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You should read Robert Bruces 'Psychic Defense, available from this site.

Also, you might want to investigate 'schizophrenic break' and how it can relate to psychic experiences, just to cover all the bases.

Here is an example;
Non semper ea sunt quae videntur.

Rob H

If you haven't already read Robert Bruce's "Practical  Psychic Self Defense" I highly recommend it.

It sounds like your mom and younger brother brought a strong neg attachment into your house and now it is having its way with you. If your mom and brother are "at each others throats" you could also be getting caught in the cross fire of some strong physic attacks caused by all the negative energy there throwing around.

The first thing you could do is separate your self from them by moving or having them move and keep up the counter measures. It will be difficult to get rid of the neg as long as your mom and brother are continually creating a prime paradise for the neg to flourish in.

The second thing to do would be to stay with them and help. Your mom and brother where brought to you for a reason and with your strength added you might be able to help the situation. Your mom and brother need to make a significant life style change. It seems the negative energy they are creating is feeding this neg or negs with more than enough energy to over come your counter measures that you have used so far. They need to stop their negative behavior towards each other and start growing spiritually. You being with them might help be a catalyst for the change.

Your mother talking about suicide seems to be an indicator of hitting bottom and she would probably be open to almost any suggestion to help the situation. You need to do something to dislodge the neg from your family and keep it away with counter measures and spiritual growth.

I would try using some of the wards and active counter measures in Roberts book. One idea from his book that I like is to repaint your walls with wards underneath. Paint the wards with one color on the wall and after about an hour top coat the entire wall with a color a few shades lighter or darker. Try putting a ward on all your walls like this.

As far as spiritual growth goes the only thing that I have had good success with is Kabbalah. I have read a lot of books on spiritual growth and Kabbalah so far fits well with me. Actually I always "internally" knew and some times followed the Kabbalah path but only recently officially discovered Kabbalah. I know some of the people on this site do not like the Kabbalah Center ( because the Center seems to package Kabbalah in a watered down New Age format. I found it to be a great place to get started. The first book I read was "Power of Kabbalah" and recommend it. It is very easy to read and gives what I believe are the easy to follow basics. After that It would not be a bad idea to read a few more of there books and then branch out from there to other sources. I believe in getting information from as many different sources as possible.

If Kabbalah is not for you or your family any religion might be a good stabilizing force in your mom and brothers life. I don't know what their religious background is but it might be a good idea to attend church and participate as much as possible in the churches activities. It probably would be a good idea to talk to the "Head Person"(Pastor, Priest, Rabi or what ever the title might be) and get family counseling.

Praying for strength and guidance always helps me find my path when I get lost.



why do these things pick on nice guys? im guessing there negs, but they sound very very intense to be negs[B)] i have never had any trouble like this before, r negs cowards or what, i mean picking on a nice guy who works at a shelter once a week. thats more than i have ever done[|)] it just really pisses me off that negs(and such) attack good people[:(!]


Just a suggestion,in native american and in magical practice sage is burned to cleans negative spirits and entities from any area that one needs. I would say for what you have that you should burn it in glass or shell containers in each room of your house, the smoke will get into every crevice,open closet doors, while the smoke is burning speak loud and clear and walk through every room while commanding all negative spirits and entities to leave your home, tell them they are not welcome. As Dark Night suggested to me ask and give permission to the arc angel Michel to destroy all neg forces around you and in your home. Picture Michel with his blue flaming sword cutting down any and all negative forces, and standing guard over you and your home. You must close all windows and doors and allow the sage smoke to be within the house, the smell is awful but it is a very strong tool, the more smoke, the better, (without choking yourself.) Afterwards burn sweet grass in all of the rooms, and invite the good angels, and guides to be in your home and protect you. Then hang the braid of sweet grass by the door that is used more often, if you have more than one door in use,hang another there. Unfortunatley this is not a cure all, it must be done at least once a week, but I guarentee that you will have peace in between. I would also suggest if you can to do a bon fire in your yard and burn the sage, walk around the property and do the same thing. I use it my house regularly, and at Pow-wows the native americans burn sage and sweet grass everywhere to cleans the area, and to cleans the dance circle. It really does work. I also found that strengthening your chakras and your aura helps alot. I not only have neg attacks, I have spirits who come and go through my house, most just want to be seen, a few however are really bad, I have woke up from horrible dreams,not ordinary nightmares, to find one standing by my head, they like to invade my dreams and my emotions. I found that if I don't get rid of them right away, they move on to do other things, and create chaos. Hope you try it, and hope it helps.


Originally posted by Serena

Just a suggestion,in native american and in magical practice sage is burned to cleans negative spirits and entities from any area that one needs. I would say for what you have that you should burn it in glass or shell containers in each room of your house, the smoke will get into every crevice,open closet doors, while the smoke is burning speak loud and clear and walk through every room while commanding all negative spirits and entities to leave your home, tell them they are not welcome. As Dark Night suggested to me ask and give permission to the arc angel Michel to destroy all neg forces around you and in your home. Picture Michel with his blue flaming sword cutting down any and all negative forces, and standing guard over you and your home. You must close all windows and doors and allow the sage smoke to be within the house, the smell is awful but it is a very strong tool, the more smoke, the better, (without choking yourself.) Afterwards burn sweet grass in all of the rooms, and invite the good angels, and guides to be in your home and protect you. Then hang the braid of sweet grass by the door that is used more often, if you have more than one door in use,hang another there. Unfortunatley this is not a cure all, it must be done at least once a week, but I guarentee that you will have peace in between. I would also suggest if you can to do a bon fire in your yard and burn the sage, walk around the property and do the same thing. I use it my house regularly, and at Pow-wows the native americans burn sage and sweet grass everywhere to cleans the area, and to cleans the dance circle. It really does work. I also found that strengthening your chakras and your aura helps alot. I not only have neg attacks, I have spirits who come and go through my house, most just want to be seen, a few however are really bad, I have woke up from horrible dreams,not ordinary nightmares, to find one standing by my head, they like to invade my dreams and my emotions. I found that if I don't get rid of them right away, they move on to do other things, and create chaos. Hope you try it, and hope it helps.

In Pagan practice this is called smudging. Cedar and rosemary also work well for this. I was going to suggest these things myself but you beat me to it[:)]

Since you have meditated quite a bit I suggest you try the shielding excercises. Imagine a shell around your aura that protects you from harm.


perhaps the house is imprinted with some bad emotions, perhaps it is even haunted

smudging is a very effective tool, especially if you believe it to work,

ive also heard the best weapon to use against benelovent spirits is love energy, instead of resisting them you accept them

its almost like aikido (sp?) when you don't resist you can't be hurt, the only reason you get hurt by an "attack" is because you put up barriers to resist them

but this might not be such a good way to act, i think ignorance is the best way, just think "get the F*** outta my house"  and then start singing in your head, I find a nice annoying tune will drive away most spirits just as easily as smudging
opinions are like kittens, just give 'em away


Sounds like it's time to kick some butt!!!

Seriously, there are a lot of things you can do to fix this situation--and they all take spine and conviction and discipline in order to succeed. First of all, I think it's pretty rude if your mother and brother are fighting and screaming in your house. They may be family, but they are also guests and you are completely within your rights to sit them down and calmly explain that harmony is the rule--they just can't fight here...period. Get them to agree to this verbally, and then if they start freaking out again later, get really close in their faces (I'm serious--get physically close and invade their spaces, one a time) in order to get their complete attention and remind them that they agreed to this and promised not to fight. If this doesn't work and they are completely out of control emotionally, calmly start carrying their belongings out into the street.

Emotional situations like you describe can ruin your perimeter defenses and allow spooks in. But you have a RIGHT to have peace and Light in your home which is what you are creating with your meditation and other practices.

As far as the spooks go, passive measures like smudging are nice--but they probably don't do enough in the case of a very aggressive entity. At the most, they just give you temporary relief too. From my perspective, and I've been the target of attacks for over 20 years now, passive measures only buy you time. In fact, I've known about them for a long time but I just don't bother with them. It's like waking up one day and finding a mean dog has taken up residence at your doorstep and every time you go out the door, he bites you. The answer is to permanently remove the darn thing from your life (or from earthly existence...[;)]).

Serena has the right idea. Call loudly to Archangel Michael to come right there into your house and seize all negative entities and remove them from the planet. When I'm attacked I feel sensations similar to what you describe, tickling and prickling around the back of my neck and down my spine. Also, my hair stands up and I sometimes can't help but shiver. The thing is, when they go so far as to touch and try to penetrate my perimeter, what that means is that I have them firmly in my gunsights and they are through. I place my attention on the spook and I don't let go, and I call out loudly and repeatedly to Archangel Michael and his blue fiery angels to seize the thing and blast it with their swords. Smash it!! Blast it!!! Imagine all kinds of violence going on--fire shooting around the room and a terrified spook trying desperately to get away.

What this does is either: 1.The spook gets away but will probably NOT come back--check. or 2.The spook gets either seized and removed to a place where he is in prison, or else is just blasted into oblivion--check. I personally don't care which it is. I just keep up the fight until the feelings around my neck and spine disappear. And I walk all around the house keeping it up, just to make sure the thing isn't hiding, or to make sure to get any other spooks. When you're done, the atmosphere of the whole house should feel just heavenly and peaceful from all the Light and Angelic presence. Don't stop forcefully (but lovingly..) shouting and asking for Light and Love to replace all entities and negativity in your whole house or neighborhood or even your city. Don't stop until you feel the Light and Peace tangibly everywhere in the house.

What I'm describing works--I have over 20 years of experience doing this stuff. The beauty of it is that it's not up to you or your energy--it's an unstoppable force of angels who are doing what they like to do.

Just don't underestimate the possible need to keep up this thing UNTIL it's over. You don't want to give up half way through because you feel fearful or distracted. You can't be timid or experimental in your attitude--you've got to see this as a thing of finality--finished in one session. It would take me about 20 minutes to clear the decks in the situation you describe. Magnetize those angels to you by the love of your heart and your sure knowledge that peace and harmony are your God given right in your own house.
The journey upwards is worth the inconvenience.


There are many practitioners and experimenters who attempt to practice certain mysteries and arts that were kept secret and only thought under supervision to students who were tried and tested.  There are many innocent individuals who are creating difficult situations for themselves and others by experimenting and practising various spiritual techniques and principles without being fully aware of the many side effects and consequences.

As far as the problems you may be having one of them is probally due to the overstimulation of your energy body by doing to many spiritual exercises.  This hyperactivation usually leads to an accute sensitivity to astral experiences including feeling and hearing things that does not exists physically. This oversensitivity can lead to other problems if it is not put into proper balance effectly. There should always be a balance between the astral and physical conciousness and one should not be allowed to dominate over the other. One effective way to restore balance is to simply ignore these astral experiences and try and focus your attention on physical things. Another important thing to remember is that the astral can be either positive or negative depending on what you choose to focus your attention on.

Now as far as the other conditions in your home . After some examination I can say that it may have some abnormal energies but nothing that could not be removed by either a good old fashioned house cleaning or probally some prayer asking for it to be cleansed.  Another important thing is for the individuals living there to try and live as harmoniously as possible to prevent a further contamination of the area.

Best wishes,


Does it become worse when try to shield (using Psycich self defence ?). Any feelings in your legs (fussiness ,electricity , or pinpricking energy?) and back? Is it much more severe when you go to bed/are meditating?.

If so try to keep your mind ocupied elsewhere than on your feelings.
Take a shower , did it help some? Try other activities that consumes your attencion .

If yes to most of thise questions it could seem like the prelude stages for kundalini. Cause it seems very similar to my experiences and i to thought i was under attack.(lol sometimes i still wonder).

But anyway it is only to give you another option to consider. And I wont tell you to discard your attack teory. It just struck me as so similar what i experienced and tried to stop it with (thought i didnt see any balls of light).

You say it seems to be the house but try and be gone for a weekend and see if your symptoms is going away or is following you.
Also check if your family noticed any diffrences when you where gone.

I would think if you did not get better but your family did you may be under attack (or you may be growing emphatic and sending confused signals).guess much checking/experimentation to pinpoint any problem is in order.Try sending family away and you stay and going both away.

If you did get better and your family did not , then I guess its very likely your house and you could always move if you cant find any ghostbusters.

But if you did not get better and your family stays the same.
I would say it isnt very likely to be either the house or an attack (thought i am by no means an expert) .And this would be the most likely scenario for a kundalini , since you would persive things much more chaotic than it realy is. (Note I am assuming here that your family realy is the way they act. Also note that my teory falls to pieces if other family members start seeing thise lights.)

Anyway best of luck to ya.


Dear Anonymous6776,

Do not fear whatever "thing" you think is in your house, rather the opposite. Light a candle and pray God for that "entity" (or just negative energy) to go away and leave your house and family away. Of course you also have to work on your brother and mother. It seems that you are the "pillar" that is holding this family together and a lot of responsibility is on your shoulder. So far you have done very well it seems, so continue the good job and have trust in yourself and your strength. Whatever you feel in your neck or other part of your body might just be a kind of fear (that maybe you inhibit unconsciously) and nothing to fear. There is no way any astral "thing" can act in the physical world, rather the opposite, we, as biological creatures, are able to act in the astral and we are the ones who create these things (you might want to have a look at the religion forum where I posted something about how the Zohar explains Negs and other things). We are also the ones who are able to transform these dark "things" into "light". Try to have your family apologize and understand each other, work with love. Hatred is "notorious" for creating "negs" (or whatever you want to call). So there is nothing to fear, the only thing is to fear is that your family is fighting. Talk to them, continue helping them if you can and if it does not hurt you. I sincerely hope that your mother is not serious when she talks about suicide. You have to make sure she does not hurt herself. Trust in the strength that you have to help the others and to keep on going! If you need more help you can send us private messages on this board, by clicking on the name of the person who posts a message, then you will see the "profile" of that person and the possibility to send meesages to that person, and depending on where you live you can even make real contact with people to get help. You can also get help in your "community" or wherever you are.

Take care!


No matter what is happening around you, a crucial thing is that you get yourself as centered and strong as you can.  Clean your energy field thru whatever means (smudging, meditation, etc), and make sure your base chakra is closed in this situation, if your auric "teflon coat" is strong and "unscratched" the s**t can't stick.  Be totally clear to yourself (mentally & emotionally) that you do NOT give permission for this to happen.  YOU have the power here.  Then attempt the house clearing thru the excellent methods suggested already and asking for all the angelic helpers.

When I first found myself under attack, the tendency to panic and  yap internally "I'm under attack" drained so much of my energy that I needed to make myself strong. Instead I gave my energy away to the thing I was trying to protect myself from.   By getting myself strong first, I took back my power, and was able to use it wisely to address the situation.

Love and Light



  I am writing because I have come under signifigant attack, and seem stuck to bear it.  Some background, I have been meditating for about a year and have made what I consider to be signifigant progress.  I have had multiple OBE experiences, and have developed my energy body to the point where energy stimulation which took me to the edge of my tolerance threshold, now(for the most part)only produces a warm wave.  Over the last few months as I have progressed I have begun to sense something else in my house.  I have always felt uneasy about the ouse I am living in, but was able to, at least partially, dismiss it and go on with daily life.  However, it has progressed to the point that I am now seeing specks of yellow light flying across my house at night, and I have, especially when I enter a certain room(but more and more now it happens wherever I go in the house) felt a pushing sort of pin prickly energy in my spine below my shoulder blades.  This is, when most intensely felt, followed by a coldness in the neck.  However it isn't a physical coldness, as when I touch my neck it feels warm, warmer in fact than the surrounding areas.  It has become relentless.  I have tried  awareness action, chopping up cloves of garlic and keeping them near me, stepping over running water, taking a shower when it is at its worst(It comes straight from out of the ground, 100 feet down.)  Playing music in my room, keeping a light on, and I also have plants growing right near my bed, for whatever positive purifying benefit they might offer.  I realize this all might seem a bit overboard, but nothing seems to work.  The reason for this increase in activity, I believe, is that I just had some family move in with me, my mother and my youngest brother who are constantly at each others throats, my youngest brother has become near uncontrollable, and it has worn my mother down to the point where she is near suicidal, and constantly threatening to ease her pain with suicide, or by getting back on the bottle.  (Many years age she was an alchoholic.)  If I had to wager a guess It would be that the amount of negative energy they have brought into the house is being used against me, as the attack is constant now.  The worst part of my ordeal is the urges I commonly have.  I have a very strong will(for example I am heavily into fitness, and havent eaten junk food in any sense in the last 5 years)this is just who I am.  But these are so strong.  I have urges to do horrible things, and when they leave me, my morality recoils, and it brings me to the brink of tears.  I am a good person, I volunteer weekly at a shelter, what I am trying to say is these urges are completely foreign, but when they hit me  it is a fight to remain human.  They are progressive in nature.  I just dont know what to do....I have no history of mental illness, I have never abused drugs, my family used to be strong, now its in shambles, I am starting to question who I am.  Up unil now I have always been "normal."  I just dont know what to do.....