my mother, but he shifts on and off from her and now everyone in my reality keeps shifting too cuz my reality is messed up. ever since that mike blaine thing happened.

mike blaine bonked up my reality double time because one day i was up in the morning in my bed and then i kept hearing my brother's voice and he kept annoying me saying he's gonna tell his boss about me beating the stalkers then i was like hmmmm i wonder if the whole neighborhood can get chip implanted and then it happened, i guess everyone was messed up. and then i heard steven's voice along with his sister, and i was like sorry just because i suggested the chips be in them doesn't mean i thought it could happen and besides i thought they already had chips in them because i thought that's how they can read my mind. and then a few weeks later, i started thinking about that matrix thing and then i got sent to another world and that i lost contact of this person's phone number because i called it and it was disconnected. later i shifted into a different reality and i called the person and she didn't even know me she just hung up after i said my name. so after all that chip thing happened and about 2-3 weeks later, i heard steven's voice in the yard beside me and i visualized him and he kept telling me that i was project monarch and that my family was praying to kill me twice after i died somehow. i got real scared and started seeing lizards. then later on, mike blaine gave me this website in my head and he left the pendants and destroyed the evidence. after all of this, i somehow was a little boy and people didn't like me smoking cigarettes. and kept shifting back and forth and i guess this is how my reality got messed up.

when i asked the voice one time what was going on about 3 months ago, it said "it's a joint "alliance" the voice said in my head, consisted of my brother,vincent and kim and that the voice ever since that hypnosis thing happened, my right left was my father and left foot was my mother and they kept crossing back and forth. then when i was in maimamodes hospital about 2 years ago, i woke up and i started folding my arms on and off where ever i went, it looked gay. my right hand was a fist and left hand was crossed on the other hand semi-covering it. it either means left side open, right side closed or vice versa. or left side gimme and right side open or vice versa.

but two months ago i asked one of my stalkers to deprogram me and i went outside to smoke a cigarette and was convinced it was the matrix then i got paranoid and said oh no what if they put me in a matrix within a matrix. then i saw some visualizations and when i went to turn on my computer, my interface was messed up, the ram and mhz was off the screen. and when i called aderia, the number said disconnected. after i shifted realities, i called her again and she never heard of someone named gary and hung up.

and like 3 weeks ago my cousin put these "nickels" in my brain, i felt like coins were putting in my brain, they kind of hurt too. and i heard a lot of tack noises in my brain. maybe that's how he got me transferred to another reality.


LOL.. I refuse to read your story until you chop it up into a reasonable size...  and btw.. I think you are putting too much thought on this...

peaceful warrior

Frankly you sound like one of the crazy people outside of my work. Talking about conspiracy and how one side is controlling us. The at one point you start talking about how you were the messiah and your brother is the devil, and i dobt that your are the savoir of the jewish people or the second coming of Christ. And then is when i start reading that you are having homicidle thoughts. Well i have only two explanations for this happening one you are insane and need immediate professional help or you smoked yourself retarded and are typing this while you are tripping.
The only people truely happy in life are the ignorent and the wise

James S

Based on the title of this topic, why don't you create an alternate reality to the one your currently in.

You can make a start to this new reality by firstly -  STOP BEING A VICTIM!!!!
Its entirely your own choice to remain a victim and be manipulated by others.

Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional.



Friend, go to, the sites forum, "heavy neg abuse" sub forum. Register and describe your problem there - if you want copy and paste this same thread, ask for help. There are people there who might help you.

I think that you are suffering from heavy and long term multiple negative entity attack, not any kind of mind control by government forces etc.

Also, on the main AD site read through tutorials / psychic self defense, find the "Mega Salt Bath" counter-measure and start taking this daily, asap - it very well might help you very much.


Though, there has been a debate on AD recently regarding people with this kind of problem (extremely advanced paranoia -- with or without an esoteric explanation).

OycheeKrapsoze should recognize that he has a problem with his perception of reality that is tormenting him greatly, as such he should start by treating the problem perhaps with the help of a psychologist, and then turn to more "out there" ways of resolving the problem if it persists and he has established that it was indeed a neg problem.

When you live with the same problem for many years, it has a tendency to echo, so a minor neg problem could have turned into something gigantic, but it could just as well be a lifestyle issue.

(If he is not trolling, he has a serious psychological problem that simple internet users are definitely not fit to diagnose or treat)
OBE counter: Lost track! 35+ since 3/21/2006


and to that 4x4 or van thingy that knew everything as i was walking up the block towards tommy's house (toward's my house), you got it right the first time and you said it was unbreakable no matter what in the end or something like that, and then as i was walking i kept doing that residue thing to see if i can break it and then it broke and then you came by another car and i was like how can you disrespect me, but that wasn't the truth. that was only true because i was desperate to fix it somehow after i broke it.

and there are NO one time offers, i repeat NO one time offers no matter what.  and don't change the matrix willingly, and no backwards land, but i'm too smart for my own good and they keep using my wisdom against me, and they made backwards land true or something"


and upon all of my posts <<<<<<*****keep in mind, not to read my posts,words or sentences by sensing the aura of it and into the  sentences and words because my brother (25 year old) is framing me and putting his own vibration and senses on it.  you know, how those people read the words and sentences and want to see what the person's vibe, demeanor, agenda,  don't go for that, just read the words and sentences normally. see, he just placed it there.  i hope you guys don't sense the vibe.



update,  then i was sorta talking to this guy named "kit" and then something about donnie and marie  and then my cousin said he would take over and kill "kit" and then take over the soceity and fuking eileen or something, it was my cousin who did this.  so then i blew up the evil side, right side left side whatever it was then my brother said no, and i was like i blew up the "right side" (psychic attack)  when i said left side, but i still don't know which side is evil.  so then martin or vinny started taking my powers and putting it on them, making it more powerful. and then then framing me, by using my face and entering sides to say my mother time travel's then the sides, without even knowing beleived this and something really bad happened.  martin kept framing her too, morphing into my face on the sides, so did vinny. vinny testavertie or testaverty.

there's more to it. but i don't feel like typing it.


I beg you to get off the internet and seek help..   I don't think we are qualified to help you..


and when i went to program, my dreams got undone by that guy swinging my arm.and then the stupid steve, thomas, michael, and that stupid other grump (the other cars passing by did not have these people in the car but it was sure them doing it) kept reading my mind then ng took my mother's heart cuz he thought she was a bad guy. 

then it went from vinny stalking me to these fukin idiots steve, i said no don't change it.  and then they keep reading my mind and doing stupid excrement.  they even did that ghost thing to my cousin and killed her with a knife or something.  and my whole family died, he said oh jeremy and that girl angela? he's deaf and he gets that fine girl who's not deaf? (when she really is deaf)
then those fukin idiots started using advanced technology, turned my willy into something else, no more cuts and fake sperm.  not even a penis, it was just some sort of object with yellow water in it for one time use.  then the bonked up my head, took my soul away, turned me into a cyborg.  and now i have no soul and no i cannot sleep this off.

these fukin idiots keep searching my mind and subconcious and and they keep doing what i say and they actually do it, nothing new. they turned my dad blind, and back and forth like 3-7 times. then steve turned chanell 7 into a fukin video so then i finally went to chanell 5 to see if everything was still live and yes it was then i told them somehow that steve and these fukin idiots keep reading my mind and bothering me to death and doing bad things (turning people blind and stuff). everything was pre-recorded not live, it was the news.  and then the stupid lady turned my mother blind, then they turned my mother blind too and then martin turned her back and stuff like that.  they even turned kathy blind.

then these fukin idiots started beleiving martin and he got to pick out what happens and then killed the little me or something. and other stuff happened.


hmmmm :? ..... maybe you should see a psychiatrist.
If you are confused, then do not be confuse so that you will not be confused :D


i grew up in a place where i spent a lot of soap
Where does this silence come from?

The untold past of the Earth:


So basically... He thinks cars and objects are talking to him?
OBE counter: Lost track! 35+ since 3/21/2006


and then i was on astral pulse and i asked that mod why he/she
questioned to ban my thread and then she was on my refrigerator playing
my script, then one of her buddies came as a car and started putting
metal in my willy, then taking my sperm and such things,as i was reading
on above top secret, they killed all those people and made them blind
or something and then put them on my refigerator and framed me saying i did it
and then they killed my mother and tricked her into going to hell and charged it and said i did that to herthen the car said if i put that post on the internet that they take my heart, these stupid fuks are from, they have no business stalking me with the cars and the secret technology which they picked up from the other people somehow. this is by far the worst i've ever seen, even worst than steve and them. then they took my brother's heart and put someone else's soul on it, they keep playing my script. then they killed him again and left him dead then i think martin shifted me into another reality and brought my brother back to life but it's not him. it's martin maybe.

then these fukin idiots say it's my fault that all of this happened.  and they got paranoid and started stalking me making sure they don't get caught.

*******attention if you go back and read my post, you can see it was edited.  the fukin idiots from astralpulse who came to stalk me , edited the whole thing. some other parts.*******


and then these fukin idiots hacked my account and password and changed all my texts.


Whoa whoa whoa let me get this straight....  vinny testaverde is involved in this????  That bastard!  I knew he was no good.

Honestly I dont know what to say at all.  This is wacked out.  Either A: you can read just about everyones thoughts around you or B: youve lost it completely.  Either way I cant help you.
Profound Impatience makes the blind struggle in Stupidity.

The Present Moment

Paranoid schizophrenia. Imagine being in the hypnogogic state, when loose associations in your thinking create seemingly random and unrelated thoughts; now imagine being stuck in that state all the time. Their waking state is a lot like a dream. Once you get to know their inner emotional world (subjective reality), you come to understand their descriptions of objective reality.



Ok seriously,
Can anyone find out where this guy really lives, because what he is writting scares me. He needs help immidiatly.

I don't want that he hurts others or himself because something like that is dangerous. If the mods have any way of finding out where he lives using his IP please do so and call proper authorities.
In somnis veritas


Mydral, as a website on the internet there isn't much we can do.. plus he is gone.  No, no.. not gone from this world, gone from this forum.   We've had this happen many times over the years.  I think we can pretty much tell when someone is just yanking chains to get their cookies off. 

I wouldn't stress out about it at all.  UNLESS.. is there something you're not tell us, that you know?


No I don't know this guy at all.......
its just that what he is saying has a pattern. The first post beginning... ok it might be fake. But the last posts he is talking more and more about murder etc.. and that he is beeing blamed for it. That was the part that scared me........

Look if you say that you deal with this over the years ok.. but this is the first time I read something like this. It just makes me feel all creeped out since I can't imagine anyone having the creativity to make all of that up.
In somnis veritas


I think this guy is kinda a star across the internet...I've seen his gargantuan schizo thread on another site and they referred to his gargantuan schizo threads on other sites...either this is for real or this guy just gets hammered and starts typing lol

Takeda Shingen

sounds alittle bit like my problem i try not to listen to them when say dont do that

but they never said anything like if i did that i would run into a problem

but this line is very true and i think some of you people should test it out

this line right here is very true    i cant read all of his story but this
is somethin that tinkle's me off daily

"there's a psychic attack when you place your thoughts into someone else's mind"