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Astral Phenomena

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Hello, I've been experiencing something strange I believe that is astral. I've experienced seeing people spiritually that would harass me day in and day out. I would see words that they put on me, my surroundings, and my belongings. I believe there are also some that have been staying in my body for sometime now, because I would hear there voices. I don't know how to get them out. Also, I belive there are some that stays in my tv and can use people from the tv and radio against me. I know all this sounds bizarre, but I need your help. If you could astrally find out what is going on I would be really happy.

Thanks in advance!


what if they're using this forum against you also?


I was worried about that, actually, but now I'm just looking for help


Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean I'm not manipulating you.....  :evil:

be awesome.


in all seriousness though, you might want to consider seeking clinical help.  you seem to have crossed that line.

nevertheless, let me tell you what i know of this kind of experience.

a conscious entity cannot inhabit your body.  only you can inhabit your body.  however, conscious entities can make a connection to your energy thereby creating a link through which they can siphon your power and influence you to generate more power for them to eat.  this is technically the definition of a "psychic vampire", though a psychic vampire doesn't have to be immaterial, it can be a physical being.  Often times, when you know a person who is a psychic vampire, they aren't aware that they're doing it. It's just in their nature to feed off of others but they just feel it as a need to interact to an extreme degree with others.

all of that said, more often than not, what people perceive as an actual entity feeding off of them is likely not a conscious being but rather an energy form that you have picked up and is now a part of you.  on a daily basis we pick up other people's energies and merge them into our own.  if you have a healthy energy system, your own power will often neutralize or detach this energy.  but sometime we pick up something that is very dense and very strong, in which case it clings to us and our natural "energetic immune system" can't remove it.  kind of like a virus that one's immune system can't defeat.  When this happens, the nature of that energy can bleed through into your daily perception.  a common example is when you get into a heated emotional "fight" with another person.  you pick up some of their heavy emotional energy and you can't cast it off so it is absorbed into your energy and alters the frequency pattern of you energy.  when this happens you may start to exhibit the characteristics of that particular energy form.  let's say you got into an emotional situation with someone else in which the other person was very sad and felt abandoned.  if you can't clear that energy form from yourself then you too might feel depressed or lonely for no apparent reason.  this may even manifest as "hearing thoughts" that don't seem to be yours, even though they are, they're just your thoughts that have been tainted by "alien energy". 

incidentally, this is often the cause of apparent hauntings or apparitions.  Rather than the "ghost" being an actual entity it is instead an imprint of strong emotional energy on the substrate energy in that location.  for example, people who live in a place where a battle once took place may often see the entire battle being played out over and over again.  it's kind of like an imprint of a specific scene of a movie that was particularly emotionally charged.  the imprint just plays that one scene over and over. 

the easy fix here is to do two things.  the first is to cleanse your home and yourself with a white sage smudge stick which you can buy at most metaphysical/ritual supply stores or even at natural markets.  you just burn the sage and spread the smoke around your home and yourself.  the second thing you can do is spend some time meditating and increasing your ability to focus.  once you have brought yourself to a relatively deep state of focus you can use that to direct your personal power through your body to "cast-off" any energies that aren't native to you.  a continued practice will ensure that you have a sufficiently strong energetic immune system to protect yourself from this kind of thing in the future.  i might also recommend a simple protection ritual.  it's not as esoteric as it sounds.  it's really simple, just get into a light meditative state and visualize light (white or golden are the common colors used, but it's best to use whatever color intuitively comes to your mind) coming out of the top of your head and encompassing your whole body and then going back into your body through your feet.  do this every morning and not only will it protect your for the day but it is also a good way to exercise your energetic immune system.
be awesome.