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I think I didn't stress one point enough which seems to be the missing link in this entire evolution theorytism.  That is that we are not our bodies.  We do not look like we do now, unless ofcourse you were  particulairly happy with this vissage and you choose it later..after.  How our bodies were created, and how WE were created is a bit different.  Only because our bodies are not made to last, if they were we would never want to leave and would never feel the need to procreate.  That is why our physiological shells will change from time to time, simply to aclimate to the changing atmosphere, I don't mean drastically but enough to stun you.  ie vikings, malaysians..
Those that conciously travel know this for a fact.  How happy are you with your body??  Honestly, you are saying that we have evolved for billions of years only to feel like poop when we wake up or look in the mirror?  

So where is this primortal ooze now?  How come there aren't little amobea crawling out now?  Or how about half apes/man walking around, or better yet, why if we came from apes do we still have apes?

Our body is a shell, somewhat inanimate, but its still the temple which houses your spark of the divine and should/must be respected and cared for.  It is nothing more then a vehicle in which we are able to negotiate around this slugish atmosphere.  We are almost renting it so that we may do what we came here to do.  That is nothing more then to experience our knowledge.  We have to learn through adversity, and we have to learn without our memory of back home.  What is knowledge without experience?  You can read all the books on neurological surgery, but until you held the scalpel or whatever, it really means very little.

So my big point, we wanted knowledge, well, we have to go down and learn and experience it. JUST like Adam and Eve who got kicked our of the garden of eden.    They bit into knowledge, signifying their wanting to learn, so they were put in school to gain the experience and the completion of their knowledge.  They lost theat blissful euphoria and life for them began.  So did we get kicked out of from where we were to come here, by our own choice, by biting into our own apple.  That story is nothing more then a parable.  You have to realize when Christ spoke he addressed an illiterate crowd so he had to use exapmles and analogies and stories to get the point accross.  

Its all about experience, and ofcourse you learn the most through the greatest adversety and hearache, thats why we are here (earth).  This is one of the toughest/darkest planets of them all.

cainam; I have a hard time following your points as you conflict with yourself.  You do not believe in the big bang, but you believe,  "..rather it just happened one day."??  Of course there was no silly big bang, there just always was, no one point of creation.  Its our finite minds, its not our fault.  I sence that where you have gathered(ing) your information you have exhausted that channel.  This causes you to feel quite elated on yourself, not in a negating way, it happens to all on the spiritual journey.  You find a small truth and rise up above everyone soaring high with ego under your wings.  ..but thats a false sensation and it will discipitate shortly if you do not realize.  As once before, I urge you to look further into yourself, for their you will find it.  

peaceful warrior;  You strike me as a person whos humilty runs quite deep.  Forgive me if I sounded like I was trying to enlighten 'your' minds, I mean only to show you where the door is, the journey is yours.  Surely my physiological overcoat is not that important.  I'm just some guy who is only happy when he is doing something spiritual.  To aid me, I have to admit I do have a great reciprocation from the other side, and I do listen but all the time.  If you want to meet, perhaps we can try the astral.


~God is Love~


Actually I do believe in the Big Bang, the one that helped to create or did create our galaxy/solar system.  The forming of the sun or so forth.  But life on earth could have been several different things.

I do not believe we came directly from apes, but rather a primate type creature.  Hence still the existance of the normal ape.  But also if you look, for almost every animal there are several to thousands of different sub-species.  There not nessisarily one that is better or more evolved but evolved in a different way.  Humans are a prime example of this. We all have the same "basic"  structure, but you look at all the different regions where people are and you can see the difference in evolution give the location of primary growth.

David Rogalski
I am he who walks in the light but is masked by the shadows.


cainam; still you are reffering to the physiological vessel, but even still why do we not have more undeveloped beings?  Why no half breeds?  There are many people who are less evolved, or more then some, but there are never ever any refferences to any of these 'inbetweens'?  Either way, thats your view, and there is nothing wrong with that.  I'm not trying to change it or challenge you, I'm just trying to challenge your ideas.

There needs to be a balance.  The emotion and intellect must be balanced in order for you to function properly.  The right and left side of the brain must both be used evenly.  Now in knowing how your mind works, you may be able to control it better.  This knowledge is more feasible to aid you, it is not complicated.

Your brain is a physiological organ.  Let us from now on, refer to the mind, as the Mind-Soul. [the Mind-Soul, Etheric Body, Atman, Over-Soul, etc. refer to the same thing]  The Mind-Soul fits like a cap over the brain... Always address it as the Guardianship of the Mind; I mean this over-capping effect.  

You do not reside in your body.  You reside outside your body in the Over-Soul.  You may think that you are inside.  There is a spark inside, yes.  But you, like a shadow figure, like a guide to the body that you are in, manipulate the body.  Let us refer to it as the Mind-Soul being the parasite, and the body being the host.  The brain regulates the Autonomic Nervous System, and usually keeps all the systems in the body in fairly good health.

What happens in illness?  You become so attached to the body, feeling it is the only home you will ever have, becoming overly self-concious (and I mean conscious of self), that a derangement does occur.  Let us go even farther and state that the Mind-Soul is the itellect that regulates you, and the emotion really resides in the body.  The body is geared towards emotion.  That does not mean that when you come over to the other side you do not have emotions, but not the emotions that are negative; the the emotions that can be bruised or sensitive to other people's emotions.  When you address the Gueardianship of the Mind, you keep that stabilized by knowing that it is there, and the map that leads you to that place.  It actually resides about three and one-half inches outside your cranium.  That is where your mind resides, giving signals to the brain continuously.  So we are talking about a physical organ with a metaphysical controller, which is you.

The Mind-Soul puts pressure upon the brain which creates the loss of weight (a little less than one ounce) when the body dies.  In illness, this continual communication between Mind-Soul and brain has been blocked or cut off.  Going back to the original premise, the body can only rely on its higher self, the Mind-Soul.  In that sense, we are talking about even a new level or dimension that coincides with the body.  If you continuasly think of yourself as being almost a guide to this physical mechanism, it will be easier for you to function.


-whatever thou lovest, lovest thou.-


"When you address the Gueardianship of the Mind, you keep that stabilized by knowing that it is there, and the map that leads you to that place. It actually resides about three and one-half inches outside your cranium. That is where your mind resides, giving signals to the brain continuously. So we are talking about a physical organ with a metaphysical controller, which is you."

Now I find it really interesting that you mentioned this.  A couple of us are currently disscussing energy ceters that are located outside of the body. Topic "Chakras out side the body".  We in the thread have noticed that there seems to be a substancial amount of "personal" energy that is just outside the body.  I can't remember thier name right now but one of the individuals states that he can or is working on working with an energy center that is located roughly 4-6 inches above is head.  Now I have a little more difficulty locating specific energy ceters but am able to use the energies just out side the body.  The feeling for me has been that they are mine but that they just do not reside in the body.  This seems very similar to what you are saying and does for me give it some truth since I am already aware of the energy there.  
 so would you suggest trying to play with these energies or rather leave them be and just be aware of them?  I was thinking because of your post that if some one was able to more readily access these energies with particular attention to the one above the head, one could learn a great deal about ones self.  And possibly form a better connection.  Does that make sense?

David Rogalski
I am he who walks in the light but is masked by the shadows.



Hey, I am glad you like the latin quote. I actually found that when I was studying the, I can't think of his name right now.  Well, anyway, I speak italian and because it is so closely related to latin I have come to love reading and studying latin, just as a hobby as I am FAR from being able to read it fluently.  I also think it just sounds cool and esoteric.

ANyway, in response to Tyrone- I think we are our bodies.  Just because our physical body is temporary doesn't make it any less ours or "us"...we have many bodies and it just happens to be the most low vibratory/"crude" body we have and it is of coure vitally important to us because it is the vehicle for our spirits in this physical world.  

fides quaerens intellectum
We shall not cease from our exploration, and at the end of all our exploring, we shall arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.
T.S. Elliot
fides quaerens intellectum


cainam; I would DEFENITELY not attempt to utilize chakras outside of the body.  There are several, however these have only been used for black magic, nothing else.  There is absolutely no need that you could ever think of where you would need to utilize those.  Anyone who has suggested this to you, I would be very very weary of.    I would greatly caution you with this type of involvement, once you take the plunge you will be fighting with it for the rest of your time.  What I was refering to was you actual 'soul' centre.  As you know your soul is not really bound to shape, so it is extremely dangerous attempting to manipulate these points ourside of the body.  You need to only concentrate on the glandular chakras, thus stating that the heart chakra is not as important, however it does rest near the thalumus, but not the heart.

pwarior; Ofcourse the body is important, its the temple which houses your soul!  My direction was that when people become much too attached to the body they lose focus off of other things.  Ofcourse you must take exceptional care of your body, just not to the point of derangement.  Also knowing that your body is not you, makes it remarkably easy to get over any illnesses or ailments, since many times its your very own self that is worsening it.  





The second law of thermodynamics states that all things run down, in other words everything naturally becomes less organized with time.  Nature fights against evolution...even the most die hard darwinian will admit that nothing in evolutionary theory can explain this.

Then you've not been speaking to some very informed evolutionists (or even to anyone with a basic background in physics or chemistry).  The 2nd law of thermodynamics states that in a *closed system*, energy will dissapate (ie. entropy). The earth, however, isn't a closed system since we receive a ton of energy from the sun (if life existed on earth without the sun (or some other energy source) then that would be a violation of the law).

I'm not bringing this up to start a debate on creationism, but this bit of pseudo-science has been abused so much in the past couple of years that people have begun to repeat it as a fact, rather than a misunderstanding of the laws.



chromed; good point!  Our evolution theories through physics are battered and bruised enough, one must be quite carefull to take the 'laws of physics' and apply them eslewhere.  

This brings up a little point which I wanted to mention earlier, people have a huge tendency to become overly attached to their bodies, however they have even a greater tendency to become attached to this earth.  I blame sci-fi movies for their supposed quests to 'save mankind'.  We are here only for a short time, within that time we must learn and accept why we are here.  For some people its easier then others, as some people have been around a few more times.  Thats not negating anyone who hasn't been around many times, its just to point out the familiarity of this place now 'not being home.'

When one passes on, he goes to the other side, the higher vibrational levels.  Each inhabited planet, and there are millions upon millions, has its own other side that is indigenous to that planet.  That other side is an absolute perfect replica, well I should say that this place now is a replica that was made to be.. well worn out.  Kind of like making a perfect replica of a Queen Anne chair and giving it over to a child.  In time that replica will be destroyed, while the original is in still perfect condition, untouched.  So when one crosses over and the veil is lifted, one partakes in the most beautiful sight that could be imagined, this place except untouched by man.  Its not wilderness, no, there is a lot of activity, but not like here.  

Why I mention this, our laws of physics only apply here to this planet, to our solar system that is in motion around the sun.  Our supposed time is only acurate (not that it is) again here.  If another inhabited planet would have a little different sun/planet ratio, then their time would be completely different!  What if they had several suns at different distances??  That is why the other side does not follow a time line.  There is no beginning nor an end, its like a circle, ad infinitum.  We experience time here for the same reason that our bodies grow old, we are not ment to stay here.  Just like your cars don't last for ever, because you are not your cars..

So with this in mind, physics as valuable as they are [spent many years studying :( ], they only really apply here, earth.  So it is kind of touchy scenerio to try and explain all of creation through physics and science.  One must learn to trust himself and really rely on what one came here with, trust that intuition, and explore YOURSELF.


'the perfection of life is sevice and so many times without applause'


Dear People,

I would like to offer you a safe place, a safe haven, for you to go to anytime that you feel threatened or are under attack.  In this safe place you are protected by the highest order of entities and are brought into the light of knowledge and understanding.  This place of course is within the very hight of your soul, just outside of your physiological body.  I cannot take you there, but I can with great help show you where the door is and how to open it.

I have from my very first post on this board gone out of my way to try and shed some light on some of these people that post here.  Most of my writing has been misinterpreted and sent off in the wrong direction.  You see, we are entering a time in which great change is comming.  The border between the good and bad is separating, and sides are being chosen.  As one side rises up and gains strength, the other rises up to meet it, its the earthbound balance that we so experience in our lives.  This is not a secret nor is it anything new, every prophet from every corner of the world states and describes the next decade that we will live through.  It will be the most wondrous time, a time of great change, yet a time of brief chaos.  Within this time of brief chaos, will come about a new way of life, one which answers and utilizes and calls on the nomadic human nature.  All the great ancient civilizations have had these tools all their lives, and the knowledge of the other side.  We in our modernization and in our 'civilized' way of life, have become the cancer of our kind.  Just look at how society is functioning, the level of anxiety, the level of drug abuse, and the coruption of most organized groups.  Look at how drastically this attitude of people has changed in the last couple of years, just look at the road rage.  How much further do you think this can go?  Do you think people are stable enough to withstand this level of deterioration for another 20 years?  How about another 5?  We need to start relying more on the human essence and the "what is that without we would not be".  In all of our advancement doctors still cannot explain why a physiological body lasts as long as it does.  There is so much more out there, that we can all reach and that we can all tap.  

I would like to help those that are now caught inbetween the sides.  As the gap is growing, so is your void and confusion.  If you have found your way to this knowledge then your seat is firmly placed within the good, never to be retracted.  If you are of different soul orientation, then you have not even read to this point.  If you don't know what to make of anything, but still you search these posts for answers, then I am addressing you.  You read here about all this evil, and then you go outside of you home or work, and you live it.  Without even knowing you attack and you hurt people around you.  What most people don't realize that all these black darts and slings and arrows that you throw only come around and hit you right back.

The only thing I ask of anyone is to be completely objective, and please to just THINK, but think for yourself.  This type of truth is not seeked out by the non-thinkers.  If you are  a person who does not need anyone to run or rule your life with religious dogma of brimstone, hellfire, and damnation and you have not been able to find it near where you are, you can be remotely guided.  There is all the help in the universe around you trying the get through, trying to guide you, its just that with our routines and busy lives we have turned a 'blind eye'.  I just want to re-introduce it, and re-affirm it to you.  We all have our strengths and weaknesses, as well as our own specific and individual roles here in this lifetime, what we must do now is use those, for they are being called upon.

Why I want to do this.  To my surprise after several of my posts in which I really just tried to explain, I have been attacked.  You see there are amongst us those that do not want to help, and, well, try to keep others from helping others.  I know who, but I will not say, has tried to call some negative attention to me.  However, all my concious life I have been batling the negativity that surounded me.  I have had many genuinely bad encounters with all sorts of things.  I have been bludgeoned and beat everytime I closed my eyes.  For the longest time I searched and searched for away to battle this type of 'stuff'.  It seemed too great, it surounded me in life, in my dreams, and in my travels.  This led me through all sorts of directions in life from a national level full contact fighter to a steroid abused body builder, to an aerospace engineer enthusiast...  It seemed that I really had exhausted everything that I came upon, and everything only led me further from the truth.  There came a time of great despair and depression, until one day I found it, well I simply cried out for help.  It came like a thief in the night and changed my life forever.  From that day on I have been able to help and see through most of peoples ailments and problems.  The biggest part of this realization, was realizing that I always had that within me.  It always was a part of me, this help, this safe haven, as it is a part of all of you.  I just never knew how to reach it, and how to listen to its advice.  I know I had to go through what I have for a reason, but I am a survivor and I will not sink, as non of you will either.  You can pulled down and hammered, but you cannot be sunk and damaged.  

So how I think I can do this, is if there is enough of an interest, I will write certain portions and aspects, moreso just descriptions and knowledgable ideas that have been passed down to open and stimulate your knowledge of the beyond.  We can then tear it appart right down to the core and see what its worth and see weather it holds water.  I welcome everyone to join and contribute their own personal imput, and together we may enter into the light of knowledge.

So if anyone has anything to say about this one way or another, please do so now.

until the next time, bless your hearts!


"the fun is in the journey"